Quick Exercise Workouts That Will Burn Calories and Fat

Trying to fit an exercise routine into your busy schedule can often be difficult. Most of us wake up early, go to work, come home, eat, relax a little then go to bed - only to start it all over again in the morning. You know you need to exercise to stay in shape, so it's helpful to come up with a few quick exercise workouts that will burn calories and fat.

If you're trying to lose some fat, it helps to work out with exercises that burn the most calories. To keep it simple, focus on exercises where you move your body a lot. Swimming is excellent, since you're moving both your arms and legs at the same time. In addition, you have the added resistance of the water. Walking, jogging, and bike riding can also be effective, but can also make for long exercise sessions.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Of course, not everyone has the time to go for a swim - or even a pool for that matter - or 30-45 minutes for a bike ride or walk. So, we'll have to look elsewhere. There are several kettlebell or dumbbell weight lifting programs that you can find, or design yourself.

Quick Exercise Workouts That Will Burn Calories and Fat

A circuit training weight loss program is a great option. Circuit training isn't an exercise in itself, but more of a way to exercise. Typically, circuit training consists of combining a string of exercises together in order to make the session more efficient. Kettlebells and dumbbells are excellent for circuit training, with kettlebells being a bit more effective.

The idea is to keep your body moving, going from one exercise to the next. This allows you to keep your workload high, burning calories, but without fatiguing individual muscles, so you can keep going. For example, if you just did 20 pushups, your arms and chest would get tired before you got sufficient work for your heart and lungs, and before you really burned many calories. However, imagine, for example, if you did 10 pushups, then immediately did 10 jumping jacks, then 10 kettlebell presses, then 20 kettlebell swings, then repeated the circuit. None of your individual muscle groups (chest, arms, legs, etc.) would get overly tired, but your system as a whole would. This type of training lets you give your heart and lungs a sufficient workout, and burns a lot of calories in a short period of time.

Whether you use a kettlebell or dumbbell, weight lifting programs that focus on circuit training allow you to get an effective workout in just 10-20 minutes. Working out this way three to five times a week can give you results comparable to other exercises that burn the most calories, but in a shorter, more convenient format.

You also have to make sure that you combine a healthy diet with these quick exercise workouts. That will burn calories and fat - not just the exercise alone. It's much easier to eat 300 fewer calories in a day than it is to burn off an additional 300 calories in a day. So, if you lower your calories and start a circuit training weight loss program, you can reach your goals much faster. For the average person, cutting out soft drinks is a great first step. Cutting back on other junk foods is next. Then, begin learning little bits of information about reducing and burning calories, and putting those little bits into your daily routine.

Quick Exercise Workouts That Will Burn Calories and Fat

For more information about kettlebell training, fat loss, general fitness, diet and nutrition, visit http://www.nostinkinggym.com - a site for regular folks who like to work out at home. Visit now to get your FREE eBook!