Getting A Good Workout At Home

No matter what any pill-marketing advertisements may tell you, the heart of weight loss is getting regular exercise. While some people don't like to go to the gym, either due to embarrassment or the effort involved in driving elsewhere just to exercise, there are plenty of exercises that you can do in your own house to help you keep fit and in shape. With that in mind, here are some exercises that you can perform in the comforts of your own home.

Jumping rope - while most of us forgot about jumping rope the second that we got out of grade school, it is truly a great workout. Studies have shown that a mere five minutes of jumping rope is equivalent, calorie-burning-wise, to jogging for a full mile! What's more is that you can jump rope in your house and it costs very little to get your own rope. Just be sure that when you are jumping rope that you keep it high-intensity, spinning the rope quick enough to generate some real movement of the body.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Climbing stairs - do you have a stairway in your house, or do you live in an apartment building? If so, congratulations - you've got your own stairmaster! Few people realize the merits of simply walking up and down a flight of stairs when it comes to fitness. While plenty go on stairclimbers with reckless abandon, roughly the same workout can be attained by just walking up and down flights of stairs. Once you feel that the benefits of stair climbing aren't enough for your workout, try carrying weights, or even soup cans, as you climb the stairs. This added weight, although small, helps your body to get more in shape.

Getting A Good Workout At Home

Sit-ups and push-ups - these two exercises help you to tone the muscles in your chest and abs while burning calories. They don't require any equipment, and you can even do them while you're watching TV! If you're watching television and a commercial break happens, take the opportunity to do a set of push-ups and a set of sit-ups. In no time, you'll notice a lot more tone to the muscles in your body.

Cleaning - cleaning around the house is actually quite the aerobic activity. In addition to burning calories, you're also performing some house work that can really pay off. Be sure to keep a steady pace while cleaning, ensuring that the exercise that you get from the process is intense enough to make a difference.

Getting A Good Workout At Home

Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Weight Loss [], Food [], and Health [].

The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) - The 1st Foundation of Every Effective Exercise Program

There are numerous reasons to exercise and more different workout types than I can count, but regardless of your goals and your preferred method of working out, there are two things that must be incorporated into your program if you want it to be effective. These two foundations are not specific exercises or even types of workouts, but rather general scientific theories.

Many people don't consider scientific theories to be flashy or interesting, but they are important for increasing our knowledge and understanding. These two theories in particular are very helpful for understanding exercise program design and explaining why some workout programs work, some fail, and some result in improvements, but not necessarily the ones we hoped to achieve.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

The field of health and fitness is continually evolving and many things we believed 10 - 20 years ago are now thought to be outdated or inaccurate, but these 2 theories show no signs of being replaced anytime soon. The longevity of the first theory, the General Adaptation Syndrome or GAS, is particularly impressive, because it has been around for over 70 years.

The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) - The 1st Foundation of Every Effective Exercise Program

The General Adaptation Syndrome was not originally designed with exercise in mind and it is really a model for the body's reaction to stress. You may be surprised by this, but exercise is actually considered a form of stress, which is why GAS can be applied to workout routines. This theory does such a good job explaining the body's reaction to training that it is still frequently used, possibly because it succinctly and accurately sums up the basic progression of every exercise program.

The General Adaptation Syndrome has 3 separate parts, each corresponding to a different stage in your body's stress response. The 3 stages are alarm, resistance, and exhaustion and I will discuss each stage as it relates specifically to exercise and program design. By examining this theory, you will learn some basics of program design and develop an understanding of why some exercise routines lead to long-term success, while others are doomed to fail.

Stage 1: Alarm - This phase, which can also be called the shock stage, occurs at the beginning of an exercise program or after a significant change in training. This is what happens when your body is exposed to a new stimulus, such as exercise. Exercise is initially alarming to your body and does cause a shock to your system, but some amount of unfamiliar stimulus or shock is necessary for improvement to occur.

During this time, you will likely have increased levels of stiffness and soreness and you may experience short-term decreases in physical performance. The amount of the negative response is determined by your body's natural ability to handle stress, as well as the intensity of the stimulus. In other words, the more you push your body out of its comfort zone, the more negative effects you will experience. Eventually your body will begin to recover and you will get to the second phase.

Stage 2: Resistance - The second phase represents the time when your body adapts to the training stimulus that was previously a shock to your system. In order to get past the alarm stage, your body must make physiological changes or improvements until the stimulus is no longer considered a shock to your system. Building up a resistance to a previously alarming stimulus is really the foundation of any type of improvement, regardless of the goal of your exercise program.

Without adapting and overcoming a new stimulus, you can maintain your current fitness level, but you will not actually improve without applying some shock to your system. During the resistance stage, your body not only recovers from the negative effects in the alarm stage, but you will typically have a rebound effect where your performance actually improves for a brief period of time. This is known as supercompensation, because your body improves by a larger amount than is needed to overcome the previous stimulus.

Supercompensation the true goal of any workout designed to improve your body and long-term progress depends on maximizing your supercompensation response. This can be tricky, because supercompensation is temporary and if you wait too long between workouts (new stimuli), your improvements will disappear and return to their previous levels. On the other hand, if your next workout is too soon or the stimulus is too much, then your body will go into the next stage of stress response: exhaustion.

Stage 3: Exhaustion - This is the final phase of stress response and unlike the other two, this one you want to avoid whenever possible. The exhaustion phase, which may also be referred to as the Maladaptation phase, occurs when the stress level is too much for your body to handle. In terms of exercise, it means your workouts are too hard for your body to recover from.

Transition from the resistance stage to the exhaustion stage can happen for a number of reasons, but some of the most common are: staleness or a lack of variety in your workouts, excessive amounts of exercise, workouts that are too challenging, poor nutrition, and too much overall stress in your life. Typically it is a combination of factors that leads to exhaustion, but the end result is a lack of further progress and eventually a decrease in performance and/or loss of previous gains.

If you are performing your typically challenging workouts and start feeling burnt out or stop experiencing positive results, then you are likely in the exhaustion phase. At this point, your main priority should be to change your program and get out of the exhaustion stage as quickly as possible. Nothing good comes from experiencing the exhaustion stress response and further increases in stress will just result in further deterioration of your body.

From the General Adaptation Syndrome, we can see that trying to push through exhaustion stress is not a good idea. Pushing your body more will just lead to overtraining, which may take weeks or months to fully recover from. When severe overtraining occurs, you have to drastically reduce your exercise or stop training altogether, until your body has a chance to recover.

The GAS theory also shows the importance of having the right amount of exercise stimulus. You need enough of a training stimulus to reach the alarm stage and trigger the resistance stage, but not so much that you go into the exhaustion stage. On the other hand, if your workouts do not cause an exercise stimulus high enough to reach the alarm stage, then your body will not have a reaction or enter the resistance stage and you will not experience positive changes.

The General Adaptation Syndrome obviously does not explain specific aspects of program design, but it does provide the basic foundation for any successful workout routine. You can approach exercising from many different ways, but if the intensity of your program doesn't result in your body fluctuating between the alarm stage and the resistance stage, then your program will be ineffective.

The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) - The 1st Foundation of Every Effective Exercise Program

Ross Harrison, CSCS, NSCA-CPT is a certified personal trainer, strength and conditioning specialist, nutritional consultant, and has a BA in psychology from Grinnell College. He takes a holistic approach to health and fitness and teaches people how to lose weight, get in shape, and improve their quality of life with exercise and nutrition. If you want to find out more about his services or contact him for any reason, please visit

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month? Metabolism, Diet & Exercise Can Help You Lose 5 to 20 Lbs

In order to lose weight in a steady pace one needs to adopt a healthy program that contains healthy diets and workouts. Healthy diets can enhance the metabolic rate of the body whereas cardio workouts can burn fats quite easily. Moreover weight loss in such a natural manner would help you to get permanent results without any doubt. In fact, with the support of natural methods you can lose up to 5 to 20 pounds within a month.

Check out the top methods that would help you lose 5 to 20 pounds within a month:

\"Exercise Workouts\"

* Acai Berry: The acai berry is the most touted and preferred diet which can help anybody to lose tons of fats at ease. Quite interestingly, one can experience weight loss in a very steady pace. This diet actually works by reducing your appetite level. However, the metabolic rate of your body would get enhanced with this diet and its herbal mood enhancer would keep you motivated throughout the dieting session. Further, this diet is very rich in antioxidants, fibers, vitamins, proteins and plant sterols and as such apart from weight loss benefits you would even experience numerous health benefits.

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month? Metabolism, Diet & Exercise Can Help You Lose 5 to 20 Lbs

* Colon Cleansing: When colon cleansing is taken along with the acai berry diet then the combination is termed as dynamic duo. It can also play a very important role in shedding those extra pounds from your body. Actually, colon cleaning works by eliminating all the unwanted toxins from your body and reduces the blood pressure as well as the cholesterol level of the body.

* Exercise: Workouts are also very helpful to maintain a healthy body. In fact, you must develop the habit of doing simple exercises such as swimming, jumping, brisk walking etc., to burn the extra calories at a very steady pace.

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month? Metabolism, Diet & Exercise Can Help You Lose 5 to 20 Lbs

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Physical Fitness For Basketball

Everybody very well know that basketball is game which requires high degree of movement, and the players should be physically fit to have a control over the game. Most of us like to be a professional basketball player, but we drop the idea when we think about the fitness which is required for playing the game. But that is not a good thing to drop your dreams. Getting physically fit is easily achievable by anyone as explained below.

There are two types of modes in which the fitness is measured for a basketball player.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

  1. Cardio respiratory
  2. Anaerobic/Interval

Physical Fitness For Basketball

  • Most of the experts wish that anyone who wishes to play this game should possess a fairly high level of aerobic fitness before they begin.
  • Whenever the players get trained, the important part they look into is strength conditioning and plyometric training.
  • We should be fit to consistently show improvement on both strength and power during the game. Normally players undergo the strength and power training to keep them physically fit during the course of the game.
  • Normally a basketball player should possess excellent endurance. These players are normally expected to repeat multi high intensity and that too with very minimal rest periods.
  • For Aerobic fitness, we can jog or run for a long distance at a slower speed without getting too tired. This fitness is completely for going longer at higher intensities before your legs and body slowdown. This is more important when you play the entire game. Finally, drinking water makes you more fit by overcoming dehydration problems. It is always good to have 1 liter of water in a empty stomach once you get up.

So it is always going to be the regular and routine exercises along with the good habits can make you the fittest to play this game. All the best.

Physical Fitness For Basketball

If you like to be really fit to be basketball player, learn more on fitness of basketball. Good luck.

An Effective Exercise Routine for Beginners

Let's start with this very important rule: NEVER OVERDO THE FIRST FEW SESSIONS. Many beginners to exercising fall for this trap, especially when they do not have qualified trainers with them. They get overly excited and lose patience. They try to produce in two weeks what often takes years to accomplish.

They begin by going all out right from the start doing as much as they can. The next day, their joints and muscles lock up in pain. Then, they get discouraged, stop exercising for a while and give it up altogether. Workouts should start out smooth and easy.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Here is a warm-up routine to do 1 set of before every workout, but doing 3 sets of these alone can be a pretty good workout; particularly if you are a beginner.

An Effective Exercise Routine for Beginners


Lean over deeply on your left foot while your right leg is stretched out to your right side. Maintain balance.
Slowly, raise yourself with your left leg to a standing position.
As you stand, spread your feet wide apart.
Repeat this for ten counts.
Do steps 1 to 4 again; this time, alternate the legs' position (left becomes right, and vice-versa).
This exercise warms up your legs, calves, and abdomen.


Stand erect, chest out, with your buttocks protruding and your stomach in. Put your hands straight out in front of you. Relax.
Do squats by bending your legs to lower your body. Bend your legs until your upper legs (thighs) are parallel to the ground and you are in a squatting position. Keep your body erect as you squat.
Then raise yourself as you straighten your legs back to a standing position.
Do around 5 to 10 squats. Inhale deeply as you go down. Exhale as you stand up.
This exercise warms up your leg muscles, calves, and the muscles in your abdomen.


Stand with your feet about 3 feet apart. Relax.
Place your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the sides.
Very slowly, twist your body to your right without moving your legs or feet. Try to twist to your right as far as possible. Your face and body should be facing your right side while your legs remain steady. Then hold on to this position for 10 seconds.
Do the same to your left side.
This exercise warms up your legs, back muscles, and abdomen.


Stretch out your arms to your sides. Keep them level with your shoulders.
Simultaneously rotate both arms to the front. Do this 20 times each rotation.
This exercises your shoulders, arms, and back muscles.


Bring your right and left palms together. Have all fingers and palms pressing each other in front of you while pointing the fingers upwards.
Simultaneously push one palm against the other as hard as you can. Keep pushing for 5 seconds. Relax. Then push again for 5 seconds.
Do this ten times. Exhale as you push, and inhale as you relax.
Then press both palms in front of you while having their fingers pointing in different directions one set of fingers pointing to your left, the other set to your right. If your left fingers point to the right, your left hand should be under your right hand.
Push both palms against each other, the left palm pushing upwards, the right palm pushing downwards.
Exhale as you push, and inhale as you relax. Do this ten times. Then change the positions of your palms (left over right) and do the same procedures.
This exercises your forearms, arms, shoulders, and latissimus muscles (the muscles at the sides that give your body a V shape).


Gently move your head to your right side while your right hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently move your head to your left side as your left hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently move your head backwards as your left or right hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently bow your head to the front as your right or left hand gently pushes against your forehead. Do this once.
This exercise strengthens your neck muscles. Never do neck rotations.


Do slow push-ups from 10 to 15 counts.
This exercises your arms, chest, shoulders, part of your abdomen, and part of your back muscles.


Jog in place for 3 minutes.
Then jog in place a lot faster for 2 minutes.
Then jog in place with a normal pace for another 3 minutes.
This exercise gives you a good leg and calf warm-up. This also serves as aerobics for your lungs and heart.

There! That ought to do it. After doing the above warm up exercises for some time, you should be ready start doing regular weight training and cardio workouts. Then just do 1 set of these exercises to properly warm up before you start each workout.

An Effective Exercise Routine for Beginners

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at: []

Cardio Workouts for Fun and Fat-Burning

About one in four Americans is overweight, but whether or not you have weight concerns, cardio workouts are important for your overall health. They're also good for your emotional wellbeing. Cardio workouts increase endorphins, which give you a sense of well-being. A good cardio workout will exercise your heart muscle, increase your lung capacity, burn calories and reduce stress.

There is no one "best" cardio workout. The ideal cardio workout is one that you enjoy, because you'll be more likely to do it. Success is measured by how hard you work-but it doesn't have to feel like work. For some people, a pleasant workout is spending 20 minutes on a treadmill watching TV or a movie; others have more fun when the workout takes the form of dancing. If the time goes by quickly, you know you've found the cardio workout for you.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

There is also no one best time of day for a cardio workout. The advantage to doing a cardio workout in the morning is that it helps burn off fat stored overnight, helps you start off the day with a sense of well-being, and jumpstarts your metabolism. However, working out later in the day burns off calories you've consumed during the day, and helps release stress that may let you sleep better. You may find that setting a regular time for your cardio workout helps you keep to the routine, but you will get just as many benefits if

you aren't consistent. Just make sure that you do a cardio workout that keeps you at your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes at least twice a week. If you want to lose weight, make sure you work out for at least 30 minutes three or four times a week.
Cardio Workouts for Fun and Fat-Burning
Cardio Workouts for Fun and Fat-Burning

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of []. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about fat burning [].

How to Quickly Increase Your Strength and Size Using Isometrics Muscle Exercises

Are you like most individuals and don't have a lot of time to go to the gym or are not getting results from those boring one hour marathon session workouts? Here's 5 reasons why you should include isometrics muscle exercises in your bodybuilding program.

1. Don't need a lot of time. Isometric exercise workouts only need 5 minutes. Hard to believe I know, but it's true -- you can get a complete total body workout in only five minutes. Isometrics as you may or may not know has been scientifically validated, back in the 1950s as an effective way to increase strength... in a minimal amount of time.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

2. Faster strength gains. Isometrics muscle exercises were discovered to increase strength by almost 5% per week in a scientific study. The premise for this was that by forcing the muscle to make a maximum contraction and have it be held for between 6 to 10 seconds produced a greater result than doing countless repetitions.

How to Quickly Increase Your Strength and Size Using Isometrics Muscle Exercises

3. Proven to work. You may be asking -- "if isometrics muscle exercises are so effective then who has used them?" Let's say, The Great Gama -- an undefeated Indian wrestler that won over 5000 matches. Isometrics is one of the core principles used in Charles Atlas's dynamic tension training program. The incredible Bruce Lee used isometrics extensively. Isometric exercise is the cornerstone of all martial arts training. And even the governor of California -- Arnold Schwarzenegger touted the value of using isometric training.

4. No need for gym membership or fancy equipment. This is one of the biggies. Isometrics muscles exercises are one of the few bodybuilding protocols that doesn't require any equipment. You can use your own body weight... a door jamb or even a tree to provide resistance. Granted, the most effective way to use isometric exercises is by utilizing inexpensive isometric exercise equipment... such as the Tensolator. The reason I say this is because free hand isometrics does not allow you to measure your strength gains. By using an isometric exerciser not only can you measure and monitor your strength gains but, you can add variety and apply other muscle building principles such as super setting and muscle confusion to turbocharge your results.

5. You don't need a lot of space. Forget buying a fancy home gym like Bowflex or Total Gym. Not only do you not need to spend a lot of money but, you don't need a lot of room. In fact, you can do isometric exercises anywhere -- in your car -- in your office -- at your home -- where ever you want to get in a quick 5 minute workout. And who doesn't have five minutes of time to get a physically attractive body and better health!

How to Quickly Increase Your Strength and Size Using Isometrics Muscle Exercises

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Daily Exercise Workout - Traditional Chinese Style

A traditional Chinese daily exercise workout is holistic, comprising exercises and techniques for your body, mind and spirit. Why is holistic exercising necessary? While having a strong, toned, flexible body is beneficial and desirable, if you don't have control over your mind and emotions you simply don't have complete, harmonious health - you're only doing one-third of what you should and could be doing for your health! This is something Eastern yogis, daoists, medical practitioners and martial artists have known for at least 2000 years.

A typical daily Chinese exercise workout schedule contains:

\"Exercise Workouts\"

  • Warm up, loosening & stretching exercises
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Self-massage techniques
  • Breathing & meditation techniques

The benefits of a Chinese style daily exercise workout are numerous:

Daily Exercise Workout - Traditional Chinese Style

  • A strong, toned, flexible body
  • A calm mind
  • Balanced emotions
  • Enhanced blood circulation
  • Good posture & balance
  • Sound sleep
  • Clear skin & eyes
  • Good digestion
  • Regular bowel movements
  • A greater overall sense of well-being, and more

Will a Chinese style daily exercise workout help me?

The benefits of Chinese health exercises are available to anyone regardless of race, age, sex and state of health. The exercises and techniques are based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the oldest, continuously practiced medical system in the world. If these exercises and techniques didn't work, they simply wouldn't still be in use. If you haven't done Chinese style exercise before though, you'll obviously need to try it for yourself. All you need is a desire to improve your health and wellbeing, 15-30 minutes a day and a suitable place to practice - no gyms, classes, equipment or training partners necessary!

To your health!

Daily Exercise Workout - Traditional Chinese Style

Matthew Scott is a professionally trained Chinese medicine practitioner from Australia, living in China since 2000. Matthew has been doing Chinese health exercises for 22 years. He offers a Longevity Exercise Program on downloadable video at his website.

How to Lose Belly Flab With Exercises

Do you want to be in shape or do you want to have the shape of a ball? That is the question present in the minds of people all across the World. Although exercise is great for burning calories and lets us attain a healthy metabolism rate, not all exercise works for getting rid of the belly flab. But it doesn't have to be difficult or painful, there are plenty of easy-to-do exercises you can begin doing TODAY!

These exercises to lose belly flab are easy and fun. Stick to them and you'll start seeing results in no time. While you do them, remember to focus on the abs section, all work must be done with the abdominal muscles, and proper form must be attained. When doing exercises that require you to lie on the floor, keep your lower back pressed on the ground, to relieve your hips from doing extra work.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Abdominal Contractions

How to Lose Belly Flab With Exercises

Get in the habit of doing abdominal contractions regularly. A constant training of these muscles will give you the strength needed to perform advanced exercises. Throughout the day focus on your abs and contract them. You can do it virtually anywhere! When watching TV, waiting for the doctor, driving to work, or whenever you like. The habit of doing this will give you a tight set of abs that will make your belly flab look smaller.

Bent-leg Curl-ups

Begin by lying on your back with your lower back pressed against the floor. While keeping your feet flat on the floor, bend your knees and place your hands on you thighs. Raise the upper body at 30 degrees or until you feel the burn. Repeat and increase sets and reps over time to assure that you are still improving your midsection.

Backwards Sit-ups

Conventional sit-ups are harder to replicate than you may think. When done wrong it brings the focus to you back and neck, however you don't have to be conventional when doing sit-ups.

To start this exercise, lie on your back. Place your palms against the floor next to your buttocks. Next, bend your knees upwards and towards your chest. Slowly bring back your legs to the original position. Control is the key here to give a great workout to your lower abdominal area. Doing this will bring you the benefits of sit-ups without the additional strain on the neck and back.

Start doing these exercises along with cardio training and a healthy diet, and you'll start seeing your belly flab smaller and smaller.

How to Lose Belly Flab With Exercises

Learn how to get the stomach you want with the Best Exercises to Reduce Stomach

While you are there be sure to bookmark us for tips and more product reviews.

How to Lose Thigh Fat Fast - Reduce Cellulite on Legs Within a Few Weeks

I'm going to show you how to lose thigh fat fast. This will also help to reduce cellulite on legs within a few weeks due to the weight loss. Besides that, you'll reduce the appearance of cellulite on your butt as well.

One of the simple exercises I'm going to show you is the best exercise to drain "lymph"... which causes blockage that promotes the appearance of cellulite.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

How to Lose Thigh Fat Fast

How to Lose Thigh Fat Fast - Reduce Cellulite on Legs Within a Few Weeks

1. You need to use gravity to help unblock, blockages of lymph and blood flow... for this, jump on a mini-trampoline

The mini-trampoline is the best exercise you can do to drain lymph blockages and cause stagnant blood flow to get moving again. This helps to smooth out the legs and butt from those ugly dimple marks you have. Besides that, the mini-trampoline is great for weight loss.

Jump on it as often as you can. I prefer to do it 1-2 minutes at a time during commercials, but you can do that or do it all at once. Or a combination. The more often you do it, the quicker the results.

It's a simple exercise and if you do it 1-2 minutes at a time, you won't get tired at all... and you won't sweat.

2. To peel off pounds and inches of fat fast, incline walking is best

I have a treadmill at home that inclines. I simply walk on it, inclined at 15 degrees. Nothing more. My walks are pretty short... 20 minutes. I even do them while watching tv.

Here's the deal... for weight loss, incline walking is 10 times better than walking on flat ground. Just try it. Use a hill or a treadmill. If you want proof, all I can say is to do it once or twice. That'll do more than all the explaining I could do.

How to Lose Thigh Fat Fast - Reduce Cellulite on Legs Within a Few Weeks

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

Does P90x Work? The P90x Reviews Are In - Here is What They Say

It's certainly understandable that we view television infomercials with a healthy dose of skepticism in these days of ultra-hyped products. We scrutinize products like Tony Horton's P90X Extreme Home Fitness System because though we want the results it promises, we do have our doubts and fears about committing to purchase.

Many carefully crafted television promotions seem to offer the world - almost the impossible - only to disappoint. Many people who view the infomercial for the P90X understandably then, ask the same question - Does the P90X really work or is it just over-hyped?

\"Exercise Workouts\"

The response from people who have purchased and used the P90X system however, should lay your fears to rest.

Does P90x Work? The P90x Reviews Are In - Here is What They Say

First, the materials are delivered as promised.

No one takes your money and runs off with it. You get what the infomercial promises.

Also, there is no wasteful, environmentally unfriendly packaging to "bulk up" the product. You will receive a compact package consisting of several DVDs and printed guides. These additional materials help you to use the workout system effectively as well as maximize your results by implementing better nutrition.

Second, the quality of the presentation is professional.

It is not gimmicky or cheesy. Some people complain that Tony talks too much, especially as you become familiar with the program. However there is even a feature which will allow you to turn off the commentary and only hear instructions at the beginning of the exercise.

Third and most important, the workouts themselves are effective when practiced.

Make no mistake, each P90X workout is challenging. In fact they are downright grueling.

You are not put through a lop-sided program that only does cardio, or just focuses on strength straining. It is an advanced, comprehensive program with many different routines - you are guaranteed not to be bored when working with the P90X System.

The consensus is then, Tony Horton's P90X Extreme Home Fitness System is an engaging, tough workout system that is guaranteed to get you past your fitness plateau.

While there may be some obese persons who have the determination to stick with this grueling program and see results, the P90X will definitely push those who are already working out and want better results to their limits.

Overall, reviews including those at agree that, if you stick with it, the P90X workouts will transform your body and furthermore, they suggest that following the P90X program will kick your fitness level up a couple of notches better than anything else that is currently available.

Does P90x Work? The P90x Reviews Are In - Here is What They Say

It is difficult to find any negative P90X reviews but you can visit to see for yourself what others who are using the P90X are experiencing.

Yoga For A Flat Stomach - 4 Effective Asanas

Yoga is an excellent component of any health and fitness routine. It helps to reduce stress, aid mobility and exercise al parts of the body. And, you can use yoga in such a way as to target certain parts of the body including your stomach.

There are numerous yoga positions which can be used to exercise your stomach muscles. Called Asanas, these exercises come in varying degrees of difficulty. It is important to assess your skill and fitness levels and chose Asanas which you are comfortable with. Start with one which seems easy and work up to the more complex over a period of time. Do not be led to take on more than you are comfortable with. Be sure to seek medical advice before undertaking any new course of exercise and make sure that you warm up to avoid injury.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Some of the Asanas to improve stomach tone;

Yoga For A Flat Stomach - 4 Effective Asanas

1. Pavan-Muktasan
First lie on your back ideally on a yoga mat or towel to protect your spine. When first starting yoga, this exercise can be completed one leg at a time. Bend your knees to your chest so your thighs touch your abdomen. Hug your knees, using one hand to hold the other. Lift your head so that your nose touches your knees then take a deep breath and hold this for thirty seconds. Release your legs and slowly lower to the starting position.

2. Bhujangasan
For this exercise, lie on the floor and roll onto your stomach. Place your hands under each shoulder as if to do a push up. Using only your back muscles, lift your upper torso from the ground so that your head becomes upright. You need the muscles from your back to do all the work so do not help with your hands. Although predominantly making use of your back muscles, this asana will help with developing better muscle tone in your stomach.

3. The Bow
This is a more advanced asana. The stomach exercise is similar in many ways to the Bhujangasan asana, but is more difficult. It starts from the same basic position - flat on your stomach - but now you also curl your legs upwards in addition to lifting your upper body. In a perfect example the soles of your feet come toward the back of your head forming a circle. Once you can, grab your ankles, pull with your hands, push using your legs till only your stomach touches the floor. Hold this for at least thirty seconds before releasing and returning to the starting position.

4. Paad-Pashchimottanasan
This asana is also more advanced. Start lying on your back, relaxed with your legs straight, arms extended over your head. Point your palms to the ceiling. Using only your stomach muscles sit up, keeping your back straight and hands overhead. Your legs stay fixed to the floor throughout. Lean forward so your head is between your arms and grab your toes with both hands. Hold for 2 minutes before releasing and slowly returning to your starting position using your stomach muscles to lower yourself to the floor.

Yoga like every other form of exercise or wellness routine will be more effective when combined with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Yoga For A Flat Stomach - 4 Effective Asanas

Abhishek is a Memory Power expert and he has got some great tips on Improving Your Memory. Download his FREE 75 Pages Ebook, "How To Boost Your Memory Power!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

The Insanity Workout is Not For Everyone

Not For Beginners.

The Insanity workout by Shaun T is not going to be a workout for beginners. If you are terribly out of shape, this workout is not going to be right for you. It is not a smart idea to overly exert yourself with a workout that is meant for people that are already in okay shape. Now I am not saying that everyone that is out of shape should not do the Insanity Workout, but I am saying that you need to make sure you are up for a difficult exercise. Even Shaun T himself says that Insanity is not for lazy people, nor is it for the week minded.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Why be so hard on the workout?

The Insanity Workout is Not For Everyone

You need to be educated in order to pick the workout that is going to best suite you. Insanity is a high energy, explosive workout that has brought a lot of people great success with their body, but that just does not mean it is for everyone. It will help a lot more people, but there will be a select few that did not read this that the workout just proved to difficult for. If you really want to do the Insanity by Shaun T, but are in terrible shape, try a workout that is less intense and work your way up to insanity.

Do your homework.

When you are ready to make the commitment to try a workout DVD, make sure that you do your homework and pick what is going to be right for you mentally and physically. There are a lot of options to choose from so educate yourself and pick what is right for you.

Go for it.

Lastly, it is important that you are exercising. Exercise will make you more healthy, help you sleep better, reduce stress in your life and make you fit. Do not just sit around and hope to someday start working out. Take action now and start working out.

The Insanity Workout is Not For Everyone

Jake is a young man that loves fitness and exercise. He writes to inform people of the importance of the exercise to live a long and healthy life. Get more info on the Insanity Workout. Or check out another insane workout called the P90X.

The Most Effective Arm Flab Exercises

Shifting arm flab can take time and a great deal of effort, but the muscles of the arm can also be one of the easiest muscle groups in the body to tone and tighten, to help you get rid of that unwanted fat for good. While there is no doubt one of the most important ways of removing arm flab is through general good diet and exercise, there are also a number of specific arm flab exercises you can do to target those key muscles. But which arm flab exercises are most effective, and how should you start if you want to tone up that excess flab?

In order to tone up and reduce arm fat, exercises should be targeted at both the biceps and the triceps. By strengthening these key muscles, you can add definition to your arms and help convert excess arm fat into muscle for a firmer, slimmer appearance. As such, you should look to build both the biceps and triceps in equal measure to produce the most balanced, toned appearance.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

One of the most effective arm flab exercises you can do at home is the push up. Push ups are a great way to tone the muscles in your upper body, including the biceps. For those unable to complete a full push up, a half push up where you kneel while doing the push up can also help tone the muscles of the arm quickly and safely. Another highly effective arm flab exercise is the triceps dip, where the arms are placed on a ledge at the back of the body and the arms are then dipped for 10-20 reps, moving down to a complete bend in the elbow and back.

The Most Effective Arm Flab Exercises

You should look to complete a series of 10-20 push ups several days a week, as with all other arm exercises, for maximum effect. As you become more competent, you should look to increase the number of push ups you complete, or alternatively lift the legs to make for a more challenging push up.

The Most Effective Arm Flab Exercises

Next, start now with the perfect Fitness Model Program [] to bring your body in shape. There is no reason why you should not have the beautifully toned arms you desire. You just need to do the first step and pick your professional workout guide. All of the exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home.

More workout plans are available at

How To Work Lower Abs - 5 Exercise That Will Get You Started

If you've been working for any amount of time on your abs, there's a good chance, that you've looked at how to work your lower abs. The lower part of your abdominal can be worked as effectively as any other part of your body, as long as you do the right exercises to isolate them.

Here are 5 exercises you can take home that will do the trick!

\"Exercise Workouts\"

1. Captain's chair

How To Work Lower Abs - 5 Exercise That Will Get You Started

Stand up straight on the chair with your back pressed against the pad, grip the handhold, then contracts your abs and raise your legs while lifting your knees toward your chest.

While you do this, make sure you don't arch your back.

2. The bicycle abs exercise

Lie flat on the floor, put your hands beside your head and bring your knees up to a 45 degree angle more or less then start pedaling like if you were on a bicycle.

3. Reverse crunch

The best way to do this is to first lay your back on the floor and place your hands on the floor along your body. Then flex your knees and slowly raise them towards your head while crunching your abs. Make sure to put all the effort into your abs and not your head, sometime people seem to be forcing more with their head then with their abs.

4. Lying leg raisers

Again here you want to lie flat on your back, but this time you want to have your hands underneath your bottom so you have a better balance and support. Once installed, squeeze your abs and lift your legs straight up and lower them down without touching the floor. Hold it for 2 seconds and repeat it.

5. Side turns

Lie your back on the floor with your feet up in the air. It okay if your legs are straight or slightly bent, what's important is that both your arms must be extended on the side with your hands touching the floor. Once you're in that position, slowly start swinging your pelvis and legs on with your feet together on one side, and as soon as you feel that your hand is lifting and not touching the floor, swing back to the other side.

How To Work Lower Abs - 5 Exercise That Will Get You Started

Make sure you work your body parts properly and come find more about how to work lower abs [] by visiting []

Zumba Results

Is there any truth to claims that Zumba exercise can burn off 500 to 1000 calories after only an hour of work out? Well, in order to figure out if the Zumba results are true or not, one has to look at what happens in a typical class.

For starters, it utilizes a training method known as high intensity interval training which is said to be even nine times better than normal cardio that is done at a steady rate such as walking on the treadmill. In essence interval training will significantly reduce body fat up to three times more than regular cardio or aerobic workouts or classes.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

However, eating the correct foods and maintain a healthy diet will be more important than any workout. Keeping that in mind, the following tips will help you to keep off the weight and reshape the whole body with the Zumba exercise.

Zumba Results

- Eat six smaller meals every few hour to increase your metabolism to burn fat faster
- Drink about two to three liters of water daily (based on your output of calorie)
- Combine lean protein and complex carbohydrate
- Try not to skip meals
- Prepare your food to eat daily each morning or even the night before and this will help you to follow a healthier diet
- Substitute Tran's fats with the healthy fats like olive, flax oil, canola and nut butters
- Natural foods such as veggies and fresh fruits, whole grains, lean meat cuts will be best. Avoid refined and processed foods like sugar and white flour
- Avoid too much alcohol
- Eat healthy snacks such as fruits and almonds
- Practice to control your portion

These are some of tips that you can follow to get the best benefit from this dance workout program. To get the maximum Zumba results its best attend the dance class no less than three or four times weekly. This can practically guarantee that you will lose weight, reshape your entire body and boost your metabolism or calorie burning thermometer so that you can continue burning calories during the day.

In general, this dance and aerobic training offers a variety of benefits apart from weight loss. A few these benefits include more energy and endurance; better feeling of fulfillment and a natural high after exercising as well as offer a party and a fun atmosphere to help you feel better after attending an exercise class to get that break that others seek desperately from this workout. Before you know it, your body will undergo major changes to help you see the amazing Zumba results.

Zumba Results

To get the maximum Zumba Results its best attend the dance class no less than three or four times weekly.

Resistance Band Exercises to Flatten Your Stomach

The use of resistance bands for your stomach exercise routine can be of significant help to get the six pack you want, and to add up to that benefit, there are varied resistance band exercises to choose from. These resistance bands are made of different intensity levels, and this is determined by their color. (Green being the softest level and red the most difficult level). Anyone can start with a band appropriate to their fitness levels and work their way to more difficult ones.

Choosing a high intensity resistance band to start can easily lead to injury, so please avoid that and also before starting your routine consult with a professional to see if you can perform these type of exercises.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Twisting Roll-Back
- Sit on a flat surface - I suggest you use the floor for this resistance band exercise.
- Sit with legs bent and heels on the floor with your toes pointing to the sky.
- Loop the band around your feet, put one end in each hand and put your hands together.
- With a a rolling motion, lower your torso to the floor about 45 degrees. At the same time, twist to one side and spread your hands to the sides.
- Hold for about a second and slowly go back to the starting point of the exercise, reversing the movement and keeping control of your movements.
- Repeat for a set and work the opposite side.

Resistance Band Exercises to Flatten Your Stomach

One-Arm Band Pull
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Hold the band above your head 18 inches apart.
- With your left hand overhead, bring your right hand out and to the right, elbow bent at about a 90 degree angle.
- Hold your left arm still as you contract your abdominals and lower your right arm until your hand is in line with your chest.
- Hold for some seconds and return to the starting position, repeat an entire set and switch to the other hand.

Seated Crunch
- The seated crunch Works the mid-section of our bodies like the traditional crunch but without the strain on the neck and without lying on the floor. The resistance is provided by the bands.
- Sit on a chair with your back straight (preferably a chair with a straight back) and loop your band on the chair.
- Sit with your pressed on the floor and legs hip-size apart..
- Contract your abdominal, bend forward to a 45 degree angle.
- Repeat for an entire set.

Resistance Band Exercises to Flatten Your Stomach

Learn how to get the stomach you want with the best stomach exercises

While you are there be sure to join our newsletter for tips and more product reviews.

Eliminating Thigh Cellulite by Exercise

If you really want to eliminate cellulite from your thighs this summer then the only way you are going to achieve this is through exercise.

Many of you will be going to the gym and working out and seeing no results. You have been shown the exercises by your personal trainer and as far as you can see the problem are only getting worse.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

It's not your fault that you have been shown the wrong exercises and today I am going to share with you an exercise that can really help to get rid of that cottage cheese looking skin.

Eliminating Thigh Cellulite by Exercise

You need to strengthen and stretch the fibres between your muscles to build a solid platform to stop those fatty lumps pushing through and making your skin look bumpy, but you need a certain type of exercise.

You have probably been told to do leg extensions, bar squats and hamstring curls instead of synergistic muscle layer stimulation exercises. You probably know cellulite is simply body fat that has lost its grip between the muscles and the fibres and they are weak. This untrained tissues below our skin then causes the skin to pucker and we get those very unattractive lumps and bumps. Using synergistic muscle layer stimulation exercises will help to reattach and stretch the affected skin areas and this will results in an effective cellulite elimination treatment.

By working these muscles in a special way you will strengthen the fibres and those fatty deposits will no longer be able to push through resulting in smooth and toned skin.

So what sort of cellulite busting exercises are these?

One of the exercises is called a Bilateral Touch-Down

Firstly you need to be standing up for this.

• Take a step forward
• Lower your body until you feel comfortable
• Touch your hands on your shin just below your knee
• Then slowly pull yourself up back into the standing position
• Then walk forward again with the other leg and repeat
• Do 10 reps each side.

Make sure your knees don't go forward over your toes and keep your foot flat on the ground.

If you find this too easy then again walk forward but this time, try and touch the floor in front of your foot. As your legs get stronger you will be able to put your hands flat on the floor, but if you can just manage to touch the floor with your finger tips that fine.

Eliminating Thigh Cellulite by Exercise

Have a go see what you think. If you would like 2 more exercises to help you eliminate your cellulite on your thighs then have a look at We also have some videos for you to watch so you can see in great detail how they work. We would love you to visit Cellulite how to get rid and tell us how you got on.

Your Body is Your Temple--Treat it That Way

How many times in your life have you heard the statement, "your body is your temple?" It's one of those ideas that sneak into your consciousness and you don't know where you actually heard it.

Think about it for a moment. Do you believe that your body is your temple? Maybe it doesn't make sense to you at first. Let's see what the dictionary has to say about a "temple" and then you tell me.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

· a place dedicated to worship

Your Body is Your Temple--Treat it That Way

· having within it a divine presence

· a place reserved for a highly valued function

Let's take a look at them one by one.

Your body is a place that needs to be dedicated to worshiping itself.

If you don't worship your own body, who will? And what exactly does worshiping your body mean? Worshiping your body means taking care of it. Worshiping your body means doing what is best for it, not just on the outside but on the inside as well. Worshiping your body means nurturing it with proper nutrition, regular exercise and sufficient sleep. Worshiping your body means learning about it and listening to it. When your body is sick, it's letting you know that something is missing. It requires something that you are not giving it. I'm not talking about worship in terms of becoming obsessed with how you look. I'm talking about treating your body with respect, compassion and care.

Your body has within it a divine presence.

Doesn't it make sense that a divine presence resides within your body? You don't need to be religious to believe that we are all one with the universe. How else can we explain the miracle of our body. Just think for a moment about all the functions it performs without our even thinking about it. Our heart beats, our eyes blink, we breathe, we swallow, we digest--all with no conscious thought. We have countless hormones, enzymes, muscles, bones, organs, all working in perfect harmony. It is amazing, given how many of us treat our body, that it continues to work as well as it does. Who can possibly explain such an amazing machine without realizing that a power more powerful than we are dwells within us.

Your body is reserved for a highly valued function.

Wouldn't you agree that your body is reserved for a highly valued function? Without your body, you would have no vehicle to carry you through this life, no way to fulfill on what you see as your life's purpose, no way to do those things that are important to you. I suspect you can see that is a highly valued function. After all, what could be more important? Using your body to accomplish all those things you need to do every day. And, beyond that, being able to use your body to do everything you want to do. I'm going to get a little personal here. I've been in a position where my body was "sick" and I simply couldn't do many of the things I needed and wanted to do. It's no fun. Many of us take our body for granted. Unfortunately, it took a crisis for me to learn that lesson. Don't wait until you have a crisis in your life to begin to appreciate your body.

So, can we agree that your body really is your temple?

And, can we agree that, as your temple, your body deserves to be treated with the utmost respect and care?

Many of us tend to focus much of our attention on cutting, coloring and arranging our hair, keeping our nails impeccably polished and making sure our makeup is perfect. But what do we do about everything below our neck? How much time do we spend tending to those parts of us?

How many of us pay careful attention to the nutrition we feed our body? If you don't put the right kind of fuel in a car, it simply won't run. How many of us make sure that we are giving our body enough exercise to keep it in good working order. Here comes the car again! You might know that, if you don't drive a car but simply leave it parked in the garage, it won't run very well. You won't be able to depend on it when you need it. Well, our body is no different. We need to use it. The more we use it, the better it runs.

Since you're reading this, I'm betting you've already realized what you've been doing to destroy your "temple". Insufficient exercise, poor nutrition, inadequate rest, stress. And, if you've made it to this paragraph, I imagine you're very interested in repairing the damage and learning how to take good care of your body from now on. Let me be the first to encourage you to begin healthy nutrition and exercise practices right now. You will never make a better investment in yourself. Your temple will thrive on it.

Your Body is Your Temple--Treat it That Way

Marilyn is a successful exercise/nutrition trainer and coach who works with women who are 50+. Her website provides fitness information, fitness products, fitness services, fitness advice and on-line personal training that support mature women in being their shopping for a healthy body, a clear mind and a soaring spirit.

Lipotropic Injections - How Effective are Lipotropics Shots For Weight Loss - My Story

First, what exactly are lipotropics?

They are substances that help dissolve or break down fat so that it can removed from your body through your waste.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

How do lipotropic injections help you get rid of fat?

Lipotropic Injections - How Effective are Lipotropics Shots For Weight Loss - My Story

They stimulate the creation of lecithin in your liver. This helps to make the cholesterol in your body more liquid and this decreases cholesterol in your blood.

They thwart the buildup of fats in your liver. If your liver is fatty then your liver function will be slow moving and so will your metabolism.

They boost your immunity to illness through causing the production of antibodies that eat up viruses and infections.

Individual lipotropics such as choline, inositol and methionine help metabolize your fat, reduce liver fat and help protect your kidneys.

But let's get to the important question you might be wondering about..

Do lipotropics injections effectively help you lose weight?

I did an experiment because I wanted to boost my metabolism and lose some stubborn pounds.

I had read numerous positive testimonials from successful dieters who had used lipotropics to gain an edge in losing weight.

So I got started with the injections.

I followed a healthy diet where I simply restricted my calories - nothing fancy. I eat whatever I want as long as I stay within my caloric allotment for the day. I try to eat healthy food every day...but I don't always succeed. Overall I stick with my food plan and jot down everything I eat every day.

So after getting the shots for 6 weeks and following a healthy diet I lost quite a bit of weight.

We are talking a loss of over 15 pounds!

And these were those nagging pounds I could not get rid of before - you know, those last pounds that hang on like crazy glue to your body and don't want to let go.

Let me just say that I have dieted in the past and the difference with getting these injections was huge!

1 - I have more energy after I get a B12 and lipotropic injection.

I love the extra energy I get. It improves my mood and gives me the extra oomph I need to get my exercise workouts in several times a week.

2- I am seeing greater weight loss on the scale.

The steady weight loss encourages me to continue my healthy diet and stick with this plan. It is a huge boost of motivation having the extra help from the lipotropics in my weight loss battle.

Lipotropic Injections - How Effective are Lipotropics Shots For Weight Loss - My Story

Click below to read about a lady who really lost some weight with lipotropic injections. Her story is great!

Lipotropic injections

How effective lipotropic injections

Quick Slim Tips - Slimming Home Exercise Workouts

If you're searching for quick slim tips and ways to lose weight, read on. In this brief article, I'll be discussing several home workout routines that I have personally used over the past year to lose more than 50 pounds. Hopefully by the time you're finished reading this, you'll have some ideas that will be helpful in developing your own home exercise routine.

One of the best exercises for getting slim quick is cardio. Cardio workouts elevate your heart rate and literally melt unwanted fat. Running, brisk walks, and jumping jacks are all excellent for this.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Another great slimming exercise that you can do from home is weight resistance training. Now I know what you're thinking... weights and home gym equipment is expensive, not to mention the amount of space they take up. That's why I'm a firm believer in using your own body weight to train. Exercises such as push ups, pull ups, and sit ups all make use of your body's weight to build muscle and improve strength.

Quick Slim Tips - Slimming Home Exercise Workouts

Last but not least, yoga is an amazing way to get slim quick from home. Yoga doesn't require any fancy equipment other than a yoga mat and yoga blocks, and it provides a tremendous workout as well as improving your overall mental state. Yoga is also a great way to improve flexibility.

Hopefully this short article has given you some quick slim tips that you'll find useful. As I mentioned, all of these exercises are part of a home fitness program that I've used to lose a substantial amount of weight over the past few years. Have a clear plan of what you want to accomplish, set your goals, and then maintain your focus as you work towards them.

Quick Slim Tips - Slimming Home Exercise Workouts

Learn how to become slimmer with Slim Six and see my shocking weight loss pictures at today.

Cardio Exercise Weight Loss - Avoid Long and Slow Cardio Exercise Workouts If You Want to Lose Fat

If you are like the majority of people, who want to lose weight, then you are certainly confused with all the disinformation that so called fat loss "experts" are telling you. If those "experts" were really so smart then surely we would see much better results. But the truth is that most people fail to lose fat permanently because they get the wrong advice.

Why you should avoid long and slow cardio exercise workouts

\"Exercise Workouts\"

You may be really dedicated and be really focused when it comes to exercising and nutrition but if you are doing the wrong things then no matter how hard you try, you still will not achieve your goals. A lot of people are doing long and slow cardio exercises like walking or jogging all the time, but in reality this exercise method is one of the worst ways to lose fat.

Cardio Exercise Weight Loss - Avoid Long and Slow Cardio Exercise Workouts If You Want to Lose Fat

A typical fat losing workout that people do in the gym, is about 30 minutes long and every minute seems like torture. This is also the reason why people give up so quickly. It is not a fun way to lose fat and if the results are not the same as the effort you put in then why even bother, right?

The reason why excessive cardio is not the best option is that, most overweight people are predispose to muscle and joint injuries. Because their bodies are not used to this type of a activity, especially when the activity is repetitive. The last thing you want when you are overweigt and just starting to lose fat, is injuring yourself. And cardio also burns fat only during the exercise not after the exercise.

To lose fat quickly and effectively you first have to speed up your metabolism. Your metabolism is like a furnace that keeps burning calories, the slower it is, the less calories you burn. So the key is to speed it up, so you are constantly burning calories at a very high rate.

Weight training is the only type of exercise that does that. If you are not doing weight training, then you will never get the results you want. When you are on a low calorie diet plan and if you are doing excessive cardio then you lose muscle. So the less muscle you have the slower your metabolism is. So the key to fat loss, is not long and slow cardio exercise workouts, but weight training. When you are doing cardio then make them a bit shorter, 20-25 minutes, and more intense.

Cardio Exercise Weight Loss - Avoid Long and Slow Cardio Exercise Workouts If You Want to Lose Fat

Do you want to find out what are the top 5 fat loss programs that are guaranteed to work? Are you tired of all the junk diets and fat loss products that never ever work? If so, then CLICK HERE []

How Often Should You Do Ab Exercise Workouts?

Developing killer abs is one of the most universally desired fitness goals. Regardless whether you want huge muscles, toned muscles, or better fitness overall, you likely want to develop your abdominals. Maybe a six pack isn't your end-goal; but you likely want a tighter mid-section.

I fall in the six pack camp. Fortunately, I've been working out my abs for many years, so my abs are well-developed. Even if I have some extra fat, they show up decently.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Developing abdominal strength is more than just about looking good
Having strong abs (or a strong core as some people refer to it) is not only attractive, it's healthy and good for your spine. It helps with your posture, which in turn is good for your back.

How Often Should You Do Ab Exercise Workouts?

Moreover, if you've set six pack abs as a goal, it's a great motivator for sticking to your diet. It's a very concrete and visual motivator.

So, how often should you work out your abs?
You can certainly work them out more than once per week. Some people do abs every day they work out (i.e. 4 to 6 times per week). In my view, that's a little too often. Instead, I do 2 to 3 ab workouts each week, but I make those workouts count. In other words, I pound my abs really well.

Therefore, 1 to 3 times per week is good.

Designing Ab Workouts
Ab workouts should be balanced. By balanced, I'm referring to targeting upper, lower and side abs. Admittedly, I hit my upper and lower abs more than my side abs... but I do incorporate side ab exercises.

My favorite ab exercises (but the most difficult usually) are those that work out both upper and lower abs at the same time. Examples of these exercises are:

  • V-Crunches (a.k.a. Jack Knives)
  • Scissor Swings
  • Ab Wheel
  • Log Rolls (with exercise/stability ball)
  • Bicycle Crunches

Any ab exercise where you crunch or move together your lower and upper body at the same time.

How many exercises, sets and reps should ab workouts be?

I tend to do higher rep counts for my ab sets than other weight lifting exercises. I usually shoot for 8 to 20 reps, depending on the exercise. If, for example, I can do 40 to 50 reps of a particular exercise (such as a crunch), I add a difficulty factor to it such as decline crunches or V-crunches. Another way to make a particular exercise more difficult is to superset it. For example, I may do Scissor swings first, followed by basic ab crunches.

Exercises & Sets

I like doing a variety of ab exercises in any ab workout. I'll incorporate at least 4 exercises during an ab workout. For each exercise I'll do 2 sets. Sometimes I superset my ab exercises, which means I'll do two or three ab exercises back-to-back with no rest in between.

I go by feel

Generally, my ab workouts vary every time with respect to exercise order, rep count, superset arrangement and duration (i.e. number of sets). I really go by feel. I know when my abs are done and that's when I stop. I'm not nearly as regimented with my ab workouts as I am with resistance training of my other body parts.

Generally, my ab routine will last 10 to 20 minutes. I take very little rest during the routine.

Another type of ab workout is...
Yoga core workouts. I've done yoga classes with a focus on core that absolutely blew my mind. I couldn't do it all, and I've been working out my abs for years. Yoga core work can be incredibly intense. If you want to do some serious abdominal development, try a yoga routine that focuses on working out your core. It will blow your mind (and you'll get in some stretching as well).

What about incorporating resistance in an ab workout?

Adding a resistance element to your ab workout is excellent. You can use the ab machine, Ab Coaster, wrist/ankle weights, medicine balls, weight plates... you name it, to seriously increase intensity. This can supercharge your ab development.

Ab exercises are for everyone
Even the yoga crowd is into ab exercises. Regardless of your fitness goals, ab exercises should form a part of your fitness regimen.

How Often Should You Do Ab Exercise Workouts?

Next, click here for 12 free intense abdominal workouts.

4 Week Exercise Workout For Obese People

Before you start preparing to lose weight, you have to take into account of your fitness levels. If you are obese then first things you need to do is clean up your diets and start spending more time on activities.

1. Starting Diet :

\"Exercise Workouts\"

I have personally tested many diets. Atkins, south beach etc but one thing is for sure, if you use a simple low carb approach you'll lose fat. But I don't recommend low carb like other trainers because if you spend too much time with this diet, you'll hamper your metabolism.

4 Week Exercise Workout For Obese People

2. 4 week Workout routines

Do you really think same old workout will work?

Obese people need to get stronger & use resistance training to build muscle so they can do cardio type events. Building muscles will boost your metabolism and help you burn more fat. Here's more realistic plan :

Week 1 : 40 minutes of fast walking every day

Week 2 : 40 Minutes of Fast walking for 4 days

2 Day bodyweight workout : Lunges, Squat, push up (do as many reps/sets you can)

Week 3 : 40 minutes of Walking for 3 days

2 Day bodyweight workout : lunges, squat, push-ups, step up (on 15 inch platform). Do as many as you can.

1 Day sprint training (or 1 day beach training) : You'll start running (or sprinting) 100 m as many times as you want. If you don't have beach, you can try Hill running.

Week 4 : 40 minutes of walk X 3 days

3 day sprint training on beach/hill : 100 m sprints as many as you want.

This is not a complicated program at all. But this will help you get back in exercise shape in 4 weeks before we can really go for some of my power programs.

This is very moderated workout for you for next 4 weeks, I'll add more weeks if you want. Or additionally you can just email me for more ideas.

4 Week Exercise Workout For Obese People

Are you following this special low carb diet for fast weight loss Results? Varun Pratap publishes a daily fitness blog sharing his special 10 minute workouts and methods to help people lose weight.

Exercise Workouts - Important Facts You Need to Know

Exercise workouts are one of the most important things that a person can do for themselves. It is a known fact that more than a half of the population in the United States is overweight, and from the remaining amount, at least one third of them are obese. These numbers are staggering, which is why so many companies are trying to make money from people that are overweight. However, don't fall for the gimmicks, and don't fall for the costly gym memberships either. Do it all for yourself, because you will feel better once you have achieved your goal with your own exercise workouts.

If you are overweight you may feel a bit embarrassed to go to the gym, which is why home exercise workouts will be better for you. There are many of these workouts available online - some you have to pay for, and others you should just find floating around that are free to use. You have to remember that many of these workouts may not work if you do not use them correctly. This is why it is important for you to have a workout routine. If you are trying to lose a lot of weight, always try to add some cardio into your routine, although some weight training is a must, as this will help with your strengthening.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

All in all, if you have good home exercise workouts you will see great results in no time, but you also have to remember that you must eat well too. Working out at home is a great way to start up your metabolism, but you have to keep it going all through the day, and the only way to do this is by eating a balanced diet, with good foods. For this, you can start by looking at the food pyramid.

Exercise Workouts - Important Facts You Need to Know
Exercise Workouts - Important Facts You Need to Know

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Kettlebell Exercise Workouts the How and Why

Kettlebell exercise workouts You want me to exercise with that! It's a bowling ball with a handle on it.

Yeah it is but it's also one of if not the most efficient piece of equipment for weight loss, fat burning, gaining lean muscle and flexibility. The problem with kettlebells is most women seem to be somewhat intimidated by them. Perhaps it's because when most women and men see a kettlebell they have a picture of old time strongmen lifting and bending weird objects.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

It's the pilates syndrome women have been told that their key to weight loss and fitness is endless aerobic classes and lifting very light weights for endless repetitions. This is precisely the opposite of what you want to do if you want to lose weight, get stronger and be more fit! You need heavy weights, low reps, and in the case of kettlebell training, the cardio aspect is built in.

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts the How and Why

What sets kettlebell exercises apart from other forms of training is that they involve the whole body the body, arms, legs, hips, torso work as a unit. Movements such as the swing, snatch, clean-and-press, front squat, overhead squat and many others strengthen and tone the whole body. The real value with kettlebells is derived from doing high repetition ballistic work such as: snatches, swings, cleans, and jerks. In addition, to giving your incredible muscular endurance, any excess fat that you have will melt off faster than you can imagine. In addition, kettlebell exercises such as: the Turkish get-up, bent presses, and windmills, will make your midsection hard as a rock.

With kettlebell exercises you are able to get your heart rate up, more than any machine in a fancy gym, while strengthening and sculpting your entire body. Kettlebell training is ideal if you're after a sleeker and firmer body.

One-Arm Kettlebell Swing - Perhaps the Single Best Exercise There Is.
Place one kettlebell between your feet. Push back with your butt and bend your knees to get into the starting position. Make sure that your back is flat and look straight ahead. Swing the kettlebell between your legs forcefully as if you are passing a football to someone behind you. Quickly reverse the direction and drive though with your hips explosively taking the kettlebell straight out. Let the kettlebell swing back between your legs and repeat. Switch arms with each set. Remember that the swing is primarily a hamstring exercise and that is where all of the power is generated from. It is not a front raise.

Workout sessions can be effective anywhere between 10 and 40 minutes. Efficiency is everything with being a mom, since time is so limited. Being able to do 1 single work out session in such a short amount of time that targets all of your fitness goals, is enough of a reason to start using a kettlebell. You can sneak 10-20 minutes before your kids wake up, during their nap, or right after they go to bed. No excuses not to give yourself that small amount of time!

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts the How and Why

Combining the kettlebell swing with an overhed kettlebell press can give you a total body workout with only two exercises.

The average woman should start with an 18 pound kettlebell.

If you are truly interested in weight loss and fat loss, being more energetic, upping your cardio fitness higher than you thought possible you should give Kettlebells a try.

Fitness Exercise Workouts - Simple Guidelines For Success

We all, at onetime or another, make a promise to get in shape, stay in shape and feel good about ourselves. But the truth is, more often than not, working out and fitness exercising turns out to be a drag. It shouldn't and doesn't have to be that way when it can be challenging, exciting and interesting. When was the last time you were done your workout and you felt like you accomplished something - not just happy to be done! If you have trouble with the answer to that question the culprits are most likely inconsistency and boredom, two of the biggest factors and reasons why people don't reach their fitness potential.

Have you ever watched people come in the gym and do the same routine day in and day out, the same fitness exercises in the same order over and over and over again? You probably don't see them for long because boredom sets in and unfortunately they aren't seeing any fitness success, despite their hard work. So how do we fix that, you know what they say about variety. Over the years I've learned a lot from my clients, and number 1 on the list is the more I vary their workouts the more they enjoy it, the better they feel and the quicker they see success. The focus and goal remains the same but their workouts always have something new in them; challenging them both physically and mentally. It is really quite simple to vary your workout! Try using a stability ball instead of an exercise bench, if you do your back exercises with a high cable use a low cable, if you usually work on machines try dumbbells or barbells. Finally, one of my favorite ways to vary workouts is to do the exercises in the reverse order. Believe me, for the effort you put in to varying your workouts and challenging yourself, the rewards come back many times over. Variety is the spice of life and truly of exercising too!

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Another important thing you can do to achieve your fitness success is to be consistent in working out. Consistency, by the way, comes in 2 parts. First and most obviously is in scheduling. It is a good idea to realistically assess how much time you can dedicate to your fitness goals - then schedule it in your day planner - in Pen! Think of it as a non negotiable event; be as consistent as you can with days of the week and times of day. Since you're going to spice up your routines, no more boredom remember, your regular workout schedule can become a treasured part of your week. Part two in consistency involves the exercise specifics for your goal. In order to achieve fitness success, you need to consistently follow the appropriate protocols including the number of reps, sets and rest time for your specific personal goal. An example of proper protocol would be if you want to loss weight, be consistent with 2 to 3 days per week of strength training and 5 to 6 days per week of cardio training. When you are strength training complete 1 to 3 sets of each exercise with 12 to 20 repetitions in each set and limit your rest time to 15 to 30 seconds in between sets.

Fitness Exercise Workouts - Simple Guidelines For Success

I've talked about variety and consistency in planning your exercise program which brings me to this last point. How do you combine different kinds of exercises into your workout routine. Specifically, exercise types like cardio, strength training and flexibility, Yoga or Pilates. Believe it or not there is actually a proper order, exercise protocol, for what type of exercise you should do 1st, 2nd or 3rd and that's because of the effect that the exercise types have on your body. Accepted protocol is as follows. After a warm up strength training comes first because you always want your body the freshest and strongest when lifting weights. Cardio should always follow strength training because it's tiring and wears you out. Last should be flexibility, Yoga or Pilates because they stretch out your muscles. Remember to always end your workouts with and an easy stretch routine and a cool down! Use as many different types of exercises as you can in your workouts, but remember the proper order so you get the best benefit! I hope this makes it easier to achieve fitness success from all of the work you put into your workouts.

Fitness Exercise Workouts - Simple Guidelines For Success

For more information and guidance about health and fitness issues, visit Tanya specializes in helping people achieve optimal health with a highly individualized approach to fitness exercise. Tanya Stroh is a nationally certified personal trainer and founder and creator of Tanya Stroh Training solutions, your online Personal Trainer. With over 500 unique exercises, and counting, our proprietary software, TS Trax, creates a fitness exercise plan specifically for your goals, your level of fitness, at home or at the gym with the equipment you have and like to use. With Tanya Stroh training Solutions you can stop guessing about how to achieve your fitness goals and enjoy faster results with no plateau. Be fit, be healthy, and be happy with

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts - How the Busy Woman Stays Fit

Doing kettlebell workouts are a total body conditioning workout done with a very simple and cost effective tool. In case you didn't know a kettlebell looks like a bowling ball with a handle attached to it.

Kettlebell workouts go back many years. The russians are most known for using kettlebells in all of their training  in the 1940s, kettlebell lifting became the countries  national sport. Whether you're trying to build or tone muscle, increase your metabolism, or burn fat, you should generally incorporate a cardio routine with some form of strength training.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Kettlebells use the whole body as a unit. One movement (swing, clean and press, snatch) engages many muscles (legs, core, upper body), as a results many calories are used up. In short period of time it is possible to burn hundreds of calories. Kettlebell training can be time efficient, incredibly intense and effective (and fun) workout yes I did say fun.

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts - How the Busy Woman Stays Fit

How do women benefit from kettlebell training?

  • Fat Loss (kettlebells provide intense fat burning workouts)
  • Strong bones and joints (load-bearing workouts)
  • Strength without bulk
  • Endurance and stamina of marathon runners (without the running)
  • Muscle balance and function (promotes proper body mechanics)
  • Confidence to handle anything that life throws your way

 Kettlebell training allows for superior strength gains without adding big muscle size gains.. Yes, you can have strong lean body and look like a woman. Kettlebells can help.

One or two kettlebells are all that you need. You can train at home, or go to outdoors and get some fresh air. Kettlebell training is a form of training that will not only improve the appearance of your physique, it will give you strength and mental toughness that you did not know was even possible.

Kettlebell exercise workouts provide an intense full-body workout in an incredibly short period of time.  Most workouts finish in less than 30 minutes and leave you drenched with sweat and gasping for air. Most traditional personal "trainers" recommend lengthy cardio and resistance sessions for up to 6 to 8 hours a week. A week's worth of kettlebell workouts equal only a fraction of that and you get much better results. 

If you are a woman that want's to lose weight and tighten up your glutes, quads,abs and arms use on a regular basis kettlebell exercise workouts featuring kettlebell ballistic exercises with some low rep kettlebell strength exercises and you are all set.

Kettlebell Exercise Workouts - How the Busy Woman Stays Fit

The Kettlebell Swing is exactly what it sounds like your swinging a kettlebell from between your legs up to chest height. The kettlebell swing may be the single most effective exercise you can do for total body conditioning Read on

Exercise Workouts - Exercise Program For Getting Toned Arms

Many people start up exercise workouts every day that are targeted at getting rid of that 'under arm jiggle'. For you, the problem may not be underarm jiggle, but rather that you just don't have the muscle definition and tone that you would like with your arms.

Regardless of what your particular situation is, many mistakes are made when this it he exercise goal. Most people will end up going into the gym and start performing bicep curls, thinking that this will help give them shapely arm muscles that they can show off in sleeveless shirts. While bicep curls are definitely beneficial as part of an exercise program, they aren't necessarily the best way to go about doing things.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Here are three big factors you need to keep in mind.

Exercise Workouts - Exercise Program For Getting Toned Arms

1. Your Overall Body Fat Percentage

The first thing you must think about is what you're overall body fat percentage is. If you are at a high level, it's not going to matter how large your muscles are, you will simply not see the results you're looking for.

Muscle definition is a level of body fat levels, therefore step one is getting on a good weight loss program to help get rid of this excess fat. That should be your number one exercise priority if this is a factor for you.

If you are already within a good body fat range, then it could be a lack of muscle development that you need to focus on instead.

2. Targeted Weight Training Exercises

Next up is the need to focus on the correct weight training exercises that will deliver you the best results.

As mentioned, bicep curls seem to be the primary choice here - which isn't so great. Truth be told, if you actually look at the volume of muscle mass in the arms, the greatest portion of muscle comes from the triceps, therefore it's actually these that you should be working on the most.

Plus, the triceps are usually where that under arm jiggle originates, thus it's a good place to start.

The biceps will help to form that 'peak' in the arm, which is very attractive as well, but generally speaking, the biceps don't need to be trained to nearly the extent they often are.

You would be better off focusing more of your training on exercises such as tricep kickbacks, overhead extensions, rope pull-downs, and triangle push-ups (which target the triceps more).

Also keep in mind that the bench press will also hit the triceps, as will the shoulder press so these should definitely be included as well.

3. Cardio Selection

As part of the weight loss program to bring down your body fat percentage, there's a good chance you'll be including some cardio training.

It's going to be a good idea to try and perform cardio that also works the arms as well, over cardio that is strictly targeting the legs.

So, for example, rather than using the treadmill, use the elliptical. Or, rather than biking, consider rowing. Skipping and swimming are also good exercises that will work the arms as well. Whatever you do choose, be sure you using proper form also, as many people will 'cheat' with the workout - particularly when using the elliptical.

So, if your exercise goals include improving the way your arms look, keep these three points in mind.

Exercise Workouts - Exercise Program For Getting Toned Arms

Get a FREE fat loss report [] and learn more about how you can end to your battle with weight loss permanently.

Shannon Clark is a certified personal trainer, fitness writer, and co-author. She specializes in helping those looking to make dramatic changes in their body reach their goals. View more information here.

Workout Routines

Everybody has become increasingly conscious of the way they look today. There is a strong desire to have a perfect body. A good body is the result of eating the right food and exercise. Fitness is based on the formula of 'Eat well, sleep well and exercise'. However, it should be remembered that a good body alone does not mean fitness. Fitness refers to the fitness of body and mind. Fitness can be achieved by following a good workout routine.

A good workout helps to keep excess weight at bay. They help in increasing energy and stamina to sustain the stress and pressures of everyday life. Workouts help in preventing diseases and physical ailments. They help in the functioning of body muscles and organs at optimum levels. It is advisable to design a workout routine with the help of a fitness expert. Ideally, it is beneficial to workout daily at least for an hour. However, beginners may proceed with fewer exercises. It is better to start slowly than give up immediately. Exercising is a commitment for a lifetime. It is recommended for beginners to begin at the gym under the supervision of fitness experts.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Prior to a workout, warm-up exercises and stretching exercises are a must. The exercises must be performed very slowly and smoothly. It is better to start with relatively simpler exercises and then gradually move on to more difficult ones. Fifteen to twenty minutes should be devoted to cardiovascular exercises. A good exercise routine must include workouts for various muscles of the body. A lot of people choose walking, jogging or swimming as a form of physical exercise.

Workout Routines

A good workout routine must essentially include a good diet. A healthy and nutritious diet goes a long way in maintaining good health. A good workout program also helps in developing a positive frame of mind. Boxing, Martial Arts, Tai chi and Yoga are supposed to provide an outlet for feelings of frustration and anger.

Workout Routines

Workout provides detailed information on Workout, Ab Workouts, Workout Routines, Workout Plans and more. Workout is affiliated with Weight Lifting Exercises [].