A List of Effective Ab Exercise Workouts

In order for you to get those abs worth showing off you need to know what ab exercise workouts are the best. This article will give you some classic workouts and some contemporary workouts. There are so many kinds of workouts to choose from. But those described in this article will give you the results you want. Follow the list of exercises below.

If you want life-changing results fast, you must make sure you aren't doing anything to delay those results. Let's move on to the abdominal muscle exercises.

\"Exercise Workouts\"

Crunches are at the top of the list of ab exercise workouts. They are known to be one of the best exercises for your abs. Make sure you do the movement correctly so it can be fully effective.

A List of Effective Ab Exercise Workouts

As soon as you are finished crunching, roll into a plank. Push yourself into a push up stance. Hold that stance for 60-90 seconds being sure to keep your back flat and straight. Doing this exercise will give you great results. Don't lift your back very high or the exercise will be less effective.

Then there is the Captain's Chair for ab exercise workouts. You can find this piece of equipment at a gym or make one at home. Use your arms to hold your body in the chair and let your legs hang down. Lift your knees to your chest. This is a very effective maneuver. If you want to do this at home, use a bench to balance your body. Your feet must be off the ground and you must lean back. Extend your legs out and pull your knees towards your chest. To get a contemporary workout, use the exercises above. Add some movements you like.

Let's begin the list of newest ab exercise workouts with the mountain climber. It is important to note that if you keep your heart rate up throughout the workout, you will burn calories faster. Starting in a push up stance, begin moving your feet like you're climbing a mountain. Keeping your hands still, move your feet under your hips one at a time. Doing this quickly gives you a 'sprinting up a hill' effect.

Now get in a flipped plank position with your hands under your back. Body straight, lift your shoulders and feet simultaneously about 6-12 inches apart. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

Then there is the bicycle maneuver, which completes our ab exercise workouts list. Get in sit up position. Hands behind your head, lift your feet off the ground. Move your feet in circles as if you are peddling a bike. Move your arms from side to side, opposite legs and arms slightly touching. Do this for 30-60 seconds.

These exercises will workout both upper and lower abs, when done correctly. Make sure you aren't doing anything to slow the results of having beautiful abs. Watch your diet and don't cut everything out. Stay away from certain things like saturated fats, cling to fruit and water.

Do not strain your back when exercising. You shouldn't have pain from injury, only from working out. Start with an easy workout and build it up as time goes on and as your muscles are trained.

As you follow through these ab exercise workouts you will start to feel better about yourself. You should expect results within the first month. Don't expect much for it will take consistency and time.

A List of Effective Ab Exercise Workouts

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Ben Agel is an freelance Expert Author and a health enthusiast who understands how you feel. Looking for the best Ab Exercise Workouts that get results, Ben Agel did the research and came up with some effective methods to get flat, sexy abs at home that anyone can Do.

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