
Teamwork is crucial

Don't think it minuscule


It means everything

To accomplish anything

It's called cooperation.

TEAM is an acronym

The meaning enlightening






We should learn

To work together

Not be hard as leather

Nor soft as a feather

Not be critical and cold

Neither shun being bold

Don't beat me down

To the dirty ground

But don't flatter me

And thereby deny me

From being all I could be

I certainly do need thee.

We undoubtedly can't be

All that we were meant to be

Without a collaborative effort

A hearty commitment to exert

Ourselves together fully

Or drive each other crazy

Produce peaceably collectively

Or perish pathetically individually

Teamwork is the key consistently

The most important ingredient

The sustaining saving solvent

Stay together against deterrence

Improve the national defence

Unite and pledge allegiance

Take rest. Don't be so intense.

Live together in communities dense

Discover technological brilliance

Engineer and build a Mercedes Benz

Legislate new laws and adherence

Place people over proud pretense.

Get some collective societal sense

Whence you can make a few pence

Thence we can rejoice and dance

Fearlessly take a chance and advance

Kindly forgive, forget, and be resilient

Overcome being emotionally buoyant

Elegantly articulate being verbally fluent

Prefer, get along, and be considerate

Us, over me, as we show sensitivity

Less of me, more of we triumphantly

Teamwork makes us indefeatable

Our energy can be indefatigable

Resources multiply indefinable

Profound intelligence undebatable

Care and compassion supernatural

Mightily power increases exponential

A team is invaluable and monumental

Together for us nothing is impossible.


Paul Davis is a FL real estate professional, life coach (relational & professional), worldwide minister, and change master.

Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has served in many war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His Dream-Maker Inc. is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.

Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching:, 407-284-1705.

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Thanks To : The stress no more