Workout Charts

Fighting fat or building up muscles involves more than eating the right kinds of food or the proper amount of exercise. It requires a scientific approach at tracking your progress. To do this effectively, you will need to keep workout charts.

Workout charts are simply that, charts that track down how many hours of exercise your are getting in a given day, week or month. A typical chart should contain dates as well as how long you spend doing warm up exercises. This should also include what technique you use to warm up.


These workout charts should also contain records on what type of exercise and how long it takes you to finish each complete set. These can range from sit ups, bench presses, crunches, push ups, abs repetitions and lunges.

It is important to take accurate note of the dates and times when making a workout charts. They help you by allowing you to see if you have been making any progress or improvements. It helps you see if a particular exercise is working for your body or not. It also shows you the different effects each regimen or workout has for you.

Workout charts should not be limited to historical data alone but they can be used to determine your future exercise regimens. This will allow you to establish an achievable goal over a longer period of time to allow you to reach your optimum weight level. The stages of each one should be clearly outlined, a corresponding increase in the frequency in exercise should also be documented or planned in this chart.

What is good exercise without a proper diet? Food charts and workout charts should go hand in hand. A workout chart allows you to track and plan your exercises while a good food chart allows your plan your diet. Remember, whether you are trying to loose weight or to gain additional pounds you have to eat the right kind and amounts of food at the right time. A food chart will help you do that. It should contain what kind of food whether it be meat, fish, vegetable or whole grain cereals you can consume in a day and more importantly at what time of the day.

Just like workout charts that plan what type of exercise you should do from warm ups to warm downs, a food chart will plan your food intake from breakfast to dinner time. There are certain kinds of food that are ideal for starting the day with like cereal and whole grain oats, while other foods are meant to be avoided especially during dinner time.

If you are seriously thinking about losing those bulges or building some muscle plan your workout charts and food charts first before hitting the gym. It is also best to consult with a fitness expert or dietician when doing so.

Workout Charts

Candis Reade is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about workout charts [], please visit Better Fitness and Health Today [] for current articles and discussions.

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