Weight Training - Advantages And Disadvantages

Weight training is a great way to get your whole body in shape. Many people associate weight training with your upper body and arms. However if you have the right equipment then you can easily exercise the lower part of your body, such as your chest and legs. You may think to yourself that everything about using weights is an advantage. However there are disadvantages to using weights and all the advantages and disadvantages will be described below.

One of the advantages of using weights to work out is the way that you can strengthen your whole body. We all know that weights are used by the person using them standing still and then performing an action using the weights. This action can be moving your arms up and down or side to side. If you are not the type of person that likes to partake in running, swimming or any other kind of real life sport, then weights is the perfect solution to keeping your body toned and in great shape.

\"keep Fit\"

Another advantage of using weights to keep fit is when you are using these weights and your body is standing still. Your bones in your body are becoming active as they are trying to support you as you are doing the exercises. So you are in effect working out the entire body every time that you use weights to exercise.

There are disadvantages to using weights for exercising and the main disadvantage is safety. You should never exercise with weights alone. You should always have a supporter with you in case the worst happens. The most common safety concern is using the barbell. There is a possibility of becoming trapped under the barbell if you are unable to do a repetition due to the amount of weight on the barbell.

Another disadvantage when using weights is causing damage to your own body. As stated before you need your whole body when you are using weights. If you cannot keep complete control of your body when you are working out, then you are going to pull or even tare a muscle in your body. Also using heavy weights when you are not ready will always cause an injury to the part of your body that you are exercising. Always remember to start off small and then move on when you feel perfectly ready to do so.

Overall weights are a good way to work out. Millions of people use weights to do a daily work out. After one or two weeks you can start to feel your body becoming more and more toned. You can also feel the muscles in your body start to bulge a bit more then before. However safety will be the major concern to remember when you are using your weights. You must remember to stretch all the muscles in your body before you attempt to exercise your body. You have to get your heart pumping and when you are done remember to warm down so that your body knows that the workout is over. Warming down will prevent trapping any Lactic Acid in your body.

Weight Training - Advantages And Disadvantages

Andy Eaton is the owner of http://www.gym.andyeats.com a site dedicated to helping people get into shape and at the same time helping them find their perfect Gym Equipment. visit http://www.gym.andyeats.com for quality gym equipment and information on choosing the right fitness plan.

Visit : World Health Club

The Five Components of Health Related Fitness

In order to properly design a fitness program we must first understand the five components of health-related fitness. these are:

1: Cardio respiratory endurance - the body's ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs and the ability to utilize them over sustained periods of time. This component is illustrated during long-distance running or swimming.


2: Muscular Strength - the ability of your muscles to exert force. This component is illustrated when lifting or moving heavy objects such as doing a weightlifting workout.

3: Muscular Endurance - the ability of your muscles to exert force or to perform repetitive movements over prolonged periods of time. This component can be tested by doing sit ups or push-ups

4: Flexibility - the ability to move our joints and muscles through their full range of motion. This can be seen when doing stretches or splits.

5: Body Composition - this refers to the ratio of lean muscle to fats in the body. A good fitness program should include each of these five components of health-related fitness. You should begin each workout session with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching and low intensity warm-ups. Cardio respiratory endurance can be improved by doing at least 20 minutes per session of aerobic activity. This can be in the form of jogging, bicycling, brisk walking, rowing, swimming or playing tennis or racquetball. Lifting weights whether free weights or strength machines will help you improve your muscular strength. Muscular endurance can be improved by doing push-ups sit ups or pull ups. Flexibility can be improved by doing 10 minutes of stretching exercises a couple times per week.

By including each of the first four components in your fitness program you will improve the fifth component by increasing the amount of lean muscle in your body and reducing the amount of fats.

The Five Components of Health Related Fitness

For more Fitness tips and information check out [http://www.fitnesstipsite.com]

See Also : World Health Club

Lactic Acid Build-up in Muscles

When you exercise, your muscles burn sugar, fat or protein in the presence of oxygen to produce energy. If you exercise so intensely that you become very short of breath and your muscles can't get enough oxygen, lactic acid accumulates in your muscle fibers. A study from Australia shows that lactic acid buildup in muscles does not make muscles tired and may even make muscle contract more efficiently, which may increase your endurance (Science, August 26, 2004.) This startling research contradicts what most instructors teach in their exercise classes.

The old theory was that lactic acid makes the muscles more acidic which causes them to hurt and burn and interferes with their ability to contract, so you feel tired. This new research shows that rat's muscles contact more efficiently when lactic acid accumulates in them. Electric currents cause muscles to contract. This electricity is generated by cell membranes causing potassium to move inside cells and chloride ions to stay outside. With vigorous exercise, potassium ions accumulate outside cells. As large amounts of potassium ions accumulate outside cells, electricity is not generated and the cells cannot contract. Another ion called chloride accumulates outside cells and prevents potassium from getting back inside cells. Lactic acid removes the chloride, so it is easier for potassium to get back inside cells. Therefore lactic acid increases the ratio of potassium inside cells to the amount outside, and this helps the muscle contract with more efficiency.

\"keep Fit\"

While this new concept of how muscles use lactic acid for energy is reasonable, it is not likely to change the way athletes train or the way exercisers become more fit. Healthy people are supposed to exercise vigorously and feel a burn in their muscles during exercise, which signifies buildup of lactic acid in muscles. They feel sore on the next day, go easy for as many days as it takes for muscles to feel fresh again, and then exercise intensely again.

Lactic Acid Build-up in Muscles

Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

More on training principles

My Links : How to balance Diet World Health Club Massage

Ice Skating Exercises For the Beginner

For the skating novice, some beginning exercises would prove to be helpful, because during the first time out on skating, the body is not accustomed yet to the upper and lower extremity movements.

Just like in any other strenuous activity, warm up and cool down exercises are necessary.

\"keep Fit\"

Some low intensity exercises at the start are good for warm up. These exercises are easy to do and remember and can be done alone. Why do warm ups? Well, taking time to exercise a bit before continuous skating will help prevent injuries and boost performance. It can be as simple as a walk with an increasing level of intensity, jogging in place without skates for a few minutes, or some activities that mimic the activity you are about to perform, which, in this case, is skating. Thus, use of the lower extremities would be very beneficial for conditioning. During warm ups, you are actually increasing body temperature and the supply of blood to the muscles being used, improving contractility and pliability, and consequently reducing the risk for strained muscles or other injuries. With warm ups, your strength is also considerably improved, and this can manifest in the number of hours you are able to last while skating, doing swizzles, crossovers, and Mohawks. Not having the time to do warm ups should never be an excuse for skipping it, for the benefits far outweigh the very little time, which is only about 5 to 10 minutes, necessary to do it.

After warm ups, the stretching period follows. Like warm ups, stretching increases performance, improves flexibility as well as range of motion. You can stretch already with your ice skates on using the rink railings or walls, but you can also do the exercise with the skates off. Regardless of the stretching exercises you choose, the important thing to remember is that muscle stretching should be done at a gradually increasing intensity. You cannot just stretch a muscle to its maximum, because overstretching is not only painful, but it can damage ligaments, tendons, and even the muscle itself.

When you are through with your skating session for the day, a cooling down period should be observed, where one continues to skate but is of considerably lower intensity just to normalize your heart rate and bloody circulation. Stretching exercises should follow as well, to reduce muscle soreness and stiffness. Just like the warm ups, these stretching exercises should be of mild intensity also.

With frequent practice, you really do not need additional exercises than those already mentioned, because skating itself is a form of an exercise. You just need to do it as often as you can.

Ice Skating Exercises For the Beginner

Drew Mers is a marketing consultant to City Ice Pavilion in World Ice Arena.

Tags : The stress no more

Recovery from Strenuous Sports Performance Training

What is recovery from strenuous sports performance training about? People who exercise regularly and play sports often spend a lot of time preparing careful sports performance training programmes. These focus on positively building all the areas of fitness and technique important to the successful conduct of their favorite activity. Some enthusiastic runners, cyclists and triathletes plan their year's activities around participation in races (marathon, triathlon, etc) or hoping to perform maximally at each race. In the haste to go faster and stronger, an important aspect of training is often neglected: sports recovery. From the experience of successful athletes though (particularly those in endurance sports) more time spent on sports recovery leads to improvement in the quality of sports performance training as well as optimal results in competition.

What is Sports Recovery?


Exercise at all levels of intensity acts to do one thing to the body: it depletes it. The depletion involves your energy stores (muscle glycogen, blood glucose and fat products in your blood), hormones, and muscle structures. In other words, you use up the body's valuable resources as you exercise and something must be done to replace them.

In order to return to training and to continue conditioning your body to meet your exercise goals, it is
important to create time and take active steps to bring about a re-building of the depleted body resources. This is what sports recovery is all about: the conscious action to help the body return to its optimal exercise state. This is especially important if you are intending to exercise intensively or for long durations soon after an exhausting bout. This could be endurance programme training, multi-stage bike race, or sports competitions that are only 2-4 weeks apart

Why bother with Sports Recovery?

In the very simplest terms you need to bother with sports recovery to keep you physically exercising at the level that you want to. Even more importantly, to allow the body's systems to re-charge sufficiently that your mental edge remains honed to that fine sharpness you desire. A blunted edge comes about from insufficient recovery and can come back to haunt you in these ways: staleness, loss of interest, reduced physical ability, decreased sports performance training tolerance. Yes indeed, the first steps towards over-training.

A good approach to sports recovery will ensure that the quality of your sports performance training and competition is high. This will contribute to you feeling satisfied with your efforts and achievements, and bring about continued confidence in your chosen endurance sport. Good recovery also enables you to exert a greater overall sense of control of your sports performance training destiny!

When should I think about Sports Recovery?

You should consider sports recovery at both macro- and micro-levels. An example of a macro level would be a period of sports performance training preparation time (e.g. a week or month), or the period between competitions on your race calendar. A micro-level consideration would be after a single very hard or exhaustive work-out.

At the macro level, the depletion of resources will have arisen as a systematic and progressive wearing away that parallels your rigorously planned training program. It is not the single mind-blowing training session that is involved here but rather the accumulated effect of all the sessions combined, and possibly inclusive of the race. While a single sports performance training session may leave you feeling fatigued, the depletion of body resources over a period of time (it can be as short as a week or as long as months) will leave you feeling that your ability to physically exert yourself is a little blunted. Your legs feel heavy and tired, and are unable to sustain prolonged effort in the way they used to.

The micro recovery level answers the body's aching need following that supremely challenging sports
performance training session, back-to-back training sessions in some training camp, or the actual huge
effort put into a competitive event (e.g. marathon running) . The latter involves not just the event itself but also the mental stress, increased adrenaline surges, and even mundane activities such as travel to the competition venue.

What are the steps I should take to recover properly?

Ensure that you take account of your macro and micro needs. Maintain an awareness of these using a
sports performance training /race calendar that allows you to visually assess the training and competition phases you are going through. Akin to the periodisation approach to training, this will help you to plan for recovery periods and make these an integral part of your sports performance training plan. Now consider the elements of the recovery: nutrition, structure regeneration, inflammation reduction, hormonal, and mental. Make plans for each of these.

Nutrition involves replacing the resources that you have used up in your prodigious attempts to go faster and stronger. This includes particular emphasis on replacing the following nutritional components: carbohydrates to re-build muscle glycogen for muscle recovery, and minerals and electrolytes to make up for loss in your sweat. The best time to re-build glycogen stores is within the first 3 hours after sports performance training as this is when the rate of glycogen storage is highest. Such storage remains elevated in the next 21 hours but not at the same rate as during what has been called the "critical re-energising window." There is scientific evidence to suggest that the very first hour after your exercise bout is actually the time that your body responds best to glycogen replenishment.

However, for some athletes, there are barriers that need to be overcome to meet this immediate post-
exercise nutrition need. This includes not feeling hungry or not having the correct nutrition available.
Positive steps must be taken to overcome these. Have nutrition available. If you can't stomach eating, then drink your nutrition (energy drinks, carbohydrate mixes). Find nutritional sources that agree with you, and use these.

If you are quite lean (meaning your body fat content is low), you should also ensure that your energy
replacement includes a balanced diet that has FAT and protein in it. Your overall energy needs are higher than someone who has not discovered long distance runs or triathlon training yet (poor people). So meet your higher energy needs and balance the sources of your energy: about 50-60 % from carbohydrates, 15% from protein, and up to 30% from fat.

Reducing your physical exercise is a good idea for 4-5 days after a punishing race. This does not mean
just lying around doing nothing, although that may be the order of the first day or so after competing. You will want to spend time actively stretching those tired and tight muscles, and by the 4th or 5th day, a light spin on the bike or some easy laps will help to keep your mind happy while you rest the muscles, tendons, joints and bones of your body. This is what is called "relative rest" with components of "active recovery."

The sports recovery period is a useful time to catch up with equipment maintenance matters. And in the long run, these really do matter. Clean the sea water out of your running shoes, wash your bike and take it to the shop for a tune-up, wash those hard-worn heart rate monitor straps and, so on.

Finally, there is massage. Do I detect some glee out there? The aim of massaging tired aching muscles is to relieve the tension that has built up in the muscles, as well as to assist in the removal of chemical
substances that build up during exercise and as a result of cell activity. So, just as top cycling teams bring their own masseuses to races (especially cycling tour competitions), you can help your body along with some judiciously administered massage. And if aches or pain persist, perhaps there is an injury that needs some attention from your sports doctor. The recovery period is a great time to have this managed, to deliver you in optimal shape as you return to training again.

All in all then, sports recovery is not something which every athlete thinks about, and some do it better
than others. It's something you should invest your effort into as much as you do your sports performance training preparations. It is an integral part of restoring your body to a condition which allows you to enjoy regular and continuous challenging training and competition.

Recovery from Strenuous Sports Performance Training

Dr Low Wye Mun is a sports physician practicing at The Clinic @ Cuppage in Singapore. A Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, he serves on the ACSM International Relations Committee. Dr Low also lectures for the Singapore Sports Council & the Blackburn College diploma programme. More details at http://www.sportzdoc.com

Related : The stress no more Massage

How To Keep Fit And Stay Healthy

If you have ever paid a visit to a doctor's clinic, you will know the answer or at least bits of the answer. In fact you may have read it on the posters or files at the doctor's clinic. Nobody can explain better about the importance of good health than your doctor. They are indeed the people who really know the importance of keeping fit and healthy. And they are one set of people who really care about others good health. I am saying this because my doctor is an angel, every time I put on an extra pound, he will remind me about what it is doling to my body. He even calls me if I do not show up at the clinic in months. To us life is fit if we are not suffering from any ailment. If we do not need to visit any doctor, we think we have achieved the optimum of health. But that is untrue. We may same fit on the outside but we have no clue of what is happening on the inside. However, there are many different measures we can take to ensure that we look as good on the inside as we do on the outside.

The first and easiest step towards being fit is maintaining a good diet, a balanced diet. A diet that ensures you consume more of fruits and vegetables and less of meats and fatty food stuffs. A diet that is void of too much butter or cheese or mayo. Cut down on your caffeine and sugar intake. Drinking a lot of water and fruit juices too are highly recommended.

\"keep Fit\"

Next is sleeping well. Yes sleep plays an important part too. Sleep early. Make sure you get your nine hours of sleep. When you are asleep, your body does its work so let it do what it has to!

Do not skip your breakfast ever. It is one of the most important meals of the day. Eat your regular meals, it will do you good to eat healthy even during breaks. Do not skip meals and go hungry, it is more likely that you will eat even more at the next meal

Exercise your body everyday. Go for a swim, or walk, or jog or just play a game of football or tennis. Your body needs a regular workout. If you think a gym is going to help you be more diligent with your workout, join one today.

Try your best not to get stressed out. Stress has the same effects on your body as any toxin would.

Remember to keep washing your hands, especially at office or after a long journey or if you've been out with many people. You do not want to get flu or catch any infection.

Do away with your filthy vices. Quit smoking. I do not need to tell you how it harms you; you can read it on the cigarette pack! Some alcohol consumption does your body good while most of it does harm. Be wise and do not drink too much.

How To Keep Fit And Stay Healthy

About this Author

Jenni Olsen is health and fitness expert who specializes in calorie shifting diets such as fatloss 4 idiots and has been consulting on the subject of weight loss for the last five years.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jenni_Olsen

My Links : Massage

Want a Flat Stomach? - Here's the Best Exercise

The best exercise for the stomach is probably not the one you're thinking of. It's not the traditional sit-up or ab crunch. It's not even ab related.

So before you go out and buy the Gut Buster 2000, you should know that the best exercise you can do for your stomach won't cost you a red cent.


All you need are your two feet because the exercise that I'm talking about is none other than walking or jogging.

If you've found that your stomach is flabbier than you'd prefer it to be, it's likely there are other parts of your body that need firming up as well.

Your body cannot just eliminate fat in one area. So if you are trying to crunch your way to a flatter stomach without exercising the rest of your body, you'll never see results.

To achieve a flat stomach, your entire body has to get leaner. Read that sentence again.

Start by doing cardio exercises to get your heart rate up and improve your metabolism. A good fast-paced walk three times per week is a great way to accomplish this. Not only does this burn calories, but it's good for your heart.

Did you know that a good, consistent cardio workout can increase your metabolism by up to 24 hours? Yep, it's true!

A Quick Exercise for Your Metabolism

Below is a sample workout that you can do to help give your metabolism a quick boost. It will help your body burn calories more efficiently if performed regularly.

1) Perform 30 seconds of hard exercise (i.e. run in place as fast as you can)

2) Perform one minute of moderate exercise (i.e. a casual jog or brisk walk).

3) Repeat this process 10 times.

4) Cool down for 3-5 minutes


In addition to a healthy diet, walking and/or jogging is one of the best stomach exercises you can perform because it raises your metabolism enough to burn excess calories all over your body.

Total body fitness is the key to a flat stomach, not just spot toning one area. Why not kick-start your fitness program with a nice, fast-paced walk 3-4 times per week? Your stomach and the rest of your body will say, "Thank you." :)

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Want a Flat Stomach? - Here's the Best Exercise

Lisa Irby is the author of http://www.flat-stomach-exercises.com, a site that presents the REAL FACTS on slimming your waistline.

Visit : What is Pregnancy Exercise Workouts Yoga

What is the Best Exercise For Weight Loss?

It is a common misconception that aerobic exercise tones and firms muscles. Actually it accomplishes very little toning and firming. Resistance exercise (weight training) is where real toning and firming of muscles occurs.

Doing both aerobics and weight training is the optimal way to lose more fat and gain more muscle. If you are trying to lose weight, studies show that weight loss increases by 56 percent with aerobic and strength exercises combined.


Muscle may weigh more, but when you increase your muscle composition, the body is able to burn more fat, even when you are resting, because your metabolism is higher. A pound of muscle will use 350 to 500 calories per week to survive, while a pound of fat only needs about 14 calories per week. New studies have shown that building muscle helps your body fight disease better, too.

Strength training benefits everyone, no matter what age or sex, and is becoming recognized as an important component of fitness. Research is indicating that the muscle loss found in elderly people doesn't come from age, but lack of activity. Even a young person who doesn't get enough exercise can lose muscle mass and strength. Strength training, such as lifting weights or performing weight-resistance exercises, as little as twice a week can help maintain or increase muscle mass.

Strength training involving several sets of multiple repetitions using moderate weights will not result in huge muscles. Instead it builds bone mass and increases the metabolism, as well as toning and firming the muscles, giving a leaner look.

It is very important to do both aerobics and strength exercises. The aerobic exercises help your heart and lungs get stronger and help your body utilize oxygen more efficiently, which in turn helps with strength training and overall fitness. The strength exercise helps develop muscle, reduce body fat and maintain bone mass.

Aerobic Exercise is a type of exercise that elevates the heart rate and breathing for a continuous sustained period. This overloads the heart and lungs and causes them to work harder than at rest.

There are many options to choose from today. Bicycling, aerobic dance, swimming, walking, and stepping are all examples of aerobic exercise. Which ones to chose depends on your physical condition, your history, your interests and your goals. Many experts believe it is better to alternate between 2 or more types, to get a better workout.

There are two main types of aerobics- high impact and low impact. It is better to alternate between high impact aerobics (which are harder on the body and may cause more damage) and low impact aerobics, such as walking and swimming. This is called cross-training, and helps reduce the chance or injury and overuse of certain muscles.

You will want to perform aerobic exercises at least 20 minutes a day for at least 3 to 4 days a week. If you are trying to lose body fat, or your physical condition is very good, then you may want to work longer at it. Try exercising up to 40 to 60 minutes 5 to 6 days a week.

Remember there is no real need to go overboard. Moderate intensity is almost always better, and is more enjoyable. Low to moderate intensity is an especially good idea when starting out after a layoff or recovery from illness or injury, or if you are significantly overweight.

Warm-up and cool down is important to reduce discomfort and the chance of injury. Warm up by starting slow and gradually build up to your top speed. Then slow down again at the end of your workout.

The whole idea behind aerobic exercise is to get up and get moving! Find something you enjoy doing that keeps your heart rate elevated for a continuous time period and get moving to a healthier life.

What is the Best Exercise For Weight Loss?

Dianne's FREE ebook reveals the secrets of people who are losing weight and getting healthier with coconut oil at http://Coconut-Oil-Diet.com Check it out today!

Dianne Ronnow is an expert online business & marketing coach in the Network Marketing industry. She teaches entrepreneurs how to use the internet & marketing systems to generate more leads and make more money... FAST! http://DianneRonnow.com

By Dianne Ronnow © 2005-8 Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved. This article may be freely copied as long as it is not modified and this resource box accompanies the article, together with working hyperlinks.

Recommend : The stress no more Natural body spa Yoga

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

The best exercise to lose belly fat is not what you think. You can do sit ups till the cows come home and never see substantial weight lost. Your first exercise should be reducing your carbohydrate and fat intake. Once you have cleaned up your diet, you can start seriously thinking about the best exercise to lose belly fat. I would focus not on one, but three abdominal workouts.

First you should buy an inexpensive workout ball, the type you blow up. You will want to use this for three main exercises. You will want to target three sections of your abs muscles. The rectus abdominus which is the section responsible for the much coveted six pack look, the transverse abdominus located on the side and the external oblique which is also located near the side.


All three of these combines are the best exercise to lose belly fat. You need to understand something right now. You can sit on your exercise ball and do one sit up after another and never gain the results you desire. You need to learn proper muscle contraction at the top of every repetition. Now, let's look at three varied movements which will really begin to help you lose belly fat.

  1. Sit on the exercise ball with your butt and have your legs flexed and shoulder width apart. Place your hand across your chest. Make one repetition and squeeze the abs and the crunch position, I mean really squeeze them. Do this 25 times and you will start to feel the burn. I always commit to three sets of 25 reps.
  2. Lie on your back and place the exercise ball between your ankles. Raise the ball towards the sky and squeeze the abs. Lower the legs and squeeze the abs once more. Follow the same rep pattern as #1.
  3. Lie on your back and put the exercise ball under your knees like you would if you were lying on the floor watching TV and you had your legs on the couch, only this time your couch is the exercise ball. Lift your chin towards your knees with your hands across your chest and squeeze your abs at the top. Then slowly lower your chest while maintain tight abs. Follow the same repetitions as the exercises one and two.

These are the best exercises to lose belly fat. Plus, you should couple these with healthy eating habits and you are well on your way to a leaner and healthier you.

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

You can discover how to melt fat around your midsection by visiting Scorch Belly Fat and find out what it feels like to have a ripped midsection.

See Also : What is Detox Guide To Herb What to do to lose weight

Exercise Gliders

An At Home Alternative To An Elliptical Machine

If you've used an elliptical machine at a gym and you'd like to have a light weight inexpensive version of the same thing at home than an exercise glider may be what you are looking for. While buying an elliptical machine for your home will probably cost you about 00, you can get an exercise glider for less than 0. An example of an exercise glider is Tony Little's "Gazelle" which is advertised on television. It costs about 0.


Exercise Gliders Fold Up Easily (Saves Space)

If you don't have much space in your home then the fact that an exercise glider such as the "Gazelle" folds easily is a big positive. If you live in a small apartment like me then it's a huge positive! I just don't have space to have a big elliptical machine in the middle of the living room all the time. To me that's just as important as the fact that they are about 00 cheaper for pretty much the same type of exercise.

Low Impact Workout

One of the great things about working out with an exercise glider is the fact that it gives you a low impact workout. This is great for those of us with bad knees or for people who are significantly overweight. Walking on the concrete can be very hard on the knees. Why not burn the calories without the wear & tear on the knees? That's what you get with an exercise glider.

Cardio Is An Important Part Of Losing Weight

Combining cardio exercise with a smart fat burning diet (stay away from low calorie starvation diets) is a great way to lose weight fast.

Exercise Gliders

Exercise Gliders For Sale. Buy an exercise glider online 24/7/365. Great prices, huge selection.

Buy Cardio Equipment Online.

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