Health Benefits of Ice Skating

Whether you are a professional ice skater, a toddler, a retiree, a student, or a housewife, you can get health benefits from ice skating.

Being in itself an aerobic exercise just like walking, running, and swimming, it offers positive effects for your cardiovascular health. An advantage over running is that it is not as hard on your joints, as it is a low-impact exercise, unless you do jumps while ice skating. It makes heart muscles healthy, providing significant protection from coronary artery diseases and subsequent heart attacks. It also aids in weight loss, as one gets to burn 250 to 810 calories per hour with recreational ice skating, according to the U.S. Figure Skating Association webpage. Meanwhile, competitive skating uses up more calories, at 450 to 1,080 per hour of skating. Just to illustrate, a 68-kg man skating continuously for an hour burns as much calories as when he is running five miles in an hour.

\"keep Fit\"

As with other sports activities, ice skating also improves ones endurance. Endurance builds when one maintains a constant, steady pace, over a longer period of time. It is important though that at the start, it is all right to settle for short distances, but over time, these have to be increased gradually so that endurance increases as well.

Ice skating also improves muscle tone. When ice skating, the quadriceps and hamstrings are the leg muscles which do the most work, but many other muscles in the body work in concert with these leg muscles. The abdominal and back muscles also need to contract and relax in order to maintain an upright posture and balance.

Mental fitness is also enhanced with ice skating, as it exercises ones mental control during the act. One needs to be very alert and aware during skating. It is a de-stressor and a form of relaxation for many individuals who use it as a means to break free from the stresses of life and work. The fresh air and sunshine in outdoor ice skating, as well as the company of family and friends, greatly help in unwinding from a long week of work and problems. Self confidence is definitely improved as well. The challenge of establishing full body control and balance brings pride when one is able to overcome these.

It is very nice to see that adults are becoming more aware of their health, and that many have turned to ice skating to become physically fit. Gone are the days when only children were interested in moving and gliding on ice.

Health Benefits of Ice Skating

Drew Mers is a marketing consultant to City Ice Pavilion in World Ice Arena.

My Links : World Health Club What to do to lose weight

Jelqing Exercise Video - See Exactly How to Perform the Jelqing Exercise

The best way to learn how to perform enlarging exercises is to actually see them being performed.  A jelqing exercise video is a great way to learn how to perform the best enlarging exercise called jelqing. 

You can read all day about how to perform jelqing, but you will likely still have some question marks about the details and what exactly it should look like.  A jelqing exercise video takes all the guesswork out of it, by showing you someone actually doing it. 


But, there are some BIG challenges with finding a good jelqing exercise video.  Obviously they can be explicit and hard to find.  But there are safe for work alternative instructional videos you can find as well.

Here's where to find the best videos showing how to effectively jelq:

1. Membership Sites

There are jelqing membership sites where you will find videos showing you the real deal on how to jelq.  You have to pay to get inside the sites, but for many guys it is worth it since you not only get an effective routine but also get actual video showing you how to perform properly.

2. Jelqing Blogs

Every now and then you will come across someone who has put up a blog which provides video instruction.  These are actually really good and will provide a great idea of how to do the exercise.  The catch to blogs is that they won't exactly show you the "real deal".  Instead they will use creative measures to demonstrate the technique.  But this actually works out better for most guys, as the videos will not be explicit and will be safe for work.

Jelqing Exercise Video - See Exactly How to Perform the Jelqing Exercise

Here is an excellent blog which provides a FREE jelqing exercise video. Check it out -

This free video demonstrates the jelqing technique by taking very creative measures! You will find out how to perform this highly effective exercise for getting bigger quickly. Don't miss out on this rare video! -

See Also : Massage

Four Types of Exercises to Keep You Fit at Any Age

Scientists now know that it's unsafe to not stay active, no matter how old you are. And you don't need to buy fancy clothes or belong to a gym to become more active.

Unfortunately, most people don't get enough physical activity. Here are some reasons why they should:

\"keep Fit\"

* Believe it or not, the combination of the lack of physical activity and not eating the right foods are the second greatest inherent cause of death in the United States.

* Physical exercise can help people feel their best and help them enjoy life more.

* Regular exercise can check or delay some diseases like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes.

There are four types of exercises that you can do to have the right mix of physical activities.

1. Get at least 30 minutes of activity that makes you breathe harder on most or all days of the week. You don't have to be active for 30 minutes all at once. Ten minutes of endurance activity at a time is fine. Just make sure those 10-minute sessions add up to a total of 30 minutes most days.

2. Keep using your muscles. When muscles aren't used, they waste away at any age. Muscles increase your metabolism, allowing you to incinerate more calories during the day when your body is at rest.

3. Do things to help your balance. Every now and then walk heel-to-toe. When you walk this way, the toes of the foot in back should almost touch the heel of the foot in front.

4. Stretch. Stretching can help keep your flexibiliyy to help you move more freely. Stretch when your muscles have warmed up.

So, make physical activity a part of your everyday life. Find things you enjoy. Go for brisk walks. Ride a bike. Dance. Work around the house and in the yard, take care of your garden, climb the stairs, or rake your leaves. Regular day to day chores around the house can keep you moving and active.

Four Types of Exercises to Keep You Fit at Any Age

Find more tips on how to keep fit

My Links : The stress no more Natural body spa

Bike Riding For Exercise - How Effective is It?

Bike riding for exercise is one effective way of staying fit and toned and building physical endurance. In biking, almost all parts of the body are exercised, from the legs to the thighs to the abdomen and even the arms. Cycling, though, is more recommended to people who wish to strengthen the lower part of their body since the upper half does not get as much activity as the lower part when it comes to riding a bike.

Exercise for busy people

\"keep Fit\"

Although riding road bikes along various terrain might be a lot more fun than cycling indoors, some people just don't have the time to venture outdoors and work on their fitness. For these busy individuals, there is the option of indoor biking. Exercise bikes for use inside the home or in gyms are readily available and serve the same function as road bikes. They can use either the recumbent or the upright type and choose from various brands like ProForm, Nautilus, Schwinn and Life Fitness.

How biking works the muscles

Cycling, even indoors, allows a person to strengthen his or her legs, thighs and glutes. It is an effective cardiovascular activity and can help tone the muscles and keep a person fit. Pedaling strengthens the legs and helps make the inner thighs firm. It also helps accelerate metabolism, increase heart rate and helps burn calories. A person can lose weight, become stronger and keep fit with a proper cycling program.

Equipment for the activity

For people who prefer a more strenuous exercise program, an upright exercise bike machine would be ideal. It is much the same as a road bike where the rider would be required to use the pedals in a vertical, albeit stationary, position. For individuals new to exercising, or those who suffer from back pains and injuries, the recumbent is the more preferred type of exercise equipment. A recumbent bike puts the rider in a more horizontal position, with a backrest to protect his back and the feet out in front for pedaling.

Modern features

To compensate for the lack of outdoor views and varying terrain, some manufacturers of indoor exercise bikes have incorporated virtual programs into their products wherein the rider can enter a virtual setting simulating an outdoor experience. Adjustable resistance features and pre-programmed add-ons also allow the rider to simulate uphill or downhill terrains, allowing him or her to vary the exercise program and move various muscles.

People interested in bike riding for exercise need to be careful before starting a cycling regimen. A consultation with a physical fitness expert on what type of program is the most appropriate and what equipment to use is the first step that should be taken by those who like cycling exercises. Just like outdoor biking, indoor cycling can also cause injuries and pains if the program is not done right and the activity is not guided or sanctioned by a physical fitness expert.

Bike Riding For Exercise - How Effective is It?

Find out more about keeping fit with Schwinn Exercise Bike equipment and other popular models at =>

Related : What is Pregnancy World Health Club How to balance Diet

How To Calculate Body Fat Percentage

Would you like to know how to calculate your body fat percentage? When most of us think about about losing weight, the amount of fat you are carrying around is actually much more important than weight.

If you should be measuring anything, it should be body fat percentage, not weight. Your weight does not accurately reflect the level of your fitness.

\"keep Fit\"

Body fat is measured with what is known as Body Mass Index, or BMI.

A women that is in shape should have a body fat percentage range from 21% to 31%.

If you are in fantastic shape, your body fat percentage could be as low as 10%.

For men, if you are fit and in shape, your body fat percentage should be between 14% and 25%. If you are in excellent shape, your body fat percentage could be as low as 2%.

To calculate your body fat percentage, write down how much you weigh but you have to be honest. Remember, no one will see this but you. Multiply your weight by 703.

Next, write down your height, in inches. Multiply by that same number. Then you will divide your weight number by your height number. That is your BMI.

For example, if your weight were 150 pounds x 703, your weight answer would be 105,450. If your height is 5'4", that would be 64 inches x 64 for a total of 4,096. Taking the 105,450 divided by 4,096, you come out with a BMI of 25.7.

There are other ways to measure your body fat percentage but this will give you a quick idea of where you are at.

If you are thinking about about losing weight, remember the amount of fat you are carry around is actually much more important than weight.

If you use the method above to figure out your current body fat percentage, you'll be on your way to a much healthier fitness level.

How To Calculate Body Fat Percentage

Gary Gresham is the author of "Fat Burning Secrets." Discover simple yet powerful changes that can have a major effect on your weight loss results with this free report at: Free Fat Burning Report

Recommend : Guide To Herb Natural body spa What to do to lose weight

The Insanity Workout is Not For Everyone

Not For Beginners.

The Insanity workout by Shaun T is not going to be a workout for beginners. If you are terribly out of shape, this workout is not going to be right for you. It is not a smart idea to overly exert yourself with a workout that is meant for people that are already in okay shape. Now I am not saying that everyone that is out of shape should not do the Insanity Workout, but I am saying that you need to make sure you are up for a difficult exercise. Even Shaun T himself says that Insanity is not for lazy people, nor is it for the week minded.


Why be so hard on the workout?

You need to be educated in order to pick the workout that is going to best suite you. Insanity is a high energy, explosive workout that has brought a lot of people great success with their body, but that just does not mean it is for everyone. It will help a lot more people, but there will be a select few that did not read this that the workout just proved to difficult for. If you really want to do the Insanity by Shaun T, but are in terrible shape, try a workout that is less intense and work your way up to insanity.

Do your homework.

When you are ready to make the commitment to try a workout DVD, make sure that you do your homework and pick what is going to be right for you mentally and physically. There are a lot of options to choose from so educate yourself and pick what is right for you.

Go for it.

Lastly, it is important that you are exercising. Exercise will make you more healthy, help you sleep better, reduce stress in your life and make you fit. Do not just sit around and hope to someday start working out. Take action now and start working out.

The Insanity Workout is Not For Everyone

Jake is a young man that loves fitness and exercise. He writes to inform people of the importance of the exercise to live a long and healthy life. Get more info on the Insanity Workout. Or check out another insane workout called the P90X.

Visit : What is Pregnancy Guide To Herb

Causes of Lower Back Pain and Sciatica and How to Avoid Them

What are the reasons that back pain and sciatica occur? Whilst no comprehensive answer can be given to this question there are very many everyday causes of these very painful conditions which we should try to be aware of.

The fact is that those who suffer from lower back pain or sciatica have often, perhaps unknowingly, contributed to their condition by some lifestyle matter. This is not just a question of not lifting in the wrong way, a well known factor to back pain problems, and the notorious slipped discs, but also of many other ways of doing things which may not at all be obvious. Several of these will be considered.

\"keep Fit\"

Turning and twisting whilst lifting
Apart from the necessary advice never to lift with your back (do not bend over to lift) but to lift with the muscles in your legs keeping your back straight the whole time, it is also important not to twist or turn as you lift. Nor should you turn either as you lift or with your back at any time with a weight in your hands. You should not allow your trunk to turn whilst you are lifting. To do so can place too much strain on the discs in your back. The right way to turn is with your legs whilst standing upright.

This activity is one of the prime suspects for causing back problems. Inevitably whilst gardening bending over seems to be unavoidable. The necessary works of gardening involve getting close to the ground. How else can the weeding, the planting and the removal of garden refuse be dealt with? Still worse are such jobs as laying or removing slabs of concrete for paths or drives and pushing an overladen wheelbarrow. And perhaps one of the most frequent causes of back pain from gardening works is the simple digging of a hole in the ground. Even if you start off well with a good long handle spade, sooner or later as the hole gets deeper you will be bending over in a bad position and placing a terrible strain on your back.

These then are jobs which those who suffer back pain or sciatica must simply avoid even if it means leaving the garden untended. Better an unkempt garden than the terrible pain of a displaced disc. Those jobs which you do attempt should be limited to those which do not impose a strain on your back and you need to be ready to stop the moment you feel that you may be beginning to overdo it. For example be careful not to overfill your wheelbarrow. It is better to go backwards and forwards a few more times with a light load than to run any risk. Remember as well never to bend over from the waist to reach the ground but instead to kneel down if possible and always keep your back straight.

Being overweight or unfit.
If you are overweight, and you will surely know if you are, you are likely to be placing too much strain on your back; because the surplus weight causes bad posture both when standing and when walking. If need be you should take the necessary steps to lose weight and there are plenty of ways to find advice on how to do it. Likewise just being unfit will place too much strain on your back. Muscles which lack strength or tone, will not cope well even with the normal stresses that they have to face. So just keeping fit is an important part of keeping back pain and sciatica at bay. For example walking and swimming are excellent activities for this purpose. See if you can find different ways to do some exercise every day.

Carrying heavy weights.
Sometimes it is difficult to avoid carrying bags or other items. But if you really have to do so then take some steps to try and mitigate the risk. When carrying a heavy bag change hands frequently so as to limit the time that the weight is on either side. And perhaps you can divide the weight up and have two bags instead of one which would certainly be preferable. Even better use a back pack with a strong belt strap pulled up properly so that the weight can be on your hips and less on your spine. Best of all use a trolley so that the weight can be pushed along.

Not sitting correctly.
Sitting imposes a strain on the back and the spine, and this is something every back pain sufferer should be aware of. You should always sit straight and have a support such as a cushion for the small of your back to help you maintain the correct posture. Remember that if you slump forward or if your back is rounded forward then your back will inevitably have that undesirable strain imposed on it.

A very good tip when sitting is to make sure that the seat allows your knees to be lower than your hips. Check out the seats that you routinely use and see how they measure up to this standard. You may be shocked to see just how few are satisfactory. Many seats rise towards the front and this inevitably means that the hips and the back are titled the wrong way. Sofas and "comfortable" armchairs are notorious for this problem. Of course you may not like to accept this especially if the armchair is a favorite or has been expensive; but it is better to admit the problem with the chair than to suffer the back pain. All is not necessarily lost however and it may be possible to remedy the defect in the chair with cushions (especially a wedge shaped cushion) to raise your hips higher and to allow your knees to be lower.

One of the very worst types of seat is the car seat which so often has a final rising front and a back which curves inward. With any such seat back problems are very probable. A lumber support and cushions may remedy the deficiency but if not, it is best to look for an alternative seat or even an alternative car with more satisfactory seats.

An unsatisfactory bed. or mattress.
Does your back start to ache as soon as you stand up from your bed each morning? If so then your bed or your mattress may be part of the reason for your condition. A bed which sags in the middle or which does not support your back adequately as you sleep can so easily create real problems for your back. The fault may be the bed itself; for example a sprung base may cause the mattress above it to sag. Or it may be that the mattress is worn out and dips in the middle. Or possibly a combination of both defects. A bed with a sprung base can be modified by placing a sheet of wood immediately under the mattress and this may cure the sagging. However a mattress which is worn out needs to be replaced.

For more information about lower back pain and sciatica please visit lower-back-sprain

Please bear in mind that this article is for general information purposes only and is not medical advice about your health. If you have a medical condition or problem you should always consult your doctor as to the matter which may be more serious than you realize.

Causes of Lower Back Pain and Sciatica and How to Avoid Them

P.H. Stokesay writes on a number of topics including back pain and sciatica, magnetic therapy and how to learn foreign languages. For more information about lower back pain and sciatica please visit lower-back-sprain

Related : What is Pregnancy

Yoga Exercise

In these health conscious times where we are all too aware of the importance of keeping fit, taking excess weight off and making sure our bodies are strong and flexible Yoga is often a good option to achieve these things. Indeed there is little to beat it in terms of helping our bodies gain strength, keep a youthful bounce in the step and combat stress. Some of the more gentle forms of Yoga such as Restorative Yoga or Yin Yoga tend not to incorporate a cardio-vascular workout in the routines but many other styles of yoga give good workouts across the whole range of body fitness.

However there is another side to Yoga which may appeal to different people, or it may attract people who want to keep fit but in a more thoughtful way than doing 'just a workout.' Yoga was devised by philosophers and monks who wanted to experience the ultimate in self realisation. They would sit for hours in mediation and contemplation, seeking that moment of enlightenment as they connected with a Universal source of energy or Goodness. In order to prepare their bodies for such a demanding yet passive activity they found that by doing sequences of postures regularly they could get their bodies into wonderful condition to stay mobile and healthy whilst they meditated. They combined this with breathing practices which helped their lungs and heart - as well as helping them change their state of consciousness.

\"keep Fit\"

This background gives a rich history and depth to the practice of yoga and for people who would like to deepen their own self understanding and have greater awareness and more control over their unruly and often unhelpful thinking patterns yoga offers this too. This aspect of yoga is often left out of everyday classes where fitness is the goal, although remnant of it remain in some breathing exercises and the all-important final relaxation. Remember next time you do a yoga class that that time at the end where you let go of tension and feel the energy and relief in your body after it has worked through all those postures is really to help you know yourself better. There is definitely a lot more to Yoga than we first realise.

Ask your yoga teacher for more information and maybe he or she will start to add extra elements of yoga practice into your classes. Or maybe you want a great fitness routine now and don't want to use yoga's other dimensions - there is no right way to do it. Whatever suits you is the best way forward.

Yoga Exercise

Restorative Yoga Workshops and more information about how to use this form of self healing can be found on Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga. The Fifty, Fit and Fabulous programme provides a step by step approach to wellbeing through holistic care and is outlined on these sites.

Tags : Exercise Workouts

Are Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy Dangerous?

Contrary to common belief, ovarian cysts during pregnancy pose no major health problems to women. The fact is of the matter is, it is quite a common occurrence among pregnant women. Moreover, there have not been many recorded occasions when symptoms hampered normal pregnancy.

Ovarian cysts occur at a rate of 1 in every 1,000 pregnancies and only 1 in 25,000 will develop ovarian cancer. This means that most cysts are harmless. Benign cysts are thinly walled and filled with harmless fluid and will not pose dangers unless they grow to uncomfortable proportions and rupture. Since the condition seldom impede normal pregnancy, doctors, in a lot of cases, will just maintain close surveillance and wait for the cysts to go away. Most cysts are known to leave as quickly as they appeared.


A ruptured ovarian cyst is the most dangerous thing that can happen to pregnant women, except when the cysts are cancerous. The pain is intense enough to cause early labor or miscarriage. Thankfully, anesthesia and other pain relievers do not have harmful side effects and can be used to ease the pain. Also, the fluids coming from the burst cysts are not a source of infection. Even then, doctors must be alert on possible complications resulting from untimely labor and delivery.

Drastic action from doctors is required when cysts that grow on stems become twisted, causing excruciating pain. Most of the time, they have to be surgically removed. Cysts 6 cm to 8 cm in size will exert pressure on the other organs of the body, particularly the bladder and bowels. Cysts these large are also most likely to burst. Doctors usually will have them removed to pre-empt rupture.

Some of the symptoms of ovarian cyst are very similar to pregnancy. Doctors always want to make sure that all the discomforts experienced by pregnant women are, in fact, due to pregnancy and not ovarian cysts. Most women can have ovarian cysts and may not even be aware of them, which is understandable since seldom are there symptoms. In pregnant women, however, doctors will be extra careful and make sure that the abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and queasiness are solely the result of pregnancy and not of ovarian cysts that are malignant, have grown too big, or are on the brink of rupture. It is through examinations related to pregnancy that ovarian cysts are sometimes detected as well.

When a pregnant woman is found to have ovarian cysts, doctors will order an ultrasound along with other tests just to make sure that the cysts are not malignant. But there is actually nothing much too fear. Ovarian cysts during pregnancy are overwhelmingly benign and in extreme cases where rupture occurs, effective remedies are available.

Are Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy Dangerous?

Discover the natural treatments for ovarian cysts that have set many women free from pain and discomfort!

Recommend : Natural body spa

I Want Him to Love Me Again - 6 Easy Ways on How to Make Him Love Me Again

I want him to love me again. Your mind and heart are bombarded by thoughts like these. You are so dense on how to start courting the man of your life. Would you do the first move? Or you would just wait for him to take the initiation?

Whoever is at fault in turning this relationship to come into its end; both of you should work hard to finish whatever is unfinished, or settle what is have to be settled. Do you really believe that his love is worthy of your love? Do you think it is still possible to be back in each other's arms?


Most of us believe in the power and magic of love. You just have to exert every effort you can to keep the hope alive, and keep this relationship from going.
Below are the steps, which can be your guide in winning him back.

1. Start assessing yourself. Did you become a good girlfriend to him while you were still together? Were you able to make him happy? And, were you both happy in your relationship? If yes is your answer to all these questions, try to think of other reasons why your relationship came into an end.

2. Think of other factors that might have affected your relationship. It could be your family, friends or even your studies or work.

3. After assessing yourself, make your move now to improve, whatever needs to be improved.

4. Maintain your wit and beauty. Be sure to look good all the time. So when you accidentally meet him you are at your best, and he will not think that you had neglected yourself. Having a sense of pride is absolutely important after a breakup. You need to regain the old you, whom he loved before.

5. Have time to be at peace first with yourself. A retreat is a big help for the both of you.

6. Allow time to heal all wounds from this relationship. Whatever happens, never take the first move. It will just make you look so desperate, which men do not like.

I Want Him to Love Me Again - 6 Easy Ways on How to Make Him Love Me Again


Visit : What is Pregnancy The stress no more Massage

Symptoms of Hyperacidity

Hydrochloric acid is very essential and helps in the digestion process. When the amount of hydrochloric acid increases in its level, it leads to acidity problems. This will subsequently gives rise to the inflammation of the mucus membrane. Further, people might be affected with duodenal, peptic and gastric ulcers. The symptoms of all these disorders can be quite confusing.

Acidity will give a burning sensation and can also cause pain in the abdominal region. This can be accompanied by constipation in the advanced stages. If disorder is not treated well the patient can suffer from mental irritation, insomnia and the health will gradually decline. The burning sensation is due to the flow of gastric contents in to the esophagus. The gastric ulcer will erode the segments the GI mucosa. Swallowing becomes difficult in the earlier stages accompanied by a sour taste. The mouth will be often filled with bitter fluid. Asthma, sneezing, wheezing are some of the common disorders associated with hyper acidity. People from all parts of the world are being affected and there is no age limit as it can attack every single individual. The conditions might get worse if wrong food items are included in daily diet.


Some people might get confused the symptoms reflux disease with the symptoms heart diseases. Here are certain methods to distinguish between the two.

o Heartache will occur generally after the meals and heart attacks will occur while performing any kinds of activities.
o Hyperacidity is the condition due to the excessive flow of hydrochloric acid but the Heart attack will exert some pressure on the walls of the heart which can cause squeezing sensation with shortness of breath.

It is always good to differentiate the symptoms and treat them accordingly. A thorough understanding of this type of disorder will make the treatment process easier.

Symptoms of Hyperacidity

If You are looking for more information then I would recommend you to visit Symptoms of Hyperacidity and Acid reflux infants.

Related : World Health Club Natural body spa Massage

How to Keep Fit and Healthy at All Times

If you want to keep fit and healthy at all times, then you have to make some active effort. Keeping fit doesn't only mean looking good from the outside. It means being physically active, mentally sound, and feeling energetic and ready to face the tasks of everyday life.

In order to keep fit and healthy, you don't have to run for hours, or spend several hours at a gym, or playing football or tennis, or riding a bike. You can start by doing simple exercises. People have all sorts of excuses for not exercising. Most everyone has family, children, and busy work schedules to take care of. However, if you want to stay healthy and live longer, then you have to make some little changes towards a healthy lifestyle.

\"keep Fit\"

To keep fit and healthy, follow a healthy and balanced diet everyday. Make sure that your everyday diet includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and protein. You should cut down on red meat, junk foods, caffeine, and sugar intake. Avoid soft drinks or canned fruit juices. Instead, opt for a variety of fresh fruits, vegetable salads, freshly made fruit juices, milk, nutritious energy drinks, etc.

You need to be more active in order to keep fit and healthy. Modern life has become very sedentary, with fewer scopes for physical activities. You need to exercise in order to burn those calories. Minimum physical activity slows down your metabolism rate. So, you can put on weight even when you eat less. On the other hand, exercise and a more active life will burn up the calories, even when you eat a little more. You can simply go for a brisk walk, or jog, or you can join a gym. The important thing is that you must include some physical exercise in your everyday life, because fitness and health cannot be achieved without some physical exercise.

For a healthy life sufficient sleep is important. Lack of sleep can make you feel tired the next day. So work hard, but make sure that you have enough sleep; so that your body gets the time to replenish itself.

Do not skip your breakfast, no matter how busy you are. Breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day. It works as a fuel for your body and keeps you going for the rest of day. If you skip breakfast, you will feel hungrier in the latter part of the day, and you may end up eating more! So, you may run a risk of gaining weight, if you skip your breakfast frequently.

If you are not a healthy eater and find it difficult to improve your food habits due to busy, erratic, work schedules, then you may be depriving your body of the essential nutrients that are important for good health. In the long run, unhealthy food habits can lead you to serious health hazards. An easy solution to this problem is to include multi-vitamin supplements in your daily food intake. Multi-vitamins can be taken to replenish the nutritional deficiencies in your daily diet.

Following these simple but effective rules will enable you to keep fit and healthy at all times.

How to Keep Fit and Healthy at All Times

For fast weight loss solutions visit our in-depth guide, for a more active lifestyle visit our blog.

Thanks To : What is Detox The stress no more How to balance Diet

Health and Wellness

The term health and wellness are frequently used interchangeably, but the meanings are slightly different from each other. Health can be defined as a state of our physical being, whether good or bad. Our state of health depends on various factors like heredity, environmental condition, choices of foods and drinks, fitness and exercises, sleep and rest, thoughts and our emotional state of mind. Wellness on the other hand is defined as the overall processes of maintaining a general state of good health, it entails the conscious decision of the person involved to experience wellness while health simply means persons condition.

The combined phrase health and wellness can simply be defined as a pursuit of overall health as far as human beings are concerned. The term is used frequently as a tool for promoting a better lifestyle. Health and wellness slogan has become a powerful tool in the hand of marketers in various aspects of human endeavor. However, many people are embracing the attitudes to healthy lifestyles, while some companies are busy raking in the profits.

\"keep Fit\"

Many food retailers, fast food joints, vitamins and nutritional supplements could see an increased demand in their products as a result of the trends in health and wellness. However many companies will be negatively affected by this trend, an example is the tobacco products manufacturers and fast food joints - but they have started modifying their strategies to suit customers' demands by introducing another brand of their products that can fit perfectly into the consumers needs and aspirations.

The driving factors behind the drifts in health and wellness were attributed to the rate at which obesity is increasing among the Americans 1990 - 2005. High rates of heart disease, cancer and various food related disease was growing at an astronomical rates. These gory tales eventually drawn the attention of people to the needs for healthy lifestyle, this discovery was matched with series of corresponding researches and a lot of things were revealed about human anatomy and its associated health risks.

Therefore, health and wellness can be said to be a multidimensional issue because it can be attributed to the totality of human existence. It involves making a conscious efforts to improve personal general state of health, the most common elemental slogans in the business of health and wellness are:

Eat healthy foods:

Health food consumption is considered to be the most important factor in achieving good health. Health and wellness entails that the food we take is also a reflection of our physical health. Therefore, the habits of maintaining a sensible diet have become a major driving force in the general idea of health and wellness.

Keep Fit:

To keep fit does not always connote lifting heavy weights, but it generally believes that health and wellness must include a lot of physical exercise like walking or help in household cores.

Cut down the good poisons:

Health and wellness trends involves cutting down on dangerous foods that can cause illness, some habits are socially acceptable but it has a resultant effects on our overall well being. Some of the good poisons are a smoking, obey speed limits or indulging in excess fatty foods consumption.

Health and Wellness

Head over to the health and wellness blog, for more health tips. Check out their latest article on fasting which will help you plan your fasting in a way your body will love.

My Links : What to do to lose weight What is Detox


Teamwork is crucial

Don't think it minuscule


It means everything

To accomplish anything

It's called cooperation.

TEAM is an acronym

The meaning enlightening






We should learn

To work together

Not be hard as leather

Nor soft as a feather

Not be critical and cold

Neither shun being bold

Don't beat me down

To the dirty ground

But don't flatter me

And thereby deny me

From being all I could be

I certainly do need thee.

We undoubtedly can't be

All that we were meant to be

Without a collaborative effort

A hearty commitment to exert

Ourselves together fully

Or drive each other crazy

Produce peaceably collectively

Or perish pathetically individually

Teamwork is the key consistently

The most important ingredient

The sustaining saving solvent

Stay together against deterrence

Improve the national defence

Unite and pledge allegiance

Take rest. Don't be so intense.

Live together in communities dense

Discover technological brilliance

Engineer and build a Mercedes Benz

Legislate new laws and adherence

Place people over proud pretense.

Get some collective societal sense

Whence you can make a few pence

Thence we can rejoice and dance

Fearlessly take a chance and advance

Kindly forgive, forget, and be resilient

Overcome being emotionally buoyant

Elegantly articulate being verbally fluent

Prefer, get along, and be considerate

Us, over me, as we show sensitivity

Less of me, more of we triumphantly

Teamwork makes us indefeatable

Our energy can be indefatigable

Resources multiply indefinable

Profound intelligence undebatable

Care and compassion supernatural

Mightily power increases exponential

A team is invaluable and monumental

Together for us nothing is impossible.


Paul Davis is a FL real estate professional, life coach (relational & professional), worldwide minister, and change master.

Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has served in many war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His Dream-Maker Inc. is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.

Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching:, 407-284-1705.

For additional info:


Thanks To : The stress no more