Cardio Exercise Weight Loss - Avoid Long and Slow Cardio Exercise Workouts If You Want to Lose Fat

If you are like the majority of people, who want to lose weight, then you are certainly confused with all the disinformation that so called fat loss "experts" are telling you. If those "experts" were really so smart then surely we would see much better results. But the truth is that most people fail to lose fat permanently because they get the wrong advice.

Why you should avoid long and slow cardio exercise workouts

\"Exercise Workouts\"

You may be really dedicated and be really focused when it comes to exercising and nutrition but if you are doing the wrong things then no matter how hard you try, you still will not achieve your goals. A lot of people are doing long and slow cardio exercises like walking or jogging all the time, but in reality this exercise method is one of the worst ways to lose fat.

Cardio Exercise Weight Loss - Avoid Long and Slow Cardio Exercise Workouts If You Want to Lose Fat

A typical fat losing workout that people do in the gym, is about 30 minutes long and every minute seems like torture. This is also the reason why people give up so quickly. It is not a fun way to lose fat and if the results are not the same as the effort you put in then why even bother, right?

The reason why excessive cardio is not the best option is that, most overweight people are predispose to muscle and joint injuries. Because their bodies are not used to this type of a activity, especially when the activity is repetitive. The last thing you want when you are overweigt and just starting to lose fat, is injuring yourself. And cardio also burns fat only during the exercise not after the exercise.

To lose fat quickly and effectively you first have to speed up your metabolism. Your metabolism is like a furnace that keeps burning calories, the slower it is, the less calories you burn. So the key is to speed it up, so you are constantly burning calories at a very high rate.

Weight training is the only type of exercise that does that. If you are not doing weight training, then you will never get the results you want. When you are on a low calorie diet plan and if you are doing excessive cardio then you lose muscle. So the less muscle you have the slower your metabolism is. So the key to fat loss, is not long and slow cardio exercise workouts, but weight training. When you are doing cardio then make them a bit shorter, 20-25 minutes, and more intense.

Cardio Exercise Weight Loss - Avoid Long and Slow Cardio Exercise Workouts If You Want to Lose Fat

Do you want to find out what are the top 5 fat loss programs that are guaranteed to work? Are you tired of all the junk diets and fat loss products that never ever work? If so, then CLICK HERE []

How Often Should You Do Ab Exercise Workouts?

Developing killer abs is one of the most universally desired fitness goals. Regardless whether you want huge muscles, toned muscles, or better fitness overall, you likely want to develop your abdominals. Maybe a six pack isn't your end-goal; but you likely want a tighter mid-section.

I fall in the six pack camp. Fortunately, I've been working out my abs for many years, so my abs are well-developed. Even if I have some extra fat, they show up decently.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Developing abdominal strength is more than just about looking good
Having strong abs (or a strong core as some people refer to it) is not only attractive, it's healthy and good for your spine. It helps with your posture, which in turn is good for your back.

How Often Should You Do Ab Exercise Workouts?

Moreover, if you've set six pack abs as a goal, it's a great motivator for sticking to your diet. It's a very concrete and visual motivator.

So, how often should you work out your abs?
You can certainly work them out more than once per week. Some people do abs every day they work out (i.e. 4 to 6 times per week). In my view, that's a little too often. Instead, I do 2 to 3 ab workouts each week, but I make those workouts count. In other words, I pound my abs really well.

Therefore, 1 to 3 times per week is good.

Designing Ab Workouts
Ab workouts should be balanced. By balanced, I'm referring to targeting upper, lower and side abs. Admittedly, I hit my upper and lower abs more than my side abs... but I do incorporate side ab exercises.

My favorite ab exercises (but the most difficult usually) are those that work out both upper and lower abs at the same time. Examples of these exercises are:

  • V-Crunches (a.k.a. Jack Knives)
  • Scissor Swings
  • Ab Wheel
  • Log Rolls (with exercise/stability ball)
  • Bicycle Crunches

Any ab exercise where you crunch or move together your lower and upper body at the same time.

How many exercises, sets and reps should ab workouts be?

I tend to do higher rep counts for my ab sets than other weight lifting exercises. I usually shoot for 8 to 20 reps, depending on the exercise. If, for example, I can do 40 to 50 reps of a particular exercise (such as a crunch), I add a difficulty factor to it such as decline crunches or V-crunches. Another way to make a particular exercise more difficult is to superset it. For example, I may do Scissor swings first, followed by basic ab crunches.

Exercises & Sets

I like doing a variety of ab exercises in any ab workout. I'll incorporate at least 4 exercises during an ab workout. For each exercise I'll do 2 sets. Sometimes I superset my ab exercises, which means I'll do two or three ab exercises back-to-back with no rest in between.

I go by feel

Generally, my ab workouts vary every time with respect to exercise order, rep count, superset arrangement and duration (i.e. number of sets). I really go by feel. I know when my abs are done and that's when I stop. I'm not nearly as regimented with my ab workouts as I am with resistance training of my other body parts.

Generally, my ab routine will last 10 to 20 minutes. I take very little rest during the routine.

Another type of ab workout is...
Yoga core workouts. I've done yoga classes with a focus on core that absolutely blew my mind. I couldn't do it all, and I've been working out my abs for years. Yoga core work can be incredibly intense. If you want to do some serious abdominal development, try a yoga routine that focuses on working out your core. It will blow your mind (and you'll get in some stretching as well).

What about incorporating resistance in an ab workout?

Adding a resistance element to your ab workout is excellent. You can use the ab machine, Ab Coaster, wrist/ankle weights, medicine balls, weight plates... you name it, to seriously increase intensity. This can supercharge your ab development.

Ab exercises are for everyone
Even the yoga crowd is into ab exercises. Regardless of your fitness goals, ab exercises should form a part of your fitness regimen.

How Often Should You Do Ab Exercise Workouts?

Next, click here for 12 free intense abdominal workouts.

4 Week Exercise Workout For Obese People

Before you start preparing to lose weight, you have to take into account of your fitness levels. If you are obese then first things you need to do is clean up your diets and start spending more time on activities.

1. Starting Diet :

\"Exercise Workouts\"

I have personally tested many diets. Atkins, south beach etc but one thing is for sure, if you use a simple low carb approach you'll lose fat. But I don't recommend low carb like other trainers because if you spend too much time with this diet, you'll hamper your metabolism.

4 Week Exercise Workout For Obese People

2. 4 week Workout routines

Do you really think same old workout will work?

Obese people need to get stronger & use resistance training to build muscle so they can do cardio type events. Building muscles will boost your metabolism and help you burn more fat. Here's more realistic plan :

Week 1 : 40 minutes of fast walking every day

Week 2 : 40 Minutes of Fast walking for 4 days

2 Day bodyweight workout : Lunges, Squat, push up (do as many reps/sets you can)

Week 3 : 40 minutes of Walking for 3 days

2 Day bodyweight workout : lunges, squat, push-ups, step up (on 15 inch platform). Do as many as you can.

1 Day sprint training (or 1 day beach training) : You'll start running (or sprinting) 100 m as many times as you want. If you don't have beach, you can try Hill running.

Week 4 : 40 minutes of walk X 3 days

3 day sprint training on beach/hill : 100 m sprints as many as you want.

This is not a complicated program at all. But this will help you get back in exercise shape in 4 weeks before we can really go for some of my power programs.

This is very moderated workout for you for next 4 weeks, I'll add more weeks if you want. Or additionally you can just email me for more ideas.

4 Week Exercise Workout For Obese People

Are you following this special low carb diet for fast weight loss Results? Varun Pratap publishes a daily fitness blog sharing his special 10 minute workouts and methods to help people lose weight.

Exercise Workouts - Important Facts You Need to Know

Exercise workouts are one of the most important things that a person can do for themselves. It is a known fact that more than a half of the population in the United States is overweight, and from the remaining amount, at least one third of them are obese. These numbers are staggering, which is why so many companies are trying to make money from people that are overweight. However, don't fall for the gimmicks, and don't fall for the costly gym memberships either. Do it all for yourself, because you will feel better once you have achieved your goal with your own exercise workouts.

If you are overweight you may feel a bit embarrassed to go to the gym, which is why home exercise workouts will be better for you. There are many of these workouts available online - some you have to pay for, and others you should just find floating around that are free to use. You have to remember that many of these workouts may not work if you do not use them correctly. This is why it is important for you to have a workout routine. If you are trying to lose a lot of weight, always try to add some cardio into your routine, although some weight training is a must, as this will help with your strengthening.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

All in all, if you have good home exercise workouts you will see great results in no time, but you also have to remember that you must eat well too. Working out at home is a great way to start up your metabolism, but you have to keep it going all through the day, and the only way to do this is by eating a balanced diet, with good foods. For this, you can start by looking at the food pyramid.

Exercise Workouts - Important Facts You Need to Know
Exercise Workouts - Important Facts You Need to Know

Discover how to get super ripped in less than 90 days with the fat burning workout [] at [] today.

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts the How and Why

Kettlebell exercise workouts You want me to exercise with that! It's a bowling ball with a handle on it.

Yeah it is but it's also one of if not the most efficient piece of equipment for weight loss, fat burning, gaining lean muscle and flexibility. The problem with kettlebells is most women seem to be somewhat intimidated by them. Perhaps it's because when most women and men see a kettlebell they have a picture of old time strongmen lifting and bending weird objects.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

It's the pilates syndrome women have been told that their key to weight loss and fitness is endless aerobic classes and lifting very light weights for endless repetitions. This is precisely the opposite of what you want to do if you want to lose weight, get stronger and be more fit! You need heavy weights, low reps, and in the case of kettlebell training, the cardio aspect is built in.

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts the How and Why

What sets kettlebell exercises apart from other forms of training is that they involve the whole body the body, arms, legs, hips, torso work as a unit. Movements such as the swing, snatch, clean-and-press, front squat, overhead squat and many others strengthen and tone the whole body. The real value with kettlebells is derived from doing high repetition ballistic work such as: snatches, swings, cleans, and jerks. In addition, to giving your incredible muscular endurance, any excess fat that you have will melt off faster than you can imagine. In addition, kettlebell exercises such as: the Turkish get-up, bent presses, and windmills, will make your midsection hard as a rock.

With kettlebell exercises you are able to get your heart rate up, more than any machine in a fancy gym, while strengthening and sculpting your entire body. Kettlebell training is ideal if you're after a sleeker and firmer body.

One-Arm Kettlebell Swing - Perhaps the Single Best Exercise There Is.
Place one kettlebell between your feet. Push back with your butt and bend your knees to get into the starting position. Make sure that your back is flat and look straight ahead. Swing the kettlebell between your legs forcefully as if you are passing a football to someone behind you. Quickly reverse the direction and drive though with your hips explosively taking the kettlebell straight out. Let the kettlebell swing back between your legs and repeat. Switch arms with each set. Remember that the swing is primarily a hamstring exercise and that is where all of the power is generated from. It is not a front raise.

Workout sessions can be effective anywhere between 10 and 40 minutes. Efficiency is everything with being a mom, since time is so limited. Being able to do 1 single work out session in such a short amount of time that targets all of your fitness goals, is enough of a reason to start using a kettlebell. You can sneak 10-20 minutes before your kids wake up, during their nap, or right after they go to bed. No excuses not to give yourself that small amount of time!

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts the How and Why

Combining the kettlebell swing with an overhed kettlebell press can give you a total body workout with only two exercises.

The average woman should start with an 18 pound kettlebell.

If you are truly interested in weight loss and fat loss, being more energetic, upping your cardio fitness higher than you thought possible you should give Kettlebells a try.

Fitness Exercise Workouts - Simple Guidelines For Success

We all, at onetime or another, make a promise to get in shape, stay in shape and feel good about ourselves. But the truth is, more often than not, working out and fitness exercising turns out to be a drag. It shouldn't and doesn't have to be that way when it can be challenging, exciting and interesting. When was the last time you were done your workout and you felt like you accomplished something - not just happy to be done! If you have trouble with the answer to that question the culprits are most likely inconsistency and boredom, two of the biggest factors and reasons why people don't reach their fitness potential.

Have you ever watched people come in the gym and do the same routine day in and day out, the same fitness exercises in the same order over and over and over again? You probably don't see them for long because boredom sets in and unfortunately they aren't seeing any fitness success, despite their hard work. So how do we fix that, you know what they say about variety. Over the years I've learned a lot from my clients, and number 1 on the list is the more I vary their workouts the more they enjoy it, the better they feel and the quicker they see success. The focus and goal remains the same but their workouts always have something new in them; challenging them both physically and mentally. It is really quite simple to vary your workout! Try using a stability ball instead of an exercise bench, if you do your back exercises with a high cable use a low cable, if you usually work on machines try dumbbells or barbells. Finally, one of my favorite ways to vary workouts is to do the exercises in the reverse order. Believe me, for the effort you put in to varying your workouts and challenging yourself, the rewards come back many times over. Variety is the spice of life and truly of exercising too!

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Another important thing you can do to achieve your fitness success is to be consistent in working out. Consistency, by the way, comes in 2 parts. First and most obviously is in scheduling. It is a good idea to realistically assess how much time you can dedicate to your fitness goals - then schedule it in your day planner - in Pen! Think of it as a non negotiable event; be as consistent as you can with days of the week and times of day. Since you're going to spice up your routines, no more boredom remember, your regular workout schedule can become a treasured part of your week. Part two in consistency involves the exercise specifics for your goal. In order to achieve fitness success, you need to consistently follow the appropriate protocols including the number of reps, sets and rest time for your specific personal goal. An example of proper protocol would be if you want to loss weight, be consistent with 2 to 3 days per week of strength training and 5 to 6 days per week of cardio training. When you are strength training complete 1 to 3 sets of each exercise with 12 to 20 repetitions in each set and limit your rest time to 15 to 30 seconds in between sets.

Fitness Exercise Workouts - Simple Guidelines For Success

I've talked about variety and consistency in planning your exercise program which brings me to this last point. How do you combine different kinds of exercises into your workout routine. Specifically, exercise types like cardio, strength training and flexibility, Yoga or Pilates. Believe it or not there is actually a proper order, exercise protocol, for what type of exercise you should do 1st, 2nd or 3rd and that's because of the effect that the exercise types have on your body. Accepted protocol is as follows. After a warm up strength training comes first because you always want your body the freshest and strongest when lifting weights. Cardio should always follow strength training because it's tiring and wears you out. Last should be flexibility, Yoga or Pilates because they stretch out your muscles. Remember to always end your workouts with and an easy stretch routine and a cool down! Use as many different types of exercises as you can in your workouts, but remember the proper order so you get the best benefit! I hope this makes it easier to achieve fitness success from all of the work you put into your workouts.

Fitness Exercise Workouts - Simple Guidelines For Success

For more information and guidance about health and fitness issues, visit Tanya specializes in helping people achieve optimal health with a highly individualized approach to fitness exercise. Tanya Stroh is a nationally certified personal trainer and founder and creator of Tanya Stroh Training solutions, your online Personal Trainer. With over 500 unique exercises, and counting, our proprietary software, TS Trax, creates a fitness exercise plan specifically for your goals, your level of fitness, at home or at the gym with the equipment you have and like to use. With Tanya Stroh training Solutions you can stop guessing about how to achieve your fitness goals and enjoy faster results with no plateau. Be fit, be healthy, and be happy with

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts - How the Busy Woman Stays Fit

Doing kettlebell workouts are a total body conditioning workout done with a very simple and cost effective tool. In case you didn't know a kettlebell looks like a bowling ball with a handle attached to it.

Kettlebell workouts go back many years. The russians are most known for using kettlebells in all of their training  in the 1940s, kettlebell lifting became the countries  national sport. Whether you're trying to build or tone muscle, increase your metabolism, or burn fat, you should generally incorporate a cardio routine with some form of strength training.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Kettlebells use the whole body as a unit. One movement (swing, clean and press, snatch) engages many muscles (legs, core, upper body), as a results many calories are used up. In short period of time it is possible to burn hundreds of calories. Kettlebell training can be time efficient, incredibly intense and effective (and fun) workout yes I did say fun.

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts - How the Busy Woman Stays Fit

How do women benefit from kettlebell training?

  • Fat Loss (kettlebells provide intense fat burning workouts)
  • Strong bones and joints (load-bearing workouts)
  • Strength without bulk
  • Endurance and stamina of marathon runners (without the running)
  • Muscle balance and function (promotes proper body mechanics)
  • Confidence to handle anything that life throws your way

 Kettlebell training allows for superior strength gains without adding big muscle size gains.. Yes, you can have strong lean body and look like a woman. Kettlebells can help.

One or two kettlebells are all that you need. You can train at home, or go to outdoors and get some fresh air. Kettlebell training is a form of training that will not only improve the appearance of your physique, it will give you strength and mental toughness that you did not know was even possible.

Kettlebell exercise workouts provide an intense full-body workout in an incredibly short period of time.  Most workouts finish in less than 30 minutes and leave you drenched with sweat and gasping for air. Most traditional personal "trainers" recommend lengthy cardio and resistance sessions for up to 6 to 8 hours a week. A week's worth of kettlebell workouts equal only a fraction of that and you get much better results. 

If you are a woman that want's to lose weight and tighten up your glutes, quads,abs and arms use on a regular basis kettlebell exercise workouts featuring kettlebell ballistic exercises with some low rep kettlebell strength exercises and you are all set.

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts - How the Busy Woman Stays Fit

The Kettlebell Swing is exactly what it sounds like your swinging a kettlebell from between your legs up to chest height. The kettlebell swing may be the single most effective exercise you can do for total body conditioning Read on

Exercise Workouts - Exercise Program For Getting Toned Arms

Many people start up exercise workouts every day that are targeted at getting rid of that 'under arm jiggle'. For you, the problem may not be underarm jiggle, but rather that you just don't have the muscle definition and tone that you would like with your arms.

Regardless of what your particular situation is, many mistakes are made when this it he exercise goal. Most people will end up going into the gym and start performing bicep curls, thinking that this will help give them shapely arm muscles that they can show off in sleeveless shirts. While bicep curls are definitely beneficial as part of an exercise program, they aren't necessarily the best way to go about doing things.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Here are three big factors you need to keep in mind.

Exercise Workouts - Exercise Program For Getting Toned Arms

1. Your Overall Body Fat Percentage

The first thing you must think about is what you're overall body fat percentage is. If you are at a high level, it's not going to matter how large your muscles are, you will simply not see the results you're looking for.

Muscle definition is a level of body fat levels, therefore step one is getting on a good weight loss program to help get rid of this excess fat. That should be your number one exercise priority if this is a factor for you.

If you are already within a good body fat range, then it could be a lack of muscle development that you need to focus on instead.

2. Targeted Weight Training Exercises

Next up is the need to focus on the correct weight training exercises that will deliver you the best results.

As mentioned, bicep curls seem to be the primary choice here - which isn't so great. Truth be told, if you actually look at the volume of muscle mass in the arms, the greatest portion of muscle comes from the triceps, therefore it's actually these that you should be working on the most.

Plus, the triceps are usually where that under arm jiggle originates, thus it's a good place to start.

The biceps will help to form that 'peak' in the arm, which is very attractive as well, but generally speaking, the biceps don't need to be trained to nearly the extent they often are.

You would be better off focusing more of your training on exercises such as tricep kickbacks, overhead extensions, rope pull-downs, and triangle push-ups (which target the triceps more).

Also keep in mind that the bench press will also hit the triceps, as will the shoulder press so these should definitely be included as well.

3. Cardio Selection

As part of the weight loss program to bring down your body fat percentage, there's a good chance you'll be including some cardio training.

It's going to be a good idea to try and perform cardio that also works the arms as well, over cardio that is strictly targeting the legs.

So, for example, rather than using the treadmill, use the elliptical. Or, rather than biking, consider rowing. Skipping and swimming are also good exercises that will work the arms as well. Whatever you do choose, be sure you using proper form also, as many people will 'cheat' with the workout - particularly when using the elliptical.

So, if your exercise goals include improving the way your arms look, keep these three points in mind.

Exercise Workouts - Exercise Program For Getting Toned Arms

Get a FREE fat loss report [] and learn more about how you can end to your battle with weight loss permanently.

Shannon Clark is a certified personal trainer, fitness writer, and co-author. She specializes in helping those looking to make dramatic changes in their body reach their goals. View more information here.

Workout Routines

Everybody has become increasingly conscious of the way they look today. There is a strong desire to have a perfect body. A good body is the result of eating the right food and exercise. Fitness is based on the formula of 'Eat well, sleep well and exercise'. However, it should be remembered that a good body alone does not mean fitness. Fitness refers to the fitness of body and mind. Fitness can be achieved by following a good workout routine.

A good workout helps to keep excess weight at bay. They help in increasing energy and stamina to sustain the stress and pressures of everyday life. Workouts help in preventing diseases and physical ailments. They help in the functioning of body muscles and organs at optimum levels. It is advisable to design a workout routine with the help of a fitness expert. Ideally, it is beneficial to workout daily at least for an hour. However, beginners may proceed with fewer exercises. It is better to start slowly than give up immediately. Exercising is a commitment for a lifetime. It is recommended for beginners to begin at the gym under the supervision of fitness experts.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Prior to a workout, warm-up exercises and stretching exercises are a must. The exercises must be performed very slowly and smoothly. It is better to start with relatively simpler exercises and then gradually move on to more difficult ones. Fifteen to twenty minutes should be devoted to cardiovascular exercises. A good exercise routine must include workouts for various muscles of the body. A lot of people choose walking, jogging or swimming as a form of physical exercise.

Workout Routines

A good workout routine must essentially include a good diet. A healthy and nutritious diet goes a long way in maintaining good health. A good workout program also helps in developing a positive frame of mind. Boxing, Martial Arts, Tai chi and Yoga are supposed to provide an outlet for feelings of frustration and anger.

Workout Routines

Workout provides detailed information on Workout, Ab Workouts, Workout Routines, Workout Plans and more. Workout is affiliated with Weight Lifting Exercises [].

A List of Effective Ab Exercise Workouts

In order for you to get those abs worth showing off you need to know what ab exercise workouts are the best. This article will give you some classic workouts and some contemporary workouts. There are so many kinds of workouts to choose from. But those described in this article will give you the results you want. Follow the list of exercises below.

If you want life-changing results fast, you must make sure you aren't doing anything to delay those results. Let's move on to the abdominal muscle exercises.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Crunches are at the top of the list of ab exercise workouts. They are known to be one of the best exercises for your abs. Make sure you do the movement correctly so it can be fully effective.

A List of Effective Ab Exercise Workouts

As soon as you are finished crunching, roll into a plank. Push yourself into a push up stance. Hold that stance for 60-90 seconds being sure to keep your back flat and straight. Doing this exercise will give you great results. Don't lift your back very high or the exercise will be less effective.

Then there is the Captain's Chair for ab exercise workouts. You can find this piece of equipment at a gym or make one at home. Use your arms to hold your body in the chair and let your legs hang down. Lift your knees to your chest. This is a very effective maneuver. If you want to do this at home, use a bench to balance your body. Your feet must be off the ground and you must lean back. Extend your legs out and pull your knees towards your chest. To get a contemporary workout, use the exercises above. Add some movements you like.

Let's begin the list of newest ab exercise workouts with the mountain climber. It is important to note that if you keep your heart rate up throughout the workout, you will burn calories faster. Starting in a push up stance, begin moving your feet like you're climbing a mountain. Keeping your hands still, move your feet under your hips one at a time. Doing this quickly gives you a 'sprinting up a hill' effect.

Now get in a flipped plank position with your hands under your back. Body straight, lift your shoulders and feet simultaneously about 6-12 inches apart. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

Then there is the bicycle maneuver, which completes our ab exercise workouts list. Get in sit up position. Hands behind your head, lift your feet off the ground. Move your feet in circles as if you are peddling a bike. Move your arms from side to side, opposite legs and arms slightly touching. Do this for 30-60 seconds.

These exercises will workout both upper and lower abs, when done correctly. Make sure you aren't doing anything to slow the results of having beautiful abs. Watch your diet and don't cut everything out. Stay away from certain things like saturated fats, cling to fruit and water.

Do not strain your back when exercising. You shouldn't have pain from injury, only from working out. Start with an easy workout and build it up as time goes on and as your muscles are trained.

As you follow through these ab exercise workouts you will start to feel better about yourself. You should expect results within the first month. Don't expect much for it will take consistency and time.

A List of Effective Ab Exercise Workouts

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Quick Exercise Workouts That Will Burn Calories and Fat

Trying to fit an exercise routine into your busy schedule can often be difficult. Most of us wake up early, go to work, come home, eat, relax a little then go to bed - only to start it all over again in the morning. You know you need to exercise to stay in shape, so it's helpful to come up with a few quick exercise workouts that will burn calories and fat.

If you're trying to lose some fat, it helps to work out with exercises that burn the most calories. To keep it simple, focus on exercises where you move your body a lot. Swimming is excellent, since you're moving both your arms and legs at the same time. In addition, you have the added resistance of the water. Walking, jogging, and bike riding can also be effective, but can also make for long exercise sessions.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Of course, not everyone has the time to go for a swim - or even a pool for that matter - or 30-45 minutes for a bike ride or walk. So, we'll have to look elsewhere. There are several kettlebell or dumbbell weight lifting programs that you can find, or design yourself.

Quick Exercise Workouts That Will Burn Calories and Fat

A circuit training weight loss program is a great option. Circuit training isn't an exercise in itself, but more of a way to exercise. Typically, circuit training consists of combining a string of exercises together in order to make the session more efficient. Kettlebells and dumbbells are excellent for circuit training, with kettlebells being a bit more effective.

The idea is to keep your body moving, going from one exercise to the next. This allows you to keep your workload high, burning calories, but without fatiguing individual muscles, so you can keep going. For example, if you just did 20 pushups, your arms and chest would get tired before you got sufficient work for your heart and lungs, and before you really burned many calories. However, imagine, for example, if you did 10 pushups, then immediately did 10 jumping jacks, then 10 kettlebell presses, then 20 kettlebell swings, then repeated the circuit. None of your individual muscle groups (chest, arms, legs, etc.) would get overly tired, but your system as a whole would. This type of training lets you give your heart and lungs a sufficient workout, and burns a lot of calories in a short period of time.

Whether you use a kettlebell or dumbbell, weight lifting programs that focus on circuit training allow you to get an effective workout in just 10-20 minutes. Working out this way three to five times a week can give you results comparable to other exercises that burn the most calories, but in a shorter, more convenient format.

You also have to make sure that you combine a healthy diet with these quick exercise workouts. That will burn calories and fat - not just the exercise alone. It's much easier to eat 300 fewer calories in a day than it is to burn off an additional 300 calories in a day. So, if you lower your calories and start a circuit training weight loss program, you can reach your goals much faster. For the average person, cutting out soft drinks is a great first step. Cutting back on other junk foods is next. Then, begin learning little bits of information about reducing and burning calories, and putting those little bits into your daily routine.

Quick Exercise Workouts That Will Burn Calories and Fat

For more information about kettlebell training, fat loss, general fitness, diet and nutrition, visit - a site for regular folks who like to work out at home. Visit now to get your FREE eBook!

Exercise Workouts For Seniors

Just because you are a senior does not mean that you cannot perform exercise workouts. As you get older, the bones get fragile and muscle tone decreases. Exercise workouts can help seniors to restore muscle tone and build a stronger body. By no means are you expected to lift hundreds of pounds to stay in shape, but you can start small and build on your workout. Exercise workouts for seniors are fun, exciting, and healthy for the body.

Seniors need total body strengthening to improve flexibility, balance, and stability. You can use a few pieces of equipment to get you started on your exercise program. You need an exercise ball, resistance bands, hand weights, and medicine ball to get started. Make sure that you are not using too much weight. You want to have resistance but do not want to hurt yourself in the process.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Try using the medicine ball to condition your abs. You can perform crunches to build and strengthen your midsection. An exercise ball also provides an excellent workout for your body. Resistance band are great for your biceps and triceps. Place the resistance bands under your feet, hold the ends in each hand, and workout your arms. Use small hand weight when you walk and get a little extra exercising. You can also use the weights with DVD's as a little added resistance.

Exercise Workouts For Seniors

Seniors need to stay in shape, too. You can shape up using these simple and easy exercises. If you add a few friends to your exercise program, you can have the time of your life while exercising.

Exercise Workouts For Seniors

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Pool Exercise Workout For Weight Loss and Fat Burning

If you want weight loss and fat burning without the rough impact on your joints from running, then you'll love pool exercise workouts.

You're about to discover simple strength training exercises you can do in a pool to burn fat and calories. I'm going to show you a few different ways in which you can benefit from doing pool exercises.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

First, the buoyancy of the water will not only help beginners perform the exercises a little bit easier, but the water will also help advanced individuals with some of the more difficult exercises. An added benefit of the water is that it removes some of the stress normally placed on the joints in regular out-of-water exercises.

Pool Exercise Workout For Weight Loss and Fat Burning

The second thing I want to show you is how you can do some jumping and running exercises in the water and again removing some of the stress from the joints.

So to begin the pool exercises, I'll start with a basic bodyweight prisoner squat. As you go down, the water will force you back up, making this exercise easier to perform and again removing the added stress on your joints. This is precisely why you see so many aquatics exercise classes these days.

If you are advanced, then you can do a single leg squat. To perform this exercise in the pool, lean up against the side of the pool, bring one foot out in front and grab it with your hand and squat down. By doing this exercise in the water, you will have much better balance than if you were to do it as a free weight exercise.

Another great pool exercise beginners and advanced alike can benefit from is the lunge. This is an especially good water exercise to do if you are a bit weaker or have bad knees.

There are a number of bodyweight exercises you can do out of the water, but since you're in the pool, you mine as well make use of it. So, the next aquatic exercise I recommend doing is the pull-up.

You can also superset this with a modified dip. For the dips, simply go to the side of the pool, put your hands out in front of you on the ground, and push yourself up out of the water and then back down.

Next, do some sort of jumping exercise to finish off your pool workout. Due to the resistance of the water, you won't be able to jump as high as you're normally capable of, but it will also be easier on the landing. You will still get all the plyometric benefits, as well as the interval training benefits, with less stress on the knees and the ankle joints.

You can easily lose weight and burn fat in a pool and get lean and lose belly fat. Plus, you don't have to worry about hurting your knees running on pavement or concrete.

So, there you have a great pool workout that provides a tremendous benefit to you. You get to be creative in designing a great fat-blasting workout, all the while having fun and enjoying the weather!

Pool Exercise Workout For Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Get FREE instant access to more sample fat burning workouts at:

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines and will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment.

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Understanding Fibromyalgia Numbness

A person who suffers from Fibromyalgia can experience many symptoms. Common symptoms include chronic widespread pain in different parts of the body, sleep disorders, and fatigue. One of the more worrying and frustrating symptoms is fibromyalgia numbness that can strike anywhere on the body and can come and go.

This numbness is a neurological symptom that effects around a quarter of fibromyalgia sufferers and is usually accompanied by tingling and pins and needles like sensations. Common places for the numbness to strike are the arms and legs, including the hands and feet. The numbness can also spread to the face. The medical term for this is parestheia.


Numbness in your extremities can prove to be a problem. When numbness strikes your arms, hands and fingers it can be hugely frustrating and greatly inhibit how you live your life, stopping you from performing the smallest everyday tasks like buttoning up your coat and seriously interfere with your ability to work.

The reason behind numbness associated with fibromyalgia isn't clear. One theory is that it may be caused by muscle spasms pressing on nerves and causing the numbness. A bit like sleeping on your arm can make it go 'dead'. This may explain why the numbness comes and goes, as when the spasm stops and the nerve is released the feeling comes back.

It is important to note that numbness is a symptom of many other conditions other than fibromyalgia, so if this is a new experience you should make an appointment with your doctor. Other possible causes of numbness are carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetes, hypoglycemia or multiple sclerosis and it is important to rule out these conditions as causes.

Unfortunately, there is no known treatment for numbness associated with fibromyalgia so it is important to take note of possible triggers for your numbness and see if they can be removed.

Perhaps your work may be impacting on your numbness. Even typing all day can cause great stress on one who suffers Fibromyalgia. This is why if it can't be avoided, always exercise the proper procedures when using your hands and arms. For instance, use an ergonomic keyboard and make sure that the height and length of the table on which you put your arms down to type is ideal and comfortable. Most importantly, don't over exert yourself and overdo the typing or any other work that may exacerbate the numbness.

After discussion with your employer, you may be able to create a suitable and healthy working environment for you to be able to cope with the problems you have to deal with that come with Fibromyalgia.

People who suffer from this syndrome have been known to undergo prolonged lengths of remission after altering one's lifestyle and learning to cope with FMS through a mix of medical and alternative treatments. To learn about natural methods to tackle fibromyalgia symptoms sign up for the free newsletter below.

Even with all the support and allowances given to you at work, it still may be difficult to cope with Fibromyalgia numbness and getting your job done. This may mean that you have to change the nature of your work to something that is less taxing on your hands and arms.

Understanding Fibromyalgia Numbness

Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about Fibromyalgia Numbness. In the newsletter you'll receive regular information like this article on overcoming Fibromyalgia along with additional natural treatments to help alleviate pain.

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Wood Patio Cover Designs - The Pros And Cons

There are lots of patio cover designs available on the market nowadays, and these include the wood patio cover designs. If you are interested in wood patio cover designs, here are some of their pros and cons to help you decide whether they are the right ones for you.

Wood patio cover designs are the best choices for homeowners who want natural beauty and elegance. Since patios are located outside of the home, wood will naturally blend with the outdoors and will have enough of the comfortable and cozy feel of the indoors. It is also the right material to choose if you are also thinking about growing vines or flowers up the side or on top of your patio covers. These vines and flowers can definitely add a more exciting effect to your patio.


Aside from their natural beauty and elegance, wood patio cover designs are also preferred by homeowners because they can be stained or painted with any color which suits their preference. This feature can allow you to match your patio according to the color of your home. Once you painted your patio cover with the color that complements the rest of your home, you will definitely love the more enhanced look that it will provide.

In addition, wood patio cover designs are fairly inexpensive unlike the other types of materials used for patio covers. This way you will not have to worry about your budget getting ripped off, but rather enjoy the extra savings that you will get. With just a small amount, you can already install a patio cover that will be usable all year round.

Wood patio cover designs can really offer you lots of advantages. However, before you make a final choice, you also have to consider their drawbacks. Wood patio cover designs require regular maintenance and have to be treated for weather and termite resistance. These also need to be repainted from time to time because wood paint easily wears off. So, if you choose this option, be ready for the maintenance that it needs and make sure that you exert extra time and effort for that.

With these pros and cons of the wood patio cover designs discussed to you, you can now decide whether these are the right options for your needed patio covers or not. If you think these are not, then look at the other options such as those made of aluminum, acrylic, or fiber.

Wood Patio Cover Designs - The Pros And Cons

For patio design ideas, visit

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Golf Swing Wrist Action

It is a FACT that ninety percent or more of bad shots are due to bad golf swing wrist action. This mistake is so common because it feels natural to control the club with the hands and this action leads to the breaking of the wrists.

There are two directions that the wrists can move during the golf swing. These two directions are forward/backward and up/down. The forward and backward movement of the wrists leads to unwanted breaking of the wrists. The up and down movements of the wrist are known as cocking the wrists to many teachers.

\"keep Fit\"

These movements are the reason that your grip on the golf club is so important. If you have a faulty grip on the club you encourage yourself in the bad habit of breaking wrists. If you are gripping the club correctly you will not have to learn this up and down hinging.

If your left arm is in the correct position during the swing the hinging of your wrists will be automatic. If your legs are moving forward while your club is still traveling backwards this will force your wrists to hinge.

To make sure that this hinging action in your wrists happens with every swing, you will want to keep the left wrist flat in relation to the back of your left forearm and the back of your left hand. If your left arm is correctly positioned your wrists will automatically hinge.

If your arm is not correctly positioned there will be the breaking motion instead of the hinging. Even though your wrists are so important to the swing you do not want to attempt to cultivate any independent wrist motion. You want to be as natural as possible with your golf swing wrist action.

Doing something as simple as swinging the club back farther than your shoulder can lead to the breaking wrists motion. With a motion like this it is more like a throwing motion than a fluid swinging motion.

Golf Swing Wrist Action

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Exertional Headache


For the past few months, my husband has had a severe headache during intercourse, at the point of climax. Our GP can only offer beta-blockers, which would have the possible side effect of my husband being unable to obtain an erection. Can you help, please?



Your husband is suffering from exertional headache. These headaches occur, as the name suggests, after some exertion, such as walking upstairs quickly, coughing, during exercise, or, as in your husband's case, making love,

The underlying problem is that, at some point in your husband's life, probably within the past ten years, he has had a trauma that has caused a whiplash injury to the neck. This is usually brought about by falling downstairs, a skiing or road accident, lots of dental work, excessive use of computers, too much driving, or banging one's head on something hard. The trauma would have shifted a vertebra in the neck out of alignment.

The neck is a flexible and fragile part of the spine. We have to be able to move it freely, up, down and sideways. That means the cervical vertebrae, the ones in the neck, are flexible compared to the lower back where movement to the sides is restricted. But this inherent flexibility means the neck is also susceptible to injuries.

The lower back can withstand a lot of strain and jerking about, such as you get when playing tennis or jumping or falling down. But if the neck is jerked, it invariably means trouble. Small vertebrae, particularly the third one in the cervical spine, get easily misaligned. In side the lateral projections (the small, rounded outcroppings) on either side of the cervical vertebrae, there is a channel called the vertebral canal, through which the vertebral arteries and veins pass. These are the most important blood vessels of the body. The vertebral arteries feed the subconscious part of the brain, where the control centres of all the autonomous functions of the body are located. These include heartbeat, digestion, temperature control and hormone regulation - all, obviously, essential to our lives, but 'involuntary', meaning we never think about doing them. If the vertebrae are shifted, it results in a kink or twist in these vital arteries.

When there is exertion, as in intercourse, the body needs more oxygen, so the heartbeat goes up and the speed at which blood flows through the arteries increases. If there is a kink in the vertebral arteries, it causes turbulence and resistance in the blood flow - think of what happens to the water when there's a kink in your garden hose. So, just when the brain needs more blood, the supply is cut down - hence your husband's headache.

Very often, such a headache pulsates, because the blood flow is erratic. Beta-blockers slow down the heart rate and so, control the headache; however, as you say, they do not come without side effects.

My recommendation is that you apply some tender loving care instead.

* At bedtime, massage your husband's neck and shoulders with Lifestyle Oil. Use your thumbs and fingers to grasp his neck on either side. Between the nape of the neck and the shoulders, about one third of the way down, you'll find a slight protrusion on one or other side of the spine. He is likely to find this painful. Massage this point with your thumb or finger. Reassure him that, as you do so, the pain will subside. Then massage all the muscles at the sides and back of the neck Do this for five to ten minutes every night
* Now ask your husband to lie on his back on the floor. Roll up a towel and put it under the base of his neck. Sitting behind him, hold the back of the skull (called the occiput) with both hands, and gently but firmly stretch it towards you and away from his torso. This will help to release his neck. During this movement, he should breathe in and out slowly and deeply, to make it as effective as possible. When you have finished the massage and the manual traction, let your husband return the favour.

I also suggest that he...

* Takes one tablet of relaxation formula, after the evening meal; plus ten drops of valerian tincture in a glass of water ten minutes before making love, to relax his muscles and induce a feeling of calmness.
*Sees a qualified chiropractor or osteopath.
* Practices yoga. In book Therapeutic Yoga, there is a section on headache, which gives advice on yoga postures that will help to relieve your husband's current pain and prevent future discomfort.

Exertional Headache

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Injured? Try Cross-Transference to Keep Fit

Most athletes are so afraid to lose conditioning that they get very frustrated when they are injured. They can maintain fitness by using a training technique called cross-transference, and so can you. It surprises most people to hear that exercising one leg or arm helps to maintain strength, endurance and power in the other limb. A review of 16 well-controlled scientific studies shows that strength training of the opposite limb strengthens the inactive muscles by about eight percent, equal to about half the increase in strength of the trained side (Journal of Applied Physiology, November, 2006).

We think that cross-transference acts on the brain to strengthen nerves, rather than muscles. Each muscle is made of millions of fibers, and each fiber is stimulated by a single nerve. When you exercise, your brain sends messages along these nerves, telling only about five percent of the nerves to contract at the same time. With training, your brain learns to contract a greater percentage of muscle fibers simultaneously. The more you practice a specific exercise, the greater percentage of your muscle fibers you can contract at the same time, so you can lift heavier weights.

\"keep Fit\"

Earlier studies have shown that lowering weights with one arm strengthens the other arm even more than raising a weight. We know that you become stronger by exercising against greater resistance and the heavier the weight that you lift, the greater the gain is strength. A person can lower a heavier weight than he can lift when gravity works with him. Exercising one arm makes the other stronger by teaching the brain to coordinate the muscles in the other arm, and the heavier the weight that you lift with one arm, the more strength you will gain in the other.

Injured? Try Cross-Transference to Keep Fit

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Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports -- and the FREE Good Food Book -- at

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Hobbies for Teen Girls

Adolescence is an age when all teenagers are looking for creating an individual identity. The little girl has grown up into an awkward teenager. She no longer needs her mother to feed and dress her. Nor does she require her dad to tell her bedtime stories and help her with shoe laces. She is busy creating, writing and telling stories on her own! She wants her privacy and also wants recognition in whatever her new hobby is. Influenced by peers, best friends, video games, modelling and television, she is ready to develop a mind of her own. Most teenage girls are mature enough to know what will hold their interests.

There are a wide variety of hobbies-indoor and outdoors that can keep young girls occupied. Internet, social dating and helping mom are just a few ways of keeping her occupied. Keeping her mental and physical balance is essential as she is still growing and needs help to mould her personality. Some young girls are already keeping secret diaries, learning the art of make-up, taking up Tennis, Badminton or Hockey to keep fit. Today's generation of teenagers are computer-savvy and also aware of keeping fit with balanced diet and exercises.

\"keep Fit\"

The girls are more mature and keen to prove their mental wellness. Parents could encourage girls to simultaneously keep even inexpensive hobbies like stamp collection (yes, they are still a hot favourite, so what if snail mail has been replaced by email). Young girls love to cook; they can learn some simple dishes at home or join some classes.

During summer vacations there is a long list of hobbies that sprout up to choose from. Dancing, yoga, art classes, crafts, gymnastics are quite popular, as fees are also reasonable for parents to pay. Teen girls get an opportunity to make new friends and also hone their talents that could be of use in adult life. It's a fallacy that teen girls are only thinking of hooking boys all the time. Few are reading romantic novels but most of them are reading fiction and poetry and keeping scrap books as well. Photography is a proving to be a good hobby for young girls. Well, some girls like to be in front of the camera and some behind them! Rock climbing, cycling with friends, swimming are equally satisfying hobbies.

Most girls choose hobbies that will help to keep long hours with friends. And this does not mean an investment in mobile phones (a headache for parents) only. Join a drama club or create one for a friend is an ideal way to spend summer holidays. If not an actress then getting into creative production and styling is a good option for teenage girls. Learning nail art designs has also become the most popular hobby these days. As girls learn and have fun at the same time, they develop better personalities. When they volunteer for shelter homes, baby sit and walk dogs they become more responsible. Parents can guide the girls in becoming better adults by helping them to choose hobbies that will help them in later life.

Hobbies for Teen Girls

See Also : Exercise Workouts What is Pregnancy Natural body spa

Gym Workout Routine For Women - Schedule Workout Routines to Lose Weight Safely & Comfortably

Gym workout routines for women are specially categorized as there are certain physiological differences between a man and a woman. A woman needs to work out on her gym routine so that she can benefit the most. However, the workout routines should answer the following questions:

* First, how to select the best and convenient place for the workout
* How to kick-start the workout routines efficiently
* How much time needs to be invested in exercising every day
* What aspects one should consider while opting for a exercise schedule


The workout schedules which would help you to lose weight safely and comfortably are as follows:

*Workout schedule 1: Exercises should tone up each and every muscles of the body. In fact, this first routine would be very beneficial for the beginners who have very little time to spare in such work-outs. You must use the first five days of week in carrying out this routine. The first 3 days would be concentrated in weights whereas the next two days would be concentrated in cardio.

* Workout schedule 2: It can also be referred to as the split schedule. However, this routine would help you to reap huge benefits at a very steady pace. As per this exercise your lower and upper body part gets involved in intense work-out. It would help you to lose weight quickly.

*Workout schedule 3: In this routine you exercise to lose weight from targeted areas. In this routine you can exercise with weights for 5 days and get indulged in cardio for 2 or 2 days.

Further, you must be cautious that your workout schedule is effectively toning up your muscles, helping you to lose weight and burn fat etc. It should not matter what your goals are but you should focus on specified exercises to tone up your body and lose weight at a steady pace.

Gym Workout Routine For Women - Schedule Workout Routines to Lose Weight Safely & Comfortably

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Tags : World Health Club What to do to lose weight Exercise Workouts