14 Benefits of Rope Skipping!

Skipping sounds as an inexpensive and simple exercise that can be performed anywhere, either be at your home or a nearby park, you might even observe children skipping ropes on sidewalks. One you develop coordination between skipping and rope movement, you can skip for longer time without any miss.

1.Skipping rope can be beneficial in your exercise to lose weight. It is so effective in burning calories that an hour of skipping rope will make you burn up to 1000 calories.

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2.The exercise is easy to learn, doesn't need you to look for a guide or coach. The best thing about this activity is that once you start skipping, you learn very quickly and in no time you start skipping like a kid.

3.It's inexpensive as you only need a rope.

4.It turns out to be fun when you start doing it with a friend or a group of friends.

5.It enhances your coordination and rhythm between hands and feet movements.

6.Strengthens your bones and increases your stamina and endurance.

7.When you practice it with your friends, it develops a sense of teamwork and social skills in you.

8.It makes you more vigilant and alert. It increases your attention skills.

9.It can be a healthy sport and competitions can be held for it all year round.

10.It can be exercised by people from any age groups and both genders.

11.Skipping enhances flexibility and athletic abilities. It improves your reflexes, balance and posture.

12.It tones your muscles in arms, legs and abs.

13.Without running it speeds your heart rate like that of a runner and so requires a lot of energy to maintain a good fitness point.

14.But skipping rope can be frustrating or boring as after missing a few jumps. Even if you have a good stamina and maintain a good coordination, you fail to skip for more than 2 minutes. This is because your calves and Achilles tendons are stressed when you keep skipping in the same pattern and when they sting you start missing.

So to skip without missing you have to keep changing from a single bounce to a double bounce or to a skip or a jog or a knee up. You should keep changing the skipping style after every 30 seconds to avoid fatigue. To avoid a miss you can even do side skipping or rotating rope without jumping. This can be to warm you up in the start or to avoid any halt during the sets.

14 Benefits of Rope Skipping!

Finding the perfect Workout Routines [http://www.workoutroutines.biz] takes time and effort. These best workout routines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The P90X [http://www.workoutroutines.biz/p90x-extreme-home-workout.html] workout routines is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.

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Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

Most people do the wrong kinds of exercise in their desire to reduce belly fat. They concentrate too much on their abs, thinking that crunches will get them that flat belly they always wished for. In this article, I will only provide exercises which reduce total body fat. This is because it's close to impossible to reduce belly fat alone. You lose fat from your entire body and your belly will also show results.

Cardio Exercises

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When you do cardio to reduce stomach fat, the general rule is that the more intensive the workout, the better results it will provide. Of course, don't do anything which is too strenuous or causes you pain, but the general rule still applies: I recommend doing fast running, rowing machine, jumping rope, and high resistance elliptical machine workouts. The elliptical is better than running for people with bad knees. However, you should choose an elliptical machine which simulates running as closely as possible. And pack on the resistance. It will give you a better workout in a shorter time.

Strength exercises

To really lose belly fat you need to increase your metabolism by adding muscle tissue. The way to do that is through strength exercises, but not just for your belly but for your entire body. Here are some excellent strength exercises for you:

  • Squats - with weights or without
  • Push ups - close gripped and wide gripped
  • Chin ups
  • Lunges - with weights or withouts
  • Stability ball crunches
  • shoulder lifts
  • Free weights chest presses
  • Weight overhead thrusts

Anything which gets the heard pumping in your veins and the sweat to pop on your forehead is a good exercise since it burns body fat in general and reduces belly fat specifically.

Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

To read more about fat burning exercises, visit this webpage:

Flat Abs Exercises

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: http://TruthAboutGreatAbs.com

Thanks To : Exercise Workouts

Best Exercises to Tone Abs Thighs and Arms

The best exercises to tone abs thighs and arms are called compound exercises because they work multiple muscle groups at the same time. These exercises have a couple of benefits when it comes to toning your body.

The first benefit is that they build muscle and the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn. This is because muscle weighs more than fat and the body must work harder, consequently, burning more fat. The other benefit these exercises bring to the table is that they cause your body to exert so much effort that it goes into a state of metabolic shock. This means that you will burn calories at a higher rate for days after you are exercising.


Compound exercises include things like the bench press, dead lifts, clean and jerks and others. For the purposes of toning the abs, thighs and arms I recommend the following.

The clean and jerk is going to work the legs as you lift the barbell off the floor and the arms as you move it to your chest. It is also going to work your abs as you raise the barbell over your head because your abs act as stabilizers.

Dead lifts are also great exercises to do. They will work hour hamstrings, lower back and abs as well as your forearms.

Squats are great to work your quadriceps and gluteus maximus. You are also working your abs because, as in the exercises above, the abs act as a stabilizer.

Best Exercises to Tone Abs Thighs and Arms

If you would like to learn more click here http://www.absnotflab.info

You can also read plenty of other fitness articles at http://absnotflab.blogspot.com/

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Skateboarding Myths

Skateboarding is a sport that has been in place since the early 1970's yet it is amazing how much negative information about it still circulates. It is time to debunk some of those skateboarding myths once and for all. Keep in mind that all of the information you read out there, especially online isn't always fact. In many cases it is opinion or it is something that people have heard so many times that they take it to be the truth.

The biggest myth is that only teenagers take part in skateboarding. While they do represent a large number of the people involved in it, younger children and even adults take part in it as well. Keep in mind that some of the world's best skaters are in their late 20's and early 30's and they have no plans to retire from the sport any time soon!

\"keep Fit\"

A skateboarding myth that is finally dying down some is that it is only for males. While the majority of them are, more and more females are taking part in it. They don't care what society says about it and they love the sport. The fact that there are some female skateboarders taking part in the serious competitions out there also provides them with some amazing role models as well.

The myth about this is that youngsters getting involved in skateboarding have no goals in life. They are often stereotyped as individuals with a desire to live on the edge and to create problems. However, if you get to know many skateboarders you will discover they have great goals and ambitions. Many of them are top students as well and they even take part in community fundraisers. Yet they don't get credit for any of that in the eyes of some people that can't see beyond the label that continues to stick.

Many people wonder why there are plans in the works for skating parks and such around their towns. They don't see any real need for them due to low numbers of people taking part in the sport. The fact is that many more people would take part in it if such skate parks were in place. It isn't uncommon for people to travel 30 or so miles if they need to in order to find one.

Many experts believe that skateboarding is a sport that continues to grow faster than most others. However, it doesn't get the recognition that it deserves for people to really take notice of that. It is estimated that close to 15 million people take part in this sport and that it should see an increase of about 3% annually for the next five years based on projection data.

A common myth that everyone has heard is that skateboarding isn't safe. While there are some risks involved it is a safe sport. People get hurt all the time in a variety of sports. Those that generally do get hurt while skateboarding aren't taking the right precautions either. They don't have on a helmet, elbow guards, or knee guards as they should. When there is a bad accident with skateboarding we all hear about it, but what about the large number of people that did the same thing that day and didn't experience any injuries?

To help determine what is myth and what is real, you need to be open minded. Don't just readily accept the information that comes your way. Instead you need to be willing to determine what is really going on. Don't be afraid to ask questions and to learn more about skateboarding so you have facts and not myths that you share with others.

Skateboarding Myths

Recently, longboard skateboard as a new kind of skateboards become more and more popular in skateboarding world. As a result, there are increasingly manufacturers become produce longboards. Loaded is one of the big brands which provided longboards. You can find loaded longboards in SkateboardsPro.com.au

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Why Should College Students Exercise?

College is a very important and exciting period in your life. During these years you are going to experience a lot of new things, meet new friends who you will hopefully keep for life, and do a lot of the things that will help define who you are and more importantly, who you are going to be for the rest of your life. As with all big things in life however, with all the opportunities and chances that college offers, it also brings an element of risk, and no small amount of stress.

There will be pressures on your from all directions. Your parents and family will be expecting you to do well in your studies. Your tutors will also want to see clear and fresh thinking from you and may expect a level of commitment that you are not used to. You will have a lot of social pressures as you make new friends and find your place to settle in to your new life. You may have financial pressures as you struggle to meet bills and pay for everything, perhaps for the first time in your life. Even just moving out of home and having to cook and look after yourself can be a big pressure for a lot of young people. Don't underestimate the intensity of all of these challenges and take the time to evaluate how you are doing and what you need.


For all of these reasons it is important that you do some form of physical activity while you are in college. Exercise gives you confidence and a sense of control over you life. Whether or not you have been active in high school, you should aim to be in college. If you took part in a lot of sport during school then it is always a shame if you let these stop simply because you are in a new setting. You do not have to be the star of the team or anything, but find some people to play your favourite sport with, or go for a run or a swim or a bike ride or even a regular walk. If you haven't been very active up till now, then starting a new life at college is an excellent time to begin.

You may also notice that your lifestyle has some unhealthy elements at college, such as eating a lot of fast food and drinking more alcohol than you are used to. Rather than resorting to all sorts of drugs to relieve stress and anxiety give exercise a shot. You will not regret it.

Why Should College Students Exercise?

Visit http://www.my-fitness-online.com/ to read articles about precor exercise bike [http://www.my-fitness-online.com/discount-fitness-miscellaneous/precor-c846r-recumbent-bike-w-hr-remanufactured-14/] and stamina recumbent bike [http://www.my-fitness-online.com/discount-fitness-miscellaneous/stamina-premium-recumbent-bike-17/].

My Links : The stress no more Natural body spa

Lactic Acid Build Up Treatment

Having continuous and intense exercise build up lactic acid into the muscles, which causes individual to feel pain. This happens when you exert much effort that you intend to run out of breath, needing more oxygen into your body. Intensive workout needs to be done with right procedure. If you are planning to do heavy weightlifting and other related exercise, make sure that your body is fully hydrated all the time. This will help you avoid muscle build up and burn fats rapidly. Although burning fats will help a person to stay fit but it does not mean that you need to burn like all of them in just few workouts. Doing strenuous workouts and exercise will also disrupt metabolites in the body. Our muscles is actively contracted and needs maintenance however if it is loosen and in few minutes you will exert again much effort, this will lead to losing its proper tightness and may cause shortness and swelling. Eccentric contraction has been shown also to result in more damage in muscles.

To avoid lactic acid build up, a person must limit his exercise in one day. One must choose the right workout combination and proper counting procedure, which does not need more energy to perform it. We must be aware that our muscles have its specific tightness that needs to be maintained and when unintentionally abused, it may result to swelling and soreness, which causes pain. Drinking enough water or any energy drink during exercise will keep the body hydrated and is very helpful in avoiding lactic acid build up. Some studies say that anti-inflammatory drugs will also help reduce the soreness and muscle pain inside our body but it is not commonly advised to always take it since it might have side effects to our muscles. Exercise physiologists already conduct research on how helpful these anti-inflammatory drugs are in reducing lactic acid build up. However, doing the proper exercise and checking your breathing regularly is the best way to prevent lactic acid.


Never keep yourself pushed to an intense workout just to burn all the fats inside your body. Keeping healthy and fit is not bad, but being unaware how tired your muscles are because of that workout is the problem. You might face the consequence in the next few days.

If you're finding that the problem continues to get worse, you may want to consult with your local Doctor to see if they can prescribe something for you that can work for you.

Lactic Acid Build Up Treatment

Find out tips you can use to get rid of lactic acid and more. See what worked for others at MyGetRidofGuide.

Recommend : Help Me Sleep Well

Your Personal Fitness Regime

Everybody knows that it is important to be fit. Your level of fitness is a major factor in your lifespan, and getting in shape should be a priority. There are plenty of celebrities, whether qualified or not, offering to sell you their latest fitness video or book, and more and more articles in newspapers and magazines about the cost of not having a daily workout; the impact on your health, the social effects of being unfit, and of course the fact that most fashionable clothes don't come in plus sizes. Getting fit should be on your 'to-do' list all year round, and not just a New Year's resolution that doesn't make it past the first few days of January.

It is easy to start a fitness regime, and then run out of enthusiasm. With a busy work schedule, and an equally busy social life, it's a common enough occurrence that people drop out of exercising on the basis that they don't have enough time. The most obvious answer to this, and something that most fitness instructors will suggest, is just to get out of bed a bit earlier, and use that time to exercise. Of course, to some this may seem like a nightmare, and not something to inspire them; nightowls should look for something to do in the evening, perhaps a late workout session at the gym, or installing some home exercise equipment so that you can watch TV as the same time as working out.


Not everyone is suited to a traditional fitness regime of steps and 'dancercise'. You might find it rewarding to try other methods to keep fit, such as martial arts. It is not important how you get fit: only the results matter. If you find that you enjoy fencing, for example, then that will extend your enthusiasm for your fitness regime. Doing something that you hate, or which you feel stupid doing, won't last very long.

Keep your enthusiasm up in other ways, by working out to favourite tracks, or by keeping a log of how well you've done. You can work out with a friend and have a competition; or you can set yourself goals in your fitness regime, and reward yourself when you achieve them.

Fitness should be something that you work towards for all of your life, and a daily exercise routine will certainly help you achieve that goal. Even if your exercising consists of a short run everyday, and you never end up with a full six-pack, that does not matter. Fitness is not about getting the perfect body, it is about a general physical state where you feel more energetic, and you feel good about the way your body looks and works.

Your Personal Fitness Regime

Free Fitness and Exercise Tips http://free-fitness-exercise-tips.com - lots of information to keep you fit, healthy and help you to get regular exercise.

Tags : The stress no more

How to Get Ripped Biceps - Part 2


When you've fixed your diet and your eating habits, you will be ready for your main lessons on how to get ripped biceps. Adding both cardiovascular and strength-building exercises to your routine will improve your core muscle groups. Your body will be in a better condition to receive more intense training exercises, particularly the ones that will get you ripped.


Now here's the most important part of learning how to get ripped biceps... hydration. Once you've incorporated a good diet and a good workout plan, the next step is to maintain the condition of your body by continuously drinking water throughout the day. The food you consume will give you the nutrients you need.

Your metabolism should be relatively high by now because of the exercises and the meal frequency. The next step is getting those nutrients flowing through your body by replenishing the medium (your blood) with water. All the intense exercises will stress your muscles so you need to maintain them and nourish them with water.

When you're learning how to get ripped biceps, it's easy to go overboard. You need to know your limits and how far you will go in terms of exercise. Do you want really big muscles? Are you content with a bit of definition in your biceps area? Establish some boundaries and be realistic with your goals.

Getting Definition and Bulk

You want exercises that target the arms. Professionals that teach how to get ripped biceps recommend starting slow. Five-pound and ten-pound weights are ideal for this goal. This range of weights should stretch your muscles and develop a range of motion. Do 75 to 100 curls per arm broken into 4-5 sets to get your muscles used to weight training. Constantly increase the weight and lower the reps slightly to develop more definition and ultimately muscle mass.

Definition training has to coincide with fat burning. Muscles can develop underneath the fat on your arms, but your muscles won't be readily obvious as long as the layer of fat is there. Don't lose your patience and remember that your routines, exercises as well as the high intensity ones you do for bulk training can also help with fat loss.

Get Professional Advice

If you feel that doing it yourself isn't enough, get help. Solid advice on how to get ripped biceps will prevent you from permanently damaging your muscle groups through improper weight training and exercise. When talking to a professional, make sure you tell him that you want to learn how to get ripped biceps so that you can continue your training even when you're out of the gym.

Usually, a full-body approach with attention to the biceps is recommended. More often than not, a trainer or professionally designed program will recommend going for the "burn", which is the point when your body releases lactic acid during a workout. During this phase of an exercise, you're reaching your limit and you're producing more human growth hormones, which play a huge role in growing your muscles.

How to Get Ripped Biceps - Part 2

I hope that this article has given you a little more knowledge to help better your overall health and well being. It is extremely vital that you understand the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and fitness level. If you enjoyed this article, you may also like How To Lose Weight Quick and Get Rid Of Love Handles

(c) Copyright - Jack Brunsen. All rights Reserved Worldwide.

"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." ~Edward Stanley

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Dance Fitness Shoes - Choosing a Shoe For Zumba Class

One of the most frequently asked questions I get as a Zumba instructor is regarding the type of shoe to wear. Zumba is a cardio exercise class that combines both dancing and fitness moves. A regular dance shoe will not have the shock absorption for the impact of exercise, and an athletic shoe that is strictly for training may not have the lightness and movement capabilities needed for dancing.

The answer is to get a dance-fitness or dance-aerobic shoe. With the increased popularity in dance-fitness classes such as cardio salsa, hip-hop fitness and Zumba, the shoe manufacturers have come out with a great assortment of aerobic type training shoes geared to the dance-fitness enthusiast. These shoes have multi-directional support and very little tread on the sole. They are lightweight and make it easy to pivot and glide across the floor.


When choosing the right shoes for your feet, read the reviews or descriptions online. If you have a wide foot, narrow foot, or high arch, for example, there may be a brand of shoe that is better suited for you. Nike and Ryka brands have a popular selection of dance aerobic shoes to choose from.

Adding a well-cushioned insert to the shoe will make it much more comfortable. Take out the insert that the shoe comes with and place in one that is designed specifically for cross training or aerobics. Replacing the inserts often will extend the life of the shoe itself.

Athletic shoes should be replaced every 3 to 6 months, depending on how much mileage you put on them. When you feel your knees and legs begin to ache after exercise it could mean that it is time to get a new pair of shoes.

In summary, the best shoe for a dance-fitness class is one that is lightweight, supportive and has little tread on the sole. Find one specifically made for dance-fitness or dance aerobics. When you are wearing the right shoes you will have a better exercise experience, you will stick to your exercising and you will have more fun.

Dance Fitness Shoes - Choosing a Shoe For Zumba Class

Want to see what shoes all the zumba instructors are wearing? Visit the best shoes for zumba for specific styles and brands.

S. McRee is a zumba instructor, yoga instructor and personal trainer whose purpose is to inspire people to live a healthier lifestyle.

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Ayurvedic Cure for Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease (Paralysis agitans) as described by James Parkinson in 1817 is characterized by degeneration of central nervous tissues, affecting the motor skills of a person, thereby impairing his (rarely her) movements and speech.

Kampa vata described in Ayurveda is similar to Parkinson's disease. Kampa means vibration or shaking (as in an earth quake). Ayurvedic texts describe the symptoms as constant shaking or tremor of limbs and/or head, difficulty in body movements, difficulty in speaking, expressionless face and staring like look.

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Parkinson's disease affects about 1% of population of people aged 65 and above. It is less common in developing and underdeveloped countries. The description of similar type disease in ancient Ayurvedic scripts suggests such a disease existed 2,000 to 3,000 years ago.

Modern researches on Parkinson's disease almost revolve round an extract from an Ayurvedic herb. Levodopa or L-Dopa present in Mucuna pruriens is easily converted to dopamine at brain. This is especially beneficial in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. (More info at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=15548480&query_hl=1&itool=pubmed_Brief)

Synthetic L-Dopa brings with it several side-effects, while Mucuna pruriens preparation gives complete benefits of better Parkinson's cure with a little side effects like. The side effects of Mucuna prurens preparations are minimal when compared to synthetic levadopa. One important preparation in this regard is HP200 mucuna pruriens powder available in Indian market, which has been approved by Food and Drugs Administration of India.

Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease Ayurveda treatment aims at balancing disturbed vata. Massage therapy, enema, medication methods are applied. In addition to Mucuna pruriens (known by names violet bean, cowhage, naikkurana and kaunch beej), Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), Sida cordifolia are the prime herbs usable in Parkinson's disease Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurvedic Parkinson's treatment utilizes a holistic approach. The holistic treatment regime has great chances of success. Pacification of vata at the digestive tract is important. Mild laxatives are used for colon cleansing, mainly to control vata aggravation.

Rigidity associated with Parkinson's disease is due to entry of vayu to mamsa. To relive rigidity, one has to be given nervine tonics (Jatamansi and Shanka pushpi) are examples. Depression is due to vata entering nervous system, which can be controlled by appropriate drugs like Hydrocotyle asiatica or Hypericum perforatum.

Ayurveda Parkinson's disease treatment is not just about applying certain medicines or drugs to pacify the symptoms of the disease. Parkinson's disease Ayurveda treatment is a concerted effort to accurately identify the exact reason of the imbalance and offer stable solution to the problem.

This holistic approach makes use of meditation as a self diagnosis tool. Parkinson's disease occurs due to imbalances in mind, body or soul. Yoga and meditation helps the person to accurately focus on the right reason for the condition. It can sometimes be physical, mental or spiritual. Identifying the cause makes the cure as easy as possible.

Ayurvedic Cure for Parkinson's Disease

Dev Sri provides insider information about Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala. Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at http://www.KeralaAyurvedics.com/.

Site Developed, Hosted and Promoted by Aienet Communications. Website: http://www.aienet.com

Tags : How to balance Diet Natural body spa What to do to lose weight

Handling Difficult Behavior in 8-9 Year Old Children

Your 8-9 year old child is at an age where they begin to feel a strong urge to belong. Along with the need to belong, your child may be more inclined to give in to peer pressure. Now that your 8-9 year old has the ability to converse at a higher level, it's important to listen to your child's concerns about school and friends with love and understanding. While listening to their sometimes never ending descriptions you may stumble across an opportunity to teach through example. In these cases, praise for appropriate reactions or suggestions on how to handle things differently, allows for a casual teaching opportunity.

Emotions can change quickly with your 8-9 year old. Never react to your child's tantrums with a tantrum of your own. Instead, stay calm and exert your authority as a parent by giving age appropriate discipline. Verbal instruction and an explanation of consequences can help your child develop a sense of good judgment. At this age money starts to mean more to a child so withholding allowance or making your child work to pay off an offense can deter difficult behavior.


This is a stage where your child should be able start getting better control of his or her emotions. However, your 8-9 year old will still be prone to bouts of sensitivity and over dramatization. It's important to give consistent correction for tantrums at every stage, and your 8-9 year old is no exception. If given the chance to get their way with tantrums, you are laying the foundation for even greater rebellion in the future.

Handling Difficult Behavior in 8-9 Year Old Children

Do you want to learn exactly how to eliminate your child's out-of-control and defiant behavior without using Punishments, Time-Outs, Behavioral Plans, or Rewards? To Download and listen to my FREE audio recordings visit: Free Audio Recordings

Jason Johnson (MSW) has worked with hundreds of toddlers through teenagers diagnosed with A.D.H.D, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Aspergers Syndrome, Bi-polar, and SEVERE emotional/behavioral issues.

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