How to Get Ripped Biceps - Part 2


When you've fixed your diet and your eating habits, you will be ready for your main lessons on how to get ripped biceps. Adding both cardiovascular and strength-building exercises to your routine will improve your core muscle groups. Your body will be in a better condition to receive more intense training exercises, particularly the ones that will get you ripped.


Now here's the most important part of learning how to get ripped biceps... hydration. Once you've incorporated a good diet and a good workout plan, the next step is to maintain the condition of your body by continuously drinking water throughout the day. The food you consume will give you the nutrients you need.

Your metabolism should be relatively high by now because of the exercises and the meal frequency. The next step is getting those nutrients flowing through your body by replenishing the medium (your blood) with water. All the intense exercises will stress your muscles so you need to maintain them and nourish them with water.

When you're learning how to get ripped biceps, it's easy to go overboard. You need to know your limits and how far you will go in terms of exercise. Do you want really big muscles? Are you content with a bit of definition in your biceps area? Establish some boundaries and be realistic with your goals.

Getting Definition and Bulk

You want exercises that target the arms. Professionals that teach how to get ripped biceps recommend starting slow. Five-pound and ten-pound weights are ideal for this goal. This range of weights should stretch your muscles and develop a range of motion. Do 75 to 100 curls per arm broken into 4-5 sets to get your muscles used to weight training. Constantly increase the weight and lower the reps slightly to develop more definition and ultimately muscle mass.

Definition training has to coincide with fat burning. Muscles can develop underneath the fat on your arms, but your muscles won't be readily obvious as long as the layer of fat is there. Don't lose your patience and remember that your routines, exercises as well as the high intensity ones you do for bulk training can also help with fat loss.

Get Professional Advice

If you feel that doing it yourself isn't enough, get help. Solid advice on how to get ripped biceps will prevent you from permanently damaging your muscle groups through improper weight training and exercise. When talking to a professional, make sure you tell him that you want to learn how to get ripped biceps so that you can continue your training even when you're out of the gym.

Usually, a full-body approach with attention to the biceps is recommended. More often than not, a trainer or professionally designed program will recommend going for the "burn", which is the point when your body releases lactic acid during a workout. During this phase of an exercise, you're reaching your limit and you're producing more human growth hormones, which play a huge role in growing your muscles.

How to Get Ripped Biceps - Part 2

I hope that this article has given you a little more knowledge to help better your overall health and well being. It is extremely vital that you understand the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and fitness level. If you enjoyed this article, you may also like How To Lose Weight Quick and Get Rid Of Love Handles

(c) Copyright - Jack Brunsen. All rights Reserved Worldwide.

"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." ~Edward Stanley

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