Best Exercises to Tone Abs Thighs and Arms

The best exercises to tone abs thighs and arms are called compound exercises because they work multiple muscle groups at the same time. These exercises have a couple of benefits when it comes to toning your body.

The first benefit is that they build muscle and the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn. This is because muscle weighs more than fat and the body must work harder, consequently, burning more fat. The other benefit these exercises bring to the table is that they cause your body to exert so much effort that it goes into a state of metabolic shock. This means that you will burn calories at a higher rate for days after you are exercising.


Compound exercises include things like the bench press, dead lifts, clean and jerks and others. For the purposes of toning the abs, thighs and arms I recommend the following.

The clean and jerk is going to work the legs as you lift the barbell off the floor and the arms as you move it to your chest. It is also going to work your abs as you raise the barbell over your head because your abs act as stabilizers.

Dead lifts are also great exercises to do. They will work hour hamstrings, lower back and abs as well as your forearms.

Squats are great to work your quadriceps and gluteus maximus. You are also working your abs because, as in the exercises above, the abs act as a stabilizer.

Best Exercises to Tone Abs Thighs and Arms

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