Aerobic Exercise Prevents Hair Loss!


I have had male pattern baldness for many years know. I really do not have a bald spot but I do have a general thinning of my hair. I have done lots of research on this and have started taking saw palmetto to help stop my loss.


Since I have been taking saw palmetto, my hair loss has decreased to normal which is about 50 to 100 strands a day plus my hair strands that fall out are longer. Premature hair loss caused by male pattern baldness has hairs that are thinner and shorter.

The hair I was losing was now longer and thicker indicating my hair was not being lost to male pattern baldness. As I was riding my stationary bike I began to wonder if it was the saw palmetto stopping my hair loss or my exercising.

Stimulating Hair Growth

The hormone DHT that attaches to the hair follicle causes male pattern baldness. This will stop nutrients from getting to the follicle and hair strand. Eventually the follicle will shrink and die and the hair strand will fall out.

In order to stop this hair loss and re-grow hair stimulating the scalp and increasing blood flow to allow for more nutrients to be presented to the follicles appears to be the most effective means. Methods used to increase blood flow to the scalp to stimulate hair growth and stop hair loss caused by male pattern baldness are Minoxidil, laser treatment and massaging the scalp.

Can Exercise Stop Loss Of Hair?

Since the main method employed today to stop hair loss caused by male pattern baldness is to increase blood flow to the scalp, why shouldn't aerobic exercise work to stop hair loss? It does the same thing as Minoxidil, laser treatment and massaging the scalp because aerobic exercise increases the blood flow in the body, too.


I started taking saw palmetto at the same time I started riding the stationary bike. I ride my bike at 20 miles per hour for up to an hour and really get the blood to circulating.

Though I have no specific proof that aerobic exercise can stop you from losing your hair and re-grow your hair caused by male pattern baldness, it does do the same thing that Minoxidil, laser treatment and massaging does, it increases blood circulation in the scalp.


Though no specific proof is documented that vigorous exercise stops hair loss caused by male pattern baldness, doing vigorous exercise does increase the blood circulation. Increasing blood circulation to the scalp has been proven to stop hair loss caused by male pattern baldness, so why not vigorous exercise?

Aerobic Exercise Prevents Hair Loss!

Jimmy Chase got into hair styling when he was in the Navy. After the Navy, he continued on in the profession of hair styling and studied how people can have beautiful hair.

Jimmy Chase started losing his hair when he turned 50. He has done lots of studies on loss of hair, in both men and women, to determine what works and what doesn't. He has successfully stopped his hair loss and has even re-grown some of his hair. He wants to help other people learn what he has learned, on dealing with loss of hair and re-growing hair.

He operates the web site

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